Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. <b>Note:</b> These are NOT official API docs; those are found <a href='https://doc.qt.io/'>here</a>.
No Matches
QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial Class Reference

#include <qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial:
+ Collaboration diagram for QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial:

Public Types

enum  Lighting { NoLighting = 0 , FragmentLighting }
enum  BlendMode { SourceOver = 0 , Screen , Multiply }
enum  AlphaMode { Default = 0 , Mask , Blend , Opaque }
enum  VertexColorMask {
  NoMask = QQuick3DMaterial::NoMask , RoughnessMask = QQuick3DMaterial::RoughnessMask , NormalStrengthMask = QQuick3DMaterial::NormalStrengthMask , SpecularAmountMask = QQuick3DMaterial::SpecularAmountMask ,
  ClearcoatAmountMask = QQuick3DMaterial::ClearcoatAmountMask , ClearcoatRoughnessAmountMask = QQuick3DMaterial::ClearcoatRoughnessAmountMask , ClearcoatNormalStrengthMask = QQuick3DMaterial::ClearcoatNormalStrengthMask , HeightAmountMask = QQuick3DMaterial::HeightAmountMask ,
  MetalnessMask = QQuick3DMaterial::MetalnessMask , OcclusionAmountMask = QQuick3DMaterial::OcclusionAmountMask , ThicknessFactorMask = QQuick3DMaterial::ThicknessFactorMask , TransmissionFactorMask = QQuick3DMaterial::TransmissionFactorMask
- Public Types inherited from QQuick3DMaterial
enum  CullMode { BackFaceCulling = 1 , FrontFaceCulling = 2 , NoCulling = 3 }
enum  TextureChannelMapping { R = 0 , G , B , A }
enum  DepthDrawMode { OpaqueOnlyDepthDraw = 0 , AlwaysDepthDraw , NeverDepthDraw , OpaquePrePassDepthDraw }
enum  VertexColorMask {
  NoMask = 0 , RoughnessMask = 1 , NormalStrengthMask = 2 , SpecularAmountMask = 4 ,
  ClearcoatAmountMask = 8 , ClearcoatRoughnessAmountMask = 16 , ClearcoatNormalStrengthMask = 32 , HeightAmountMask = 64 ,
  MetalnessMask = 128 , OcclusionAmountMask = 256 , ThicknessFactorMask = 512 , TransmissionFactorMask = 1024

Public Slots

void setLighting (QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Lighting lighting)
void setBlendMode (QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::BlendMode blendMode)
void setBaseColor (QColor baseColor)
void setBaseColorMap (QQuick3DTexture *baseColorMap)
void setBaseColorSingleChannelEnabled (bool baseColorSingleChannelEnabled)
void setBaseColorChannel (QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)
void setSpecularSingleChannelEnabled (bool specularSingleChannelEnabled)
void setSpecularChannel (QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)
void setEmissiveSingleChannelEnabled (bool emissiveSingleChannelEnabled)
void setEmissiveChannel (QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)
void setEmissiveMap (QQuick3DTexture *emissiveMap)
void setEmissiveFactor (QVector3D emissiveFactor)
void setSpecularReflectionMap (QQuick3DTexture *specularReflectionMap)
void setSpecularMap (QQuick3DTexture *specularMap)
void setSpecularTint (float specularTint)
void setSpecularAmount (float specularAmount)
void setRoughness (float roughness)
void setRoughnessMap (QQuick3DTexture *roughnessMap)
void setInvertOpacityMapValue (bool invertOpacityMapValue)
void setOpacity (float opacity)
void setOpacityMap (QQuick3DTexture *opacityMap)
void setNormalMap (QQuick3DTexture *normalMap)
void setMetalness (float metalnessAmount)
void setMetalnessMap (QQuick3DTexture *metalnessMap)
void setNormalStrength (float normalStrength)
void setOcclusionMap (QQuick3DTexture *occlusionMap)
void setOcclusionAmount (float occlusionAmount)
void setAlphaMode (QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::AlphaMode alphaMode)
void setAlphaCutoff (float alphaCutoff)
void setMetalnessChannel (QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)
void setRoughnessChannel (QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)
void setOpacityChannel (QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)
void setOcclusionChannel (QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)
void setPointSize (float size)
void setLineWidth (float width)
 Q_REVISION (6, 2) void setHeightMap(QQuick3DTexture *heightMap)
Q_REVISION(6, 2) void setHeightChannel(QQuick3DMaterial Q_REVISION (6, 2) void setHeightAmount(float heightAmount)
 Q_REVISION (6, 2) void setMinHeightMapSamples(int samples)
 Q_REVISION (6, 2) void setMaxHeightMapSamples(int samples)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void setClearcoatAmount(float new ClearcoatAmount)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void setClearcoatMap(QQuick3DTexture *newClearcoatMap)
Q_REVISION(6, 3) void setClearcoatChannel(QQuick3DMaterial Q_REVISION (6, 3) void setClearcoatRoughnessAmount(float new ClearcoatRoughnessAmount)
Q_REVISION(6, 3) void setClearcoatRoughnessChannel(QQuick3DMaterial Q_REVISION (6, 3) void setClearcoatRoughnessMap(QQuick3DTexture *newClearcoatRoughnessMap)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void setClearcoatNormalMap(QQuick3DTexture *newClearcoatNormalMap)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void setClearcoatNormalStrength(float clearcoatNormalStrength)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void setTransmissionFactor(float new TransmissionFactor)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void setTransmissionMap(QQuick3DTexture *newTransmissionMap)
Q_REVISION(6, 3) void setTransmissionChannel(QQuick3DMaterial Q_REVISION (6, 3) void setThicknessFactor(float new ThicknessFactor)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void setThicknessMap(QQuick3DTexture *newThicknessMap)
Q_REVISION(6, 3) void setThicknessChannel(const QQuick3DMaterial Q_REVISION (6, 3) void setAttenuationDistance(float new AttenuationDistance)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void setAttenuationColor(const QColor &newAttenuationColor)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void setIndexOfRefraction(float indexOfRefraction)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void setFresnelScaleBiasEnabled(bool fresnelScaleBias)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void setFresnelScale(float fresnelScale)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void setFresnelBias(float fresnelBias)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void setFresnelPower(float fresnelPower)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void setClearcoatFresnelScaleBiasEnabled(bool clearcoatFresnelScaleBias)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void setClearcoatFresnelScale(float clearcoatFresnelScale)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void setClearcoatFresnelBias(float clearcoatFresnelBias)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void setClearcoatFresnelPower(float clearcoatFresnelPower)
 Q_REVISION (6, 5) void setVertexColorsEnabled(bool vertexColorsEnabled)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void setVertexColorsMaskEnabled(bool vertexColorsMaskEnabled)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void setVertexColorRedMask(VertexColorMaskFlags vertexColorRedMask)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void setVertexColorGreenMask(VertexColorMaskFlags vertexColorGreenMask)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void setVertexColorBlueMask(VertexColorMaskFlags vertexColorBlueMask)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void setVertexColorAlphaMask(VertexColorMaskFlags vertexColorAlphaMask)
- Public Slots inherited from QQuick3DMaterial
void setLightProbe (QQuick3DTexture *lightProbe)
void setCullMode (QQuick3DMaterial::CullMode cullMode)
void setDepthDrawMode (QQuick3DMaterial::DepthDrawMode depthDrawMode)
- Public Slots inherited from QQuick3DObject
void update ()
void setParentItem (QQuick3DObject *parentItem)
- Public Slots inherited from QObject
void deleteLater ()


void lightingChanged (QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Lighting lighting)
void blendModeChanged (QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::BlendMode blendMode)
void baseColorChanged (QColor baseColor)
void baseColorMapChanged (QQuick3DTexture *baseColorMap)
void baseColorSingleChannelEnabledChanged (bool baseColorSingleChannelEnabled)
void baseColorChannelChanged (QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)
void specularSingleChannelEnabledChanged (bool specularColorSingleChannelEnabled)
void specularChannelChanged (QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)
void emissiveSingleChannelEnabledChanged (bool emissiveColorSingleChannelEnabled)
void emissiveChannelChanged (QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)
void emissiveMapChanged (QQuick3DTexture *emissiveMap)
void emissiveFactorChanged (QVector3D emissiveFactor)
void specularReflectionMapChanged (QQuick3DTexture *specularReflectionMap)
void specularMapChanged (QQuick3DTexture *specularMap)
void specularTintChanged (float specularTint)
void specularAmountChanged (float specularAmount)
void roughnessChanged (float roughness)
void roughnessMapChanged (QQuick3DTexture *roughnessMap)
void invertOpacityMapValueChanged (bool invertOpacityMapValue)
void opacityChanged (float opacity)
void opacityMapChanged (QQuick3DTexture *opacityMap)
void normalMapChanged (QQuick3DTexture *normalMap)
void metalnessChanged (float metalness)
void metalnessMapChanged (QQuick3DTexture *metalnessMap)
void normalStrengthChanged (float normalStrength)
void occlusionMapChanged (QQuick3DTexture *occlusionMap)
void occlusionAmountChanged (float occlusionAmount)
void alphaModeChanged (QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::AlphaMode alphaMode)
void alphaCutoffChanged (float alphaCutoff)
void metalnessChannelChanged (QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)
void roughnessChannelChanged (QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)
void opacityChannelChanged (QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)
void occlusionChannelChanged (QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)
void pointSizeChanged ()
void lineWidthChanged ()
 Q_REVISION (6, 2) void heightMapChanged(QQuick3DTexture *heightMap)
Q_REVISION(6, 2) void heightChannelChanged(QQuick3DMaterial Q_REVISION (6, 2) void heightAmountChanged(float heightAmount)
 Q_REVISION (6, 2) void minHeightMapSamplesChanged(int samples)
 Q_REVISION (6, 2) void maxHeightMapSamplesChanged(int samples)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void clearcoatAmountChanged(float amount)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void clearcoatMapChanged(QQuick3DTexture *texture)
Q_REVISION(6, 3) void clearcoatChannelChanged(QQuick3DMaterial Q_REVISION (6, 3) void clearcoatRoughnessAmountChanged(float amount)
Q_REVISION(6, 3) void clearcoatRoughnessChannelChanged(QQuick3DMaterial Q_REVISION (6, 3) void clearcoatRoughnessMapChanged(QQuick3DTexture *texture)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void clearcoatNormalMapChanged(QQuick3DTexture *texture)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void clearcoatNormalStrengthChanged(float clearcoatNormalStrength)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void transmissionFactorChanged(float amount)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void transmissionMapChanged(QQuick3DTexture *texture)
Q_REVISION(6, 3) void transmissionChannelChanged(QQuick3DMaterial Q_REVISION (6, 3) void thicknessFactorChanged(float amount)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void thicknessMapChanged(QQuick3DTexture *texture)
Q_REVISION(6, 3) void thicknessChannelChanged(QQuick3DMaterial Q_REVISION (6, 3) void attenuationDistanceChanged(float distance)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void attenuationColorChanged(QColor color)
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) void indexOfRefractionChanged(float indexOfRefraction)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void fresnelScaleBiasEnabledChanged(bool fresnelScaleBiasEnabled)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void fresnelScaleChanged(float fresnelScale)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void fresnelBiasChanged(float fresnelBias)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void fresnelPowerChanged(float fresnelPower)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void clearcoatFresnelScaleBiasEnabledChanged(bool clearcoatFresnelScaleBiasEnabled)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void clearcoatFresnelScaleChanged(float clearcoatFresnelScale)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void clearcoatFresnelBiasChanged(float clearcoatFresnelBias)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void clearcoatFresnelPowerChanged(float clearcoatFresnelPower)
 Q_REVISION (6, 5) void vertexColorsEnabledChanged(bool vertexColorsEnabled)
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void vertexColorsMaskEnabledChanged()
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void vertexColorRedMaskChanged()
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void vertexColorGreenMaskChanged()
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void vertexColorBlueMaskChanged()
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) void vertexColorAlphaMaskChanged()
- Signals inherited from QQuick3DMaterial
void lightProbeChanged (QQuick3DTexture *lightProbe)
void cullModeChanged (QQuick3DMaterial::CullMode cullMode)
void depthDrawModeChanged (QQuick3DMaterial::DepthDrawMode depthDrawMode)
- Signals inherited from QQuick3DObject
void parentChanged ()
void childrenChanged ()
void stateChanged ()
- Signals inherited from QObject
void destroyed (QObject *=nullptr)
 This signal is emitted immediately before the object obj is destroyed, after any instances of QPointer have been notified, and cannot be blocked.
void objectNameChanged (const QString &objectName, QPrivateSignal)
 This signal is emitted after the object's name has been changed.

Public Member Functions

 QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial (QQuick3DObject *parent=nullptr)
 \qmltype PrincipledMaterial \inherits Material \inqmlmodule QtQuick3D
 ~QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial () override
Lighting lighting () const
BlendMode blendMode () const
QColor baseColor () const
QQuick3DTexturebaseColorMap () const
bool baseColorSingleChannelEnabled () const
TextureChannelMapping baseColorChannel () const
bool specularSingleChannelEnabled () const
TextureChannelMapping specularChannel () const
bool emissiveSingleChannelEnabled () const
TextureChannelMapping emissiveChannel () const
QQuick3DTextureemissiveMap () const
QVector3D emissiveFactor () const
QQuick3DTexturespecularReflectionMap () const
QQuick3DTexturespecularMap () const
float specularTint () const
float specularAmount () const
float roughness () const
QQuick3DTextureroughnessMap () const
bool invertOpacityMapValue () const
float opacity () const
QQuick3DTextureopacityMap () const
QQuick3DTexturenormalMap () const
float metalness () const
QQuick3DTexturemetalnessMap () const
float normalStrength () const
QQuick3DTextureocclusionMap () const
float occlusionAmount () const
AlphaMode alphaMode () const
float alphaCutoff () const
TextureChannelMapping metalnessChannel () const
TextureChannelMapping roughnessChannel () const
TextureChannelMapping opacityChannel () const
TextureChannelMapping occlusionChannel () const
float pointSize () const
float lineWidth () const
 Q_REVISION (6, 2) QQuick3DTexture *heightMap() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 2) TextureChannelMapping heightChannel() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 2) float heightAmount() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 2) int minHeightMapSamples() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 2) int maxHeightMapSamples() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) float clearcoatAmount() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) QQuick3DTexture *clearcoatMap() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) TextureChannelMapping clearcoatChannel() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) float clearcoatRoughnessAmount() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) TextureChannelMapping clearcoatRoughnessChannel() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) QQuick3DTexture *clearcoatRoughnessMap() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) QQuick3DTexture *clearcoatNormalMap() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) float clearcoatNormalStrength() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) float transmissionFactor() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) QQuick3DTexture *transmissionMap() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) TextureChannelMapping transmissionChannel() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) float thicknessFactor() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) QQuick3DTexture *thicknessMap() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) const TextureChannelMapping &thicknessChannel() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) float attenuationDistance() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) const QColor &attenuationColor() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 3) float indexOfRefraction() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) bool fresnelScaleBiasEnabled() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) float fresnelScale() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) float fresnelBias() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) float fresnelPower() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) bool clearcoatFresnelScaleBiasEnabled() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) float clearcoatFresnelScale() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) float clearcoatFresnelBias() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) float clearcoatFresnelPower() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 5) bool vertexColorsEnabled() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) bool vertexColorsMaskEnabled() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) VertexColorMaskFlags vertexColorRedMask() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) VertexColorMaskFlags vertexColorGreenMask() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) VertexColorMaskFlags vertexColorBlueMask() const
 Q_REVISION (6, 8) VertexColorMaskFlags vertexColorAlphaMask() const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QQuick3DMaterial
 ~QQuick3DMaterial () override
QQuick3DTexturelightProbe () const
CullMode cullMode () const
DepthDrawMode depthDrawMode () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QObject
Q_INVOKABLE QObject (QObject *parent=nullptr)
 Constructs an object with parent object parent.
virtual ~QObject ()
 Destroys the object, deleting all its child objects.
virtual bool event (QEvent *event)
 This virtual function receives events to an object and should return true if the event e was recognized and processed.
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
 Filters events if this object has been installed as an event filter for the watched object.
QString objectName () const
Q_WEAK_OVERLOAD void setObjectName (const QString &name)
 Sets the object's name to name.
void setObjectName (QAnyStringView name)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QBindable< QStringbindableObjectName ()
bool isWidgetType () const
 Returns true if the object is a widget; otherwise returns false.
bool isWindowType () const
 Returns true if the object is a window; otherwise returns false.
bool isQuickItemType () const
 Returns true if the object is a QQuickItem; otherwise returns false.
bool signalsBlocked () const noexcept
 Returns true if signals are blocked; otherwise returns false.
bool blockSignals (bool b) noexcept
 If block is true, signals emitted by this object are blocked (i.e., emitting a signal will not invoke anything connected to it).
QThreadthread () const
 Returns the thread in which the object lives.
bool moveToThread (QThread *thread QT6_DECL_NEW_OVERLOAD_TAIL)
 Changes the thread affinity for this object and its children and returns true on success.
int startTimer (int interval, Qt::TimerType timerType=Qt::CoarseTimer)
 This is an overloaded function that will start a timer of type timerType and a timeout of interval milliseconds.
int startTimer (std::chrono::nanoseconds time, Qt::TimerType timerType=Qt::CoarseTimer)
void killTimer (int id)
 Kills the timer with timer identifier, id.
void killTimer (Qt::TimerId id)
template<typename T >
findChild (QAnyStringView aName, Qt::FindChildOptions options=Qt::FindChildrenRecursively) const
 Returns the child of this object that can be cast into type T and that is called name, or \nullptr if there is no such object.
template<typename T >
QList< T > findChildren (QAnyStringView aName, Qt::FindChildOptions options=Qt::FindChildrenRecursively) const
 Returns all children of this object with the given name that can be cast to type T, or an empty list if there are no such objects.
template<typename T >
findChild (Qt::FindChildOptions options=Qt::FindChildrenRecursively) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
template<typename T >
QList< T > findChildren (Qt::FindChildOptions options=Qt::FindChildrenRecursively) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
const QObjectListchildren () const
 Returns a list of child objects.
void setParent (QObject *parent)
 Makes the object a child of parent.
void installEventFilter (QObject *filterObj)
 Installs an event filter filterObj on this object.
void removeEventFilter (QObject *obj)
 Removes an event filter object obj from this object.
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection) const
bool disconnect (const char *signal=nullptr, const QObject *receiver=nullptr, const char *member=nullptr) const
bool disconnect (const QObject *receiver, const char *member=nullptr) const
void dumpObjectTree () const
 Dumps a tree of children to the debug output.
void dumpObjectInfo () const
 Dumps information about signal connections, etc.
bool setProperty (const char *name, const QVariant &value)
 Sets the value of the object's name property to value.
bool setProperty (const char *name, QVariant &&value)
QVariant property (const char *name) const
 Returns the value of the object's name property.
QList< QByteArraydynamicPropertyNames () const
QBindingStoragebindingStorage ()
const QBindingStoragebindingStorage () const
QObjectparent () const
 Returns a pointer to the parent object.
bool inherits (const char *classname) const
 Returns true if this object is an instance of a class that inherits className or a QObject subclass that inherits className; otherwise returns false.
- Public Member Functions inherited from QQmlParserStatus
 QQmlParserStatus ()
virtual ~QQmlParserStatus ()

Protected Member Functions

QSSGRenderGraphObjectupdateSpatialNode (QSSGRenderGraphObject *node) override
void markAllDirty () override
void itemChange (ItemChange, const ItemChangeData &) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QQuick3DMaterial
 QQuick3DMaterial (QQuick3DObjectPrivate &dd, QQuick3DObject *parent=nullptr)
 \qmltype Material \inherits Object3D \inqmlmodule QtQuick3D
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QQuick3DObject
 QQuick3DObject (QQuick3DObjectPrivate &dd, QQuick3DObject *parent=nullptr)
void classBegin () override
 Invoked after class creation, but before any properties have been set.
void componentComplete () override
 Invoked after the root component that caused this instantiation has completed construction.
bool isComponentComplete () const
virtual void preSync ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QObject
QObjectsender () const
 Returns a pointer to the object that sent the signal, if called in a slot activated by a signal; otherwise it returns \nullptr.
int senderSignalIndex () const
int receivers (const char *signal) const
 Returns the number of receivers connected to the signal.
bool isSignalConnected (const QMetaMethod &signal) const
virtual void timerEvent (QTimerEvent *event)
 This event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive timer events for the object.
virtual void childEvent (QChildEvent *event)
 This event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive child events.
virtual void customEvent (QEvent *event)
 This event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive custom events.
virtual void connectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
virtual void disconnectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
 QObject (QObjectPrivate &dd, QObject *parent=nullptr)


Lighting lighting
BlendMode blendMode
QColor baseColor
bool baseColorSingleChannelEnabled
QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping baseColorChannel
float metalness
QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping metalnessChannel
float specularAmount
float specularTint
bool specularSingleChannelEnabled
QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping specularChannel
float roughness
QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping roughnessChannel
QVector3D emissiveFactor
bool emissiveSingleChannelEnabled
QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping emissiveChannel
bool invertOpacityMapValue
float opacity
QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping opacityChannel
float normalStrength
QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping occlusionChannel
float occlusionAmount
AlphaMode alphaMode
float alphaCutoff
float pointSize
float lineWidth
QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping heightChannel
float heightAmount
int minHeightMapSamples
int maxHeightMapSamples
float clearcoatAmount
QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping clearcoatChannel
float clearcoatRoughnessAmount
QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping clearcoatRoughnessChannel
float clearcoatNormalStrength
float transmissionFactor
QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping transmissionChannel
float thicknessFactor
QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping thicknessChannel
float attenuationDistance
QColor attenuationColor
float indexOfRefraction
bool vertexColorsEnabled
bool fresnelScaleBiasEnabled
float fresnelScale
float fresnelBias
float fresnelPower
bool clearcoatFresnelScaleBiasEnabled
float clearcoatFresnelScale
float clearcoatFresnelBias
float clearcoatFresnelPower
bool vertexColorsMaskEnabled
VertexColorMaskFlags vertexColorRedMask
VertexColorMaskFlags vertexColorGreenMask
VertexColorMaskFlags vertexColorBlueMask
VertexColorMaskFlags vertexColorAlphaMask
- Properties inherited from QQuick3DMaterial
CullMode cullMode
DepthDrawMode depthDrawMode
- Properties inherited from QQuick3DObject
 \qmlproperty Object3D QtQuick3D::Object3D::parent This property holds the parent of the Object3D in a 3D scene.
- Properties inherited from QObject
QString objectName
 the name of this object

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QObject
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType=Qt::AutoConnection)
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
template<typename Func1 , typename Func2 >
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, const typename QtPrivate::ContextTypeForFunctor< Func2 >::ContextType *context, Func2 &&slot, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
template<typename Func1 , typename Func2 >
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, Func2 &&slot)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *member)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &member)
static bool disconnect (const QMetaObject::Connection &)
 Disconnect a connection.
template<typename Func1 , typename Func2 >
static bool disconnect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func2 >::Object *receiver, Func2 slot)
template<typename Func1 >
static bool disconnect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, const QObject *receiver, void **zero)
- Protected Attributes inherited from QObject
QScopedPointer< QObjectDatad_ptr

Detailed Description

Definition at line 26 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ AlphaMode


Definition at line 143 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ BlendMode


Definition at line 136 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ Lighting


Definition at line 130 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ VertexColorMask


Definition at line 151 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial()

QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial ( QQuick3DObject * parent = nullptr)

\qmltype PrincipledMaterial \inherits Material \inqmlmodule QtQuick3D

Lets you define a material for 3D items using the metal/roughness workflow.

Before a Model can be rendered in a scene, it must have at least one material attached to it that describes how the mesh should be shaded. The PrincipledMaterial is a PBR metal/roughness material that aims at being an easy to use material with a minimal set of parameters. In addition to having few parameters, all input values are strictly normalized between 0 and 1 and have sensible defaults, meaning even without changing any values, the material can be used to shader a model. For an introduction on how the different properties of the principled material affects how a model is shaded, see the \l{Qt Quick 3D - Principled Material Example}{Principled Material example}.

Definition at line 962 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ ~QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial()

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::~QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial ( )

Definition at line 966 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ alphaCutoff()

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::alphaCutoff ( ) const

Definition at line 1110 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ alphaCutoffChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::alphaCutoffChanged ( float alphaCutoff)

Referenced by setAlphaCutoff().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ alphaMode()

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::AlphaMode QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::alphaMode ( ) const

Definition at line 1105 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ alphaModeChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::alphaModeChanged ( QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::AlphaMode alphaMode)

Referenced by setAlphaMode().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ baseColor()

QColor QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::baseColor ( ) const

Definition at line 980 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ baseColorChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::baseColorChanged ( QColor baseColor)

Referenced by setBaseColor().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ baseColorChannel()

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::baseColorChannel ( ) const

Definition at line 995 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ baseColorChannelChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::baseColorChannelChanged ( QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)

Referenced by setBaseColorChannel().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ baseColorMap()

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::baseColorMap ( ) const

Definition at line 985 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ baseColorMapChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::baseColorMapChanged ( QQuick3DTexture * baseColorMap)

Referenced by setBaseColorMap().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ baseColorSingleChannelEnabled()

bool QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::baseColorSingleChannelEnabled ( ) const

Definition at line 990 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ baseColorSingleChannelEnabledChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::baseColorSingleChannelEnabledChanged ( bool baseColorSingleChannelEnabled)

Referenced by setBaseColorSingleChannelEnabled().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ blendMode()

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::BlendMode QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::blendMode ( ) const

Definition at line 975 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ blendModeChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::blendModeChanged ( QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::BlendMode blendMode)

Referenced by setBlendMode().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ emissiveChannel()

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::emissiveChannel ( ) const

Definition at line 1015 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ emissiveChannelChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::emissiveChannelChanged ( QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)

Referenced by setEmissiveChannel().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ emissiveFactor()

QVector3D QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::emissiveFactor ( ) const

Definition at line 1025 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ emissiveFactorChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::emissiveFactorChanged ( QVector3D emissiveFactor)

Referenced by setEmissiveFactor().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ emissiveMap()

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::emissiveMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1020 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ emissiveMapChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::emissiveMapChanged ( QQuick3DTexture * emissiveMap)

Referenced by setEmissiveMap().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ emissiveSingleChannelEnabled()

bool QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::emissiveSingleChannelEnabled ( ) const

Definition at line 1010 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ emissiveSingleChannelEnabledChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::emissiveSingleChannelEnabledChanged ( bool emissiveColorSingleChannelEnabled)

Referenced by setEmissiveSingleChannelEnabled().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ invertOpacityMapValue()

bool QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::invertOpacityMapValue ( ) const

Definition at line 1060 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ invertOpacityMapValueChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::invertOpacityMapValueChanged ( bool invertOpacityMapValue)

Referenced by setInvertOpacityMapValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ itemChange()

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::itemChange ( ItemChange ,
const ItemChangeData &  )

Reimplemented from QQuick3DMaterial.

Definition at line 1801 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ lighting()

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Lighting QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::lighting ( ) const

Definition at line 970 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ lightingChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::lightingChanged ( QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Lighting lighting)

Referenced by setLighting().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lineWidth()

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::lineWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 1140 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ lineWidthChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::lineWidthChanged ( )

Referenced by setLineWidth().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ markAllDirty()

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::markAllDirty ( )

Reimplemented from QQuick3DObject.

Definition at line 1170 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References QQuick3DObject::markAllDirty().

Referenced by updateSpatialNode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ metalness()

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::metalness ( ) const

Definition at line 1080 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ metalnessChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::metalnessChanged ( float metalness)

Referenced by setMetalness().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ metalnessChannel()

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::metalnessChannel ( ) const

Definition at line 1125 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ metalnessChannelChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::metalnessChannelChanged ( QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)

Referenced by setMetalnessChannel().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ metalnessMap()

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::metalnessMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1085 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ metalnessMapChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::metalnessMapChanged ( QQuick3DTexture * metalnessMap)

Referenced by setMetalnessMap().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ normalMap()

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::normalMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1075 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ normalMapChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::normalMapChanged ( QQuick3DTexture * normalMap)

Referenced by setNormalMap().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ normalStrength()

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::normalStrength ( ) const

Definition at line 1090 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ normalStrengthChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::normalStrengthChanged ( float normalStrength)

Referenced by setNormalStrength().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ occlusionAmount()

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::occlusionAmount ( ) const

Definition at line 1100 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ occlusionAmountChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::occlusionAmountChanged ( float occlusionAmount)

Referenced by setOcclusionAmount().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ occlusionChannel()

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::occlusionChannel ( ) const

Definition at line 1130 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ occlusionChannelChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::occlusionChannelChanged ( QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)

Referenced by setOcclusionChannel().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ occlusionMap()

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::occlusionMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1095 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ occlusionMapChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::occlusionMapChanged ( QQuick3DTexture * occlusionMap)

Referenced by setOcclusionMap().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ opacity()

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::opacity ( ) const

Definition at line 1065 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ opacityChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::opacityChanged ( float opacity)

Referenced by setOpacity().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ opacityChannel()

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::opacityChannel ( ) const

Definition at line 1120 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ opacityChannelChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::opacityChannelChanged ( QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)

Referenced by setOpacityChannel().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ opacityMap()

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::opacityMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1070 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ opacityMapChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::opacityMapChanged ( QQuick3DTexture * opacityMap)

Referenced by setOpacityMap().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pointSize()

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::pointSize ( ) const

Definition at line 1135 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ pointSizeChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::pointSizeChanged ( )

Referenced by setPointSize().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Q_REVISION() [1/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
2  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [2/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
2  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [3/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
2  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [4/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
2  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [5/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
2  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION [6/98]

Q_REVISION(6, 2) void heightChannelChanged(QQuick3DMaterial QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
2  )

◆ Q_REVISION [7/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
2  )

◆ Q_REVISION [8/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
2  )

◆ Q_REVISION [9/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
2  )

◆ Q_REVISION [10/98]

Q_REVISION(6, 2) void setHeightChannel(QQuick3DMaterial QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
2  )

◆ Q_REVISION [11/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
2  )

◆ Q_REVISION [12/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
2  )

◆ Q_REVISION [13/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
2  )

◆ Q_REVISION() [14/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const &

◆ Q_REVISION() [15/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const &

◆ Q_REVISION() [16/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [17/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [18/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [19/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [20/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [21/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [22/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [23/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [24/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [25/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [26/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [27/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [28/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [29/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION [30/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [31/98]

Q_REVISION(6, 3) void thicknessChannelChanged(QQuick3DMaterial QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [32/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [33/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [34/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [35/98]

Q_REVISION(6, 3) void clearcoatChannelChanged(QQuick3DMaterial QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [36/98]

Q_REVISION(6, 3) void clearcoatRoughnessChannelChanged(QQuick3DMaterial QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [37/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [38/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  ) const &

◆ Q_REVISION [39/98]

Q_REVISION(6, 3) void setThicknessChannel(const QQuick3DMaterial QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [40/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [41/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [42/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [43/98]

Q_REVISION(6, 3) void setClearcoatChannel(QQuick3DMaterial QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [44/98]

Q_REVISION(6, 3) void setClearcoatRoughnessChannel(QQuick3DMaterial QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [45/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [46/98]

Q_REVISION(6, 3) void setTransmissionChannel(QQuick3DMaterial QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [47/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [48/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [49/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [50/98]

Q_REVISION(6, 3) void transmissionChannelChanged(QQuick3DMaterial QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [51/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [52/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION [53/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
3  )

◆ Q_REVISION() [54/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
5  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION [55/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
5  )

◆ Q_REVISION [56/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
5  )

◆ Q_REVISION() [57/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [58/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [59/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [60/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [61/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [62/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [63/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [64/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [65/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [66/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [67/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [68/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [69/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION() [70/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  ) const

◆ Q_REVISION [71/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [72/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [73/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [74/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [75/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [76/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [77/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [78/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [79/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [80/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [81/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [82/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [83/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [84/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [85/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [86/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [87/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [88/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [89/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [90/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [91/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [92/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [93/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [94/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [95/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [96/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [97/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ Q_REVISION [98/98]

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Q_REVISION ( 6 ,
8  )

◆ roughness()

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::roughness ( ) const

Definition at line 1050 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ roughnessChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::roughnessChanged ( float roughness)

Referenced by setRoughness().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ roughnessChannel()

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::roughnessChannel ( ) const

Definition at line 1115 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ roughnessChannelChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::roughnessChannelChanged ( QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)

Referenced by setRoughnessChannel().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ roughnessMap()

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::roughnessMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1055 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ roughnessMapChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::roughnessMapChanged ( QQuick3DTexture * roughnessMap)

Referenced by setRoughnessMap().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setAlphaCutoff

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setAlphaCutoff ( float alphaCutoff)

Definition at line 1480 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References alphaCutoff, alphaCutoffChanged(), emit, and qFuzzyCompare().

Referenced by setMaterialProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setAlphaMode

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setAlphaMode ( QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::AlphaMode alphaMode)

Definition at line 1470 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References alphaMode, alphaModeChanged(), and emit.

Referenced by setMaterialProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setBaseColor

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setBaseColor ( QColor baseColor)

Definition at line 1196 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References baseColorChanged(), and emit.

Referenced by setMaterialProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setBaseColorChannel

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setBaseColorChannel ( QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)

Definition at line 1228 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References baseColorChannelChanged(), channel, and emit.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setBaseColorMap

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setBaseColorMap ( QQuick3DTexture * baseColorMap)

Definition at line 1206 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References QQuick3DObjectPrivate::attachWatcher(), baseColorMap, baseColorMapChanged(), emit, and setBaseColorMap().

Referenced by setBaseColorMap(), and setMaterialProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setBaseColorSingleChannelEnabled

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setBaseColorSingleChannelEnabled ( bool baseColorSingleChannelEnabled)

Definition at line 1218 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References baseColorSingleChannelEnabled, baseColorSingleChannelEnabledChanged(), and emit.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setBlendMode

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setBlendMode ( QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::BlendMode blendMode)

Definition at line 1186 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References blendMode, blendModeChanged(), and emit.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setEmissiveChannel

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setEmissiveChannel ( QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)

Definition at line 1268 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References channel, emissiveChannelChanged(), and emit.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setEmissiveFactor

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setEmissiveFactor ( QVector3D emissiveFactor)

Definition at line 1290 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References emissiveFactor, emissiveFactorChanged(), and emit.

Referenced by setMaterialProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setEmissiveMap

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setEmissiveMap ( QQuick3DTexture * emissiveMap)

Definition at line 1278 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References QQuick3DObjectPrivate::attachWatcher(), emissiveMap, emissiveMapChanged(), emit, and setEmissiveMap().

Referenced by setEmissiveMap(), and setMaterialProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setEmissiveSingleChannelEnabled

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setEmissiveSingleChannelEnabled ( bool emissiveSingleChannelEnabled)

Definition at line 1258 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References emissiveSingleChannelEnabled, emissiveSingleChannelEnabledChanged(), and emit.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setInvertOpacityMapValue

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setInvertOpacityMapValue ( bool invertOpacityMapValue)

Definition at line 1369 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References emit, invertOpacityMapValue, and invertOpacityMapValueChanged().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setLighting

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setLighting ( QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::Lighting lighting)

Definition at line 1176 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References emit, lighting, and lightingChanged().

Referenced by setMaterialProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setLineWidth

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setLineWidth ( float width)

Definition at line 1539 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References emit, lineWidthChanged(), and qFuzzyCompare().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setMetalness

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setMetalness ( float metalnessAmount)

Definition at line 1414 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References emit, metalnessChanged(), and qFuzzyCompare().

Referenced by setMaterialProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setMetalnessChannel

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setMetalnessChannel ( QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)

Definition at line 1490 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References channel, emit, and metalnessChannelChanged().

Referenced by setMaterialProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setMetalnessMap

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setMetalnessMap ( QQuick3DTexture * metalnessMap)

Definition at line 1425 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References QQuick3DObjectPrivate::attachWatcher(), emit, metalnessMapChanged(), and setMetalnessMap().

Referenced by setMaterialProperties(), and setMetalnessMap().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setNormalMap

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setNormalMap ( QQuick3DTexture * normalMap)

Definition at line 1402 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References QQuick3DObjectPrivate::attachWatcher(), emit, normalMap, normalMapChanged(), and setNormalMap().

Referenced by setMaterialProperties(), and setNormalMap().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setNormalStrength

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setNormalStrength ( float normalStrength)

Definition at line 1437 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References emit, normalStrengthChanged(), and qFuzzyCompare().

Referenced by setMaterialProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setOcclusionAmount

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setOcclusionAmount ( float occlusionAmount)

Definition at line 1460 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References emit, occlusionAmount, occlusionAmountChanged(), and qFuzzyCompare().

Referenced by setMaterialProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setOcclusionChannel

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setOcclusionChannel ( QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)

Definition at line 1520 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References channel, emit, and occlusionChannelChanged().

Referenced by setMaterialProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setOcclusionMap

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setOcclusionMap ( QQuick3DTexture * occlusionMap)

Definition at line 1448 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References QQuick3DObjectPrivate::attachWatcher(), emit, occlusionMap, occlusionMapChanged(), and setOcclusionMap().

Referenced by setMaterialProperties(), and setOcclusionMap().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setOpacity

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setOpacity ( float opacity)

Definition at line 1379 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References emit, opacity, opacityChanged(), and qFuzzyCompare().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setOpacityChannel

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setOpacityChannel ( QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)

Definition at line 1510 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References channel, emit, and opacityChannelChanged().

Referenced by setMaterialProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setOpacityMap

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setOpacityMap ( QQuick3DTexture * opacityMap)

Definition at line 1390 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References QQuick3DObjectPrivate::attachWatcher(), emit, opacityMap, opacityMapChanged(), and setOpacityMap().

Referenced by setOpacityMap().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setPointSize

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setPointSize ( float size)

Definition at line 1530 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References emit, pointSizeChanged(), and qFuzzyCompare().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setRoughness

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setRoughness ( float roughness)

Definition at line 1346 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References emit, qFuzzyCompare(), roughness, and roughnessChanged().

Referenced by setMaterialProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setRoughnessChannel

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setRoughnessChannel ( QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)

Definition at line 1500 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References channel, emit, and roughnessChannelChanged().

Referenced by setMaterialProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setRoughnessMap

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setRoughnessMap ( QQuick3DTexture * roughnessMap)

Definition at line 1357 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References QQuick3DObjectPrivate::attachWatcher(), emit, roughnessMap, roughnessMapChanged(), and setRoughnessMap().

Referenced by setMaterialProperties(), and setRoughnessMap().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setSpecularAmount

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setSpecularAmount ( float specularAmount)

Definition at line 1335 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References emit, qFuzzyCompare(), specularAmount, and specularAmountChanged().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setSpecularChannel

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setSpecularChannel ( QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)

Definition at line 1248 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References channel, emit, and specularChannelChanged().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setSpecularMap

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setSpecularMap ( QQuick3DTexture * specularMap)

Definition at line 1312 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References QQuick3DObjectPrivate::attachWatcher(), emit, setSpecularMap(), specularMap, and specularMapChanged().

Referenced by setSpecularMap().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setSpecularReflectionMap

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setSpecularReflectionMap ( QQuick3DTexture * specularReflectionMap)

Definition at line 1300 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References QQuick3DObjectPrivate::attachWatcher(), emit, setSpecularReflectionMap(), specularReflectionMap, and specularReflectionMapChanged().

Referenced by setSpecularReflectionMap().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setSpecularSingleChannelEnabled

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setSpecularSingleChannelEnabled ( bool specularSingleChannelEnabled)

Definition at line 1238 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References emit, specularSingleChannelEnabled, and specularSingleChannelEnabledChanged().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setSpecularTint

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::setSpecularTint ( float specularTint)

Definition at line 1324 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References emit, qFuzzyCompare(), specularTint, and specularTintChanged().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ specularAmount()

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularAmount ( ) const

Definition at line 1045 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ specularAmountChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularAmountChanged ( float specularAmount)

Referenced by setSpecularAmount().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ specularChannel()

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularChannel ( ) const

Definition at line 1005 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ specularChannelChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularChannelChanged ( QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping channel)

Referenced by setSpecularChannel().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ specularMap()

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1035 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ specularMapChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularMapChanged ( QQuick3DTexture * specularMap)

Referenced by setSpecularMap().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ specularReflectionMap()

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularReflectionMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1030 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ specularReflectionMapChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularReflectionMapChanged ( QQuick3DTexture * specularReflectionMap)

Referenced by setSpecularReflectionMap().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ specularSingleChannelEnabled()

bool QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularSingleChannelEnabled ( ) const

Definition at line 1000 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ specularSingleChannelEnabledChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularSingleChannelEnabledChanged ( bool specularColorSingleChannelEnabled)

Referenced by setSpecularSingleChannelEnabled().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ specularTint()

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularTint ( ) const

Definition at line 1040 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

◆ specularTintChanged

void QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularTintChanged ( float specularTint)

Referenced by setSpecularTint().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateSpatialNode()

QSSGRenderGraphObject * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::updateSpatialNode ( QSSGRenderGraphObject * node)

Reimplemented from QQuick3DMaterial.

Definition at line 1600 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial.cpp.

References QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::alphaCutoff, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::alphaMode, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::attenuationColor, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::attenuationDistance, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::baseColorChannel, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::baseColorSingleChannelEnabled, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::blendMode, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::bumpAmount, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::clearcoatAmount, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::clearcoatChannel, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::clearcoatFresnelBias, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::clearcoatFresnelPower, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::clearcoatFresnelScale, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::clearcoatFresnelScaleBiasEnabled, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::clearcoatMap, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::clearcoatNormalMap, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::clearcoatNormalStrength, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::clearcoatRoughnessAmount, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::clearcoatRoughnessChannel, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::clearcoatRoughnessMap, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::color, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::colorMap, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::emissiveChannel, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::emissiveColor, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::emissiveMap, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::emissiveSingleChannelEnabled, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::fresnelBias, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::fresnelPower, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::fresnelScale, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::fresnelScaleBiasEnabled, QQuick3DTexture::getRenderImage(), QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::heightAmount, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::heightChannel, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::heightMap, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::invertOpacityMapValue, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::ior, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::KGGX, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::lighting, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::lineWidth, markAllDirty(), QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::maxHeightSamples, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::metalnessAmount, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::metalnessChannel, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::metalnessMap, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::minHeightSamples, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::normalMap, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::occlusionAmount, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::occlusionChannel, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::occlusionMap, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::opacity, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::opacityChannel, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::opacityMap, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::pointSize, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::roughnessChannel, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::roughnessMap, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::specularAmount, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::specularAmountChannel, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::specularAmountSingleChannelEnabled, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::specularMap, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::specularModel, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::specularReflection, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::specularRoughness, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::specularTint, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::thicknessChannel, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::thicknessFactor, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::thicknessMap, QVector4D::toVector3D(), QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::transmissionChannel, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::transmissionFactor, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::transmissionMap, QQuick3DMaterial::updateSpatialNode(), QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::vertexColorAlphaMask, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::vertexColorBlueMask, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::vertexColorGreenMask, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::vertexColorRedMask, QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::vertexColorsEnabled, and QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::vertexColorsMaskEnabled.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Property Documentation

◆ alphaCutoff

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::alphaCutoff

Definition at line 71 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setAlphaCutoff().

◆ alphaMode

AlphaMode QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::alphaMode

Definition at line 70 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setAlphaMode().

◆ attenuationColor

const QColor & QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::attenuationColor

Definition at line 105 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ attenuationDistance

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::attenuationDistance

Definition at line 104 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ baseColor

QColor QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::baseColor

Definition at line 32 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ baseColorChannel

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::baseColorChannel

Definition at line 35 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ baseColorMap

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::baseColorMap

Definition at line 33 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setBaseColorMap().

◆ baseColorSingleChannelEnabled

bool QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::baseColorSingleChannelEnabled

Definition at line 34 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setBaseColorSingleChannelEnabled().

◆ blendMode

BlendMode QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::blendMode

Definition at line 30 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setBlendMode().

◆ clearcoatAmount

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::clearcoatAmount

Definition at line 82 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ clearcoatChannel

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::clearcoatChannel

Definition at line 84 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ clearcoatFresnelBias

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::clearcoatFresnelBias

Definition at line 118 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ clearcoatFresnelPower

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::clearcoatFresnelPower

Definition at line 119 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ clearcoatFresnelScale

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::clearcoatFresnelScale

Definition at line 117 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ clearcoatFresnelScaleBiasEnabled

bool QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::clearcoatFresnelScaleBiasEnabled

Definition at line 116 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ clearcoatMap

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::clearcoatMap

Definition at line 83 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ clearcoatNormalMap

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::clearcoatNormalMap

Definition at line 92 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ clearcoatNormalStrength

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::clearcoatNormalStrength

Definition at line 94 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ clearcoatRoughnessAmount

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::clearcoatRoughnessAmount

Definition at line 86 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ clearcoatRoughnessChannel

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::clearcoatRoughnessChannel

Definition at line 88 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ clearcoatRoughnessMap

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::clearcoatRoughnessMap

Definition at line 90 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ emissiveChannel

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::emissiveChannel

Definition at line 54 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ emissiveFactor

QVector3D QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::emissiveFactor

Definition at line 51 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setEmissiveFactor().

◆ emissiveMap

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::emissiveMap

Definition at line 52 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setEmissiveMap().

◆ emissiveSingleChannelEnabled

bool QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::emissiveSingleChannelEnabled

Definition at line 53 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setEmissiveSingleChannelEnabled().

◆ fresnelBias

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::fresnelBias

Definition at line 113 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ fresnelPower

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::fresnelPower

Definition at line 114 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ fresnelScale

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::fresnelScale

Definition at line 112 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ fresnelScaleBiasEnabled

bool QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::fresnelScaleBiasEnabled

Definition at line 111 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ heightAmount

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::heightAmount

Definition at line 78 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ heightChannel

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::heightChannel

Definition at line 77 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ heightMap

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::heightMap

Definition at line 76 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ indexOfRefraction

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::indexOfRefraction

Definition at line 107 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ invertOpacityMapValue

bool QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::invertOpacityMapValue

Definition at line 56 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setInvertOpacityMapValue().

◆ lighting

Lighting QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::lighting

Definition at line 29 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setLighting().

◆ lineWidth

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::lineWidth

Definition at line 74 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ maxHeightMapSamples

int QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::maxHeightMapSamples

Definition at line 80 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ metalness

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::metalness

Definition at line 37 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ metalnessChannel

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::metalnessChannel

Definition at line 39 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ metalnessMap

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::metalnessMap

Definition at line 38 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ minHeightMapSamples

int QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::minHeightMapSamples

Definition at line 79 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ normalMap

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::normalMap

Definition at line 61 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setNormalMap().

◆ normalStrength

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::normalStrength

Definition at line 62 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ occlusionAmount

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::occlusionAmount

Definition at line 68 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setOcclusionAmount().

◆ occlusionChannel

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::occlusionChannel

Definition at line 67 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ occlusionMap

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::occlusionMap

Definition at line 66 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setOcclusionMap().

◆ opacity

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::opacity

Definition at line 57 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setOpacity().

◆ opacityChannel

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::opacityChannel

Definition at line 59 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ opacityMap

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::opacityMap

Definition at line 58 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setOpacityMap().

◆ pointSize

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::pointSize

Definition at line 73 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ roughness

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::roughness

Definition at line 47 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setRoughness().

◆ roughnessChannel

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::roughnessChannel

Definition at line 49 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ roughnessMap

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::roughnessMap

Definition at line 48 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setRoughnessMap().

◆ specularAmount

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularAmount

Definition at line 41 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setSpecularAmount().

◆ specularChannel

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularChannel

Definition at line 45 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ specularMap

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularMap

Definition at line 42 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setSpecularMap().

◆ specularReflectionMap

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularReflectionMap

Definition at line 64 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setSpecularReflectionMap().

◆ specularSingleChannelEnabled

bool QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularSingleChannelEnabled

Definition at line 44 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setSpecularSingleChannelEnabled().

◆ specularTint

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::specularTint

Definition at line 43 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

Referenced by setSpecularTint().

◆ thicknessChannel

const QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping & QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::thicknessChannel

Definition at line 102 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ thicknessFactor

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::thicknessFactor

Definition at line 100 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ thicknessMap

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::thicknessMap

Definition at line 101 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ transmissionChannel

QQuick3DMaterial::TextureChannelMapping QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::transmissionChannel

Definition at line 98 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ transmissionFactor

float QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::transmissionFactor

Definition at line 96 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ transmissionMap

QQuick3DTexture * QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::transmissionMap

Definition at line 97 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ vertexColorAlphaMask

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::VertexColorMaskFlags QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::vertexColorAlphaMask

Definition at line 125 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ vertexColorBlueMask

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::VertexColorMaskFlags QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::vertexColorBlueMask

Definition at line 124 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ vertexColorGreenMask

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::VertexColorMaskFlags QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::vertexColorGreenMask

Definition at line 123 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ vertexColorRedMask

QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::VertexColorMaskFlags QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::vertexColorRedMask

Definition at line 122 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ vertexColorsEnabled

bool QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::vertexColorsEnabled

Definition at line 109 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

◆ vertexColorsMaskEnabled

bool QQuick3DPrincipledMaterial::vertexColorsMaskEnabled

Definition at line 121 of file qquick3dprincipledmaterial_p.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: