Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. <b>Note:</b> These are NOT official API docs; those are found <a href='https://doc.qt.io/'>here</a>.
No Matches
QQuickFlickablePrivate Class Reference

#include <qquickflickable_p_p.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for QQuickFlickablePrivate:
+ Collaboration diagram for QQuickFlickablePrivate:


struct  AxisData
struct  Velocity

Public Types

enum  MovementReason { Other , SetIndex , Mouse }
enum  FixupMode { Normal , Immediate , ExtentChanged }
- Public Types inherited from QQuickItemPrivate
enum  ChangeType {
  Geometry = 0x01 , SiblingOrder = 0x02 , Visibility = 0x04 , Opacity = 0x08 ,
  Destroyed = 0x10 , Parent = 0x20 , Children = 0x40 , Rotation = 0x80 ,
  ImplicitWidth = 0x100 , ImplicitHeight = 0x200 , Enabled = 0x400 , Focus = 0x800 ,
  AllChanges = 0xFFFFFFFF
enum  ExtraDataTag { NoTag = 0x1 , LeftMouseButtonAccepted = 0x2 }
enum  DirtyType {
  TransformOrigin = 0x00000001 , Transform = 0x00000002 , BasicTransform = 0x00000004 , Position = 0x00000008 ,
  Size = 0x00000010 , ZValue = 0x00000020 , Content = 0x00000040 , Smooth = 0x00000080 ,
  OpacityValue = 0x00000100 , ChildrenChanged = 0x00000200 , ChildrenStackingChanged = 0x00000400 , ParentChanged = 0x00000800 ,
  Clip = 0x00001000 , Window = 0x00002000 , EffectReference = 0x00008000 , Visible = 0x00010000 ,
  HideReference = 0x00020000 , Antialiasing = 0x00040000 , TransformUpdateMask , ComplexTransformUpdateMask = Transform | Window ,
  ContentUpdateMask = Size | Content | Smooth | Window | Antialiasing , ChildrenUpdateMask = ChildrenChanged | ChildrenStackingChanged | EffectReference | Window
- Public Types inherited from QObjectPrivate
typedef void(* StaticMetaCallFunction) (QObject *, QMetaObject::Call, int, void **)
using ConnectionDataPointer = QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<ConnectionData>

Public Member Functions

 QQuickFlickablePrivate ()
void init ()
bool flickX (QEvent::Type eventType, qreal velocity)
bool flickY (QEvent::Type eventType, qreal velocity)
virtual bool flick (AxisData &data, qreal minExtent, qreal maxExtent, qreal vSize, QQuickTimeLineCallback::Callback fixupCallback, QEvent::Type eventType, qreal velocity)
void flickingStarted (bool flickingH, bool flickingV)
void fixupX ()
void fixupY ()
virtual void fixup (AxisData &data, qreal minExtent, qreal maxExtent)
void adjustContentPos (AxisData &data, qreal toPos)
void resetTimeline (AxisData &data)
void clearTimeline ()
void updateBeginningEnd ()
bool isInnermostPressDelay (QQuickItem *item) const
void captureDelayedPress (QQuickItem *item, QPointerEvent *event)
void clearDelayedPress ()
void replayDelayedPress ()
void setViewportX (qreal x)
void setViewportY (qreal y)
qreal overShootDistance (qreal velocity) const
void itemGeometryChanged (QQuickItem *, QQuickGeometryChange, const QRectF &) override
void draggingStarting ()
void draggingEnding ()
bool isViewMoving () const
void cancelInteraction ()
void addPointerHandler (QQuickPointerHandler *h) override
virtual bool wantsPointerEvent (const QPointerEvent *)
void updateVelocity ()
void viewportAxisMoved (AxisData &data, qreal minExtent, qreal maxExtent, QQuickTimeLineCallback::Callback fixupCallback)
void handlePressEvent (QPointerEvent *)
void handleMoveEvent (QPointerEvent *)
void handleReleaseEvent (QPointerEvent *)
void maybeBeginDrag (qint64 currentTimestamp, const QPointF &pressPosn, Qt::MouseButtons buttons=Qt::NoButton)
void drag (qint64 currentTimestamp, QEvent::Type eventType, const QPointF &localPos, const QVector2D &deltas, bool overThreshold, bool momentum, bool velocitySensitiveOverBounds, const QVector2D &velocity)
QVector2D firstPointLocalVelocity (QPointerEvent *event)
qint64 computeCurrentTime (QInputEvent *event) const
qreal devicePixelRatio () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QQuickItemPrivate
 QQuickItemPrivate ()
 ~QQuickItemPrivate () override
void init (QQuickItem *parent)
QQmlListProperty< QObjectdata ()
QQmlListProperty< QObjectresources ()
QQmlListProperty< QQuickItemchildren ()
QQmlListProperty< QQuickItemvisibleChildren ()
QQmlListProperty< QQuickStatestates ()
QQmlListProperty< QQuickTransitiontransitions ()
QString state () const
void setState (const QString &)
QQuickAnchorLine left () const
QQuickAnchorLine right () const
QQuickAnchorLine horizontalCenter () const
QQuickAnchorLine top () const
QQuickAnchorLine bottom () const
QQuickAnchorLine verticalCenter () const
QQuickAnchorLine baseline () const
void localizedTouchEvent (const QTouchEvent *event, bool isFiltering, QMutableTouchEvent *localized)
bool hasPointerHandlers () const
bool hasEnabledHoverHandlers () const
virtual void removePointerHandler (QQuickPointerHandler *h)
void _q_resourceObjectDeleted (QObject *)
quint64 _q_createJSWrapper (QQmlV4ExecutionEnginePtr engine)
template<typename Fn , typename ... Args>
void notifyChangeListeners (QQuickItemPrivate::ChangeTypes changeTypes, Fn &&function, Args &&...args)
virtual void registerAsContainmentMask (QQuickItem *, bool)
QQuickAnchorsanchors () const
 \qmlpropertygroup QtQuick::Item::anchors \qmlproperty AnchorLine QtQuick::Item::anchors.top \qmlproperty AnchorLine QtQuick::Item::anchors.bottom \qmlproperty AnchorLine QtQuick::Item::anchors.left \qmlproperty AnchorLine QtQuick::Item::anchors.right \qmlproperty AnchorLine QtQuick::Item::anchors.horizontalCenter \qmlproperty AnchorLine QtQuick::Item::anchors.verticalCenter \qmlproperty AnchorLine QtQuick::Item::anchors.baseline
Qt::MouseButtons acceptedMouseButtons () const
void addItemChangeListener (QQuickItemChangeListener *listener, ChangeTypes types)
void updateOrAddItemChangeListener (QQuickItemChangeListener *listener, ChangeTypes types)
void removeItemChangeListener (QQuickItemChangeListener *, ChangeTypes types)
void updateOrAddGeometryChangeListener (QQuickItemChangeListener *listener, QQuickGeometryChange types)
void updateOrRemoveGeometryChangeListener (QQuickItemChangeListener *listener, QQuickGeometryChange types)
QQuickStateGroup_states ()
QQuickItem::TransformOrigin origin () const
QString dirtyToString () const
void dirty (DirtyType)
void addToDirtyList ()
void removeFromDirtyList ()
void setCulled (bool)
QSGContextsceneGraphContext () const
QSGRenderContextsceneGraphRenderContext () const
QList< QQuickItem * > paintOrderChildItems () const
void addChild (QQuickItem *)
void removeChild (QQuickItem *)
void siblingOrderChanged ()
void markSortedChildrenDirty (QQuickItem *child)
void refWindow (QQuickWindow *)
void derefWindow ()
void updateSubFocusItem (QQuickItem *scope, bool focus)
 Clears all sub focus items from scope.
bool setFocusIfNeeded (QEvent::Type)
Qt::FocusReason lastFocusChangeReason () const
void setLastFocusChangeReason (Qt::FocusReason reason)
QTransform windowToItemTransform () const
 Returns a transform that maps points from window space into item space.
QTransform itemToWindowTransform () const
 Returns a transform that maps points from item space into window space.
void itemToParentTransform (QTransform *) const
 Modifies t with this item's local transform relative to its parent.
QTransform globalToWindowTransform () const
 Returns a transform that maps points from global space into window space.
QTransform windowToGlobalTransform () const
 Returns a transform that maps points from window space into global space.
void setX (qreal x)
void xChanged ()
 Q_OBJECT_COMPAT_PROPERTY (QQuickItemPrivate, qreal, x, &QQuickItemPrivate::setX, &QQuickItemPrivate::xChanged)
void setY (qreal y)
void yChanged ()
 Q_OBJECT_COMPAT_PROPERTY (QQuickItemPrivate, qreal, y, &QQuickItemPrivate::setY, &QQuickItemPrivate::yChanged)
void setWidth (qreal width)
void widthChanged ()
 Q_OBJECT_COMPAT_PROPERTY (QQuickItemPrivate, qreal, width, &QQuickItemPrivate::setWidth, &QQuickItemPrivate::widthChanged)
void setHeight (qreal height)
void heightChanged ()
 Q_OBJECT_COMPAT_PROPERTY (QQuickItemPrivate, qreal, height, &QQuickItemPrivate::setHeight, &QQuickItemPrivate::heightChanged)
bool widthValid () const
bool heightValid () const
qreal z () const
qreal scale () const
qreal rotation () const
qreal opacity () const
void setAccessible ()
virtual qreal getImplicitWidth () const
virtual qreal getImplicitHeight () const
virtual void implicitWidthChanged ()
virtual void implicitHeightChanged ()
void setImplicitAntialiasing (bool antialiasing)
void resolveLayoutMirror ()
void setImplicitLayoutMirror (bool mirror, bool inherit)
void setLayoutMirror (bool mirror)
bool isMirrored () const
void emitChildrenRectChanged (const QRectF &rect)
QPointF computeTransformOrigin () const
virtual bool transformChanged (QQuickItem *transformedItem)
QPointF adjustedPosForTransform (const QPointF &centroid, const QPointF &startPos, const QVector2D &activeTranslatation, qreal startScale, qreal activeScale, qreal startRotation, qreal activeRotation)
QQuickDeliveryAgentdeliveryAgent ()
QQuickDeliveryAgentPrivatedeliveryAgentPrivate ()
QQuickDeliveryAgentensureSubsceneDeliveryAgent ()
void deliverKeyEvent (QKeyEvent *)
bool filterKeyEvent (QKeyEvent *, bool post)
void deliverShortcutOverrideEvent (QKeyEvent *)
void deliverPointerEvent (QEvent *)
bool anyPointerHandlerWants (const QPointerEvent *event, const QEventPoint &point) const
virtual bool handlePointerEvent (QPointerEvent *, bool avoidGrabbers=false)
virtual void setVisible (bool visible)
bool isTransparentForPositioner () const
void setTransparentForPositioner (bool trans)
bool calcEffectiveVisible () const
bool setEffectiveVisibleRecur (bool)
bool calcEffectiveEnable () const
void setEffectiveEnableRecur (QQuickItem *scope, bool)
QSGTransformNodeitemNode ()
QSGNodechildContainerNode ()
QSGOpacityNodeopacityNode () const
QQuickDefaultClipNodeclipNode () const
QSGRootNoderootNode () const
virtual QSGTransformNodecreateTransformNode ()
void refFromEffectItem (bool hide)
void recursiveRefFromEffectItem (int refs)
void derefFromEffectItem (bool unhide)
void itemChange (QQuickItem::ItemChange, const QQuickItem::ItemChangeData &)
void enableSubtreeChangeNotificationsForParentHierachy ()
virtual void mirrorChange ()
void setHasCursorInChild (bool hasCursor)
void setHasHoverInChild (bool hasHover)
virtual void updatePolish ()
virtual void dumpItemTree (int indent) const
QLayoutPolicy sizePolicy () const
void setSizePolicy (const QLayoutPolicy::Policy &horizontalPolicy, const QLayoutPolicy::Policy &verticalPolicy)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QObjectPrivate
void ensureExtraData ()
 QObjectPrivate (int version=QObjectPrivateVersion)
virtual ~QObjectPrivate ()
void deleteChildren ()
void clearBindingStorage ()
void checkForIncompatibleLibraryVersion (int version) const
void setParent_helper (QObject *)
void moveToThread_helper ()
void setThreadData_helper (QThreadData *currentData, QThreadData *targetData, QBindingStatus *status)
QObjectList receiverList (const char *signal) const
void ensureConnectionData ()
void addConnection (int signal, Connection *c)
int signalIndex (const char *signalName, const QMetaObject **meta=nullptr) const
bool isSignalConnected (uint signalIdx, bool checkDeclarative=true) const
bool maybeSignalConnected (uint signalIndex) const
bool isDeclarativeSignalConnected (uint signalIdx) const
void connectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
void disconnectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
void reinitBindingStorageAfterThreadMove ()
virtual std::string flagsForDumping () const
virtual void writeToDebugStream (QDebug &) const
QtPrivate::QPropertyAdaptorSlotObjectgetPropertyAdaptorSlotObject (const QMetaProperty &property)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QObjectData
 QObjectData ()=default
virtual ~QObjectData ()=0
QMetaObjectdynamicMetaObject () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QQuickPaletteProviderPrivateBase< QQuickItem, QQuickItemPrivate >
virtual ~QQuickPaletteProviderPrivateBase ()=default
virtual QQuickPalettepalette () const
virtual void setPalette (QQuickPalette *p)
virtual void resetPalette ()
virtual bool providesPalette () const
QPalette defaultPalette () const override
QPalette parentPalette (const QPalette &fallbackPalette) const override
void inheritPalette (const QPalette &parentPalette)
virtual void updateChildrenPalettes (const QPalette &parentPalette)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QQuickAbstractPaletteProvider
virtual ~QQuickAbstractPaletteProvider ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from QQuickItemChangeListener
virtual ~QQuickItemChangeListener ()
virtual void itemSiblingOrderChanged (QQuickItem *)
virtual void itemVisibilityChanged (QQuickItem *)
virtual void itemEnabledChanged (QQuickItem *)
virtual void itemOpacityChanged (QQuickItem *)
virtual void itemDestroyed (QQuickItem *)
virtual void itemChildAdded (QQuickItem *, QQuickItem *)
virtual void itemChildRemoved (QQuickItem *, QQuickItem *)
virtual void itemParentChanged (QQuickItem *, QQuickItem *)
virtual void itemRotationChanged (QQuickItem *)
virtual void itemImplicitWidthChanged (QQuickItem *)
virtual void itemImplicitHeightChanged (QQuickItem *)
virtual void itemFocusChanged (QQuickItem *, Qt::FocusReason)
virtual QQuickAnchorsPrivateanchorPrivate ()

Static Public Member Functions

static QQuickFlickablePrivateget (QQuickFlickable *o)
static void fixupY_callback (void *)
static void fixupX_callback (void *)
static void data_append (QQmlListProperty< QObject > *, QObject *)
static qsizetype data_count (QQmlListProperty< QObject > *)
static QObjectdata_at (QQmlListProperty< QObject > *, qsizetype)
static void data_clear (QQmlListProperty< QObject > *)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QQuickItemPrivate
static QQuickItemPrivateget (QQuickItem *item)
static const QQuickItemPrivateget (const QQuickItem *item)
static void data_append (QQmlListProperty< QObject > *, QObject *)
static qsizetype data_count (QQmlListProperty< QObject > *)
 \qmlproperty list<QtObject> QtQuick::Item::data \qmldefault
static QObjectdata_at (QQmlListProperty< QObject > *, qsizetype)
static void data_clear (QQmlListProperty< QObject > *)
static void data_removeLast (QQmlListProperty< QObject > *)
static QObjectresources_at (QQmlListProperty< QObject > *, qsizetype)
static void resources_append (QQmlListProperty< QObject > *, QObject *)
static qsizetype resources_count (QQmlListProperty< QObject > *)
static void resources_clear (QQmlListProperty< QObject > *)
static void resources_removeLast (QQmlListProperty< QObject > *)
static void children_append (QQmlListProperty< QQuickItem > *, QQuickItem *)
static qsizetype children_count (QQmlListProperty< QQuickItem > *)
static QQuickItemchildren_at (QQmlListProperty< QQuickItem > *, qsizetype)
static void children_clear (QQmlListProperty< QQuickItem > *)
static void children_removeLast (QQmlListProperty< QQuickItem > *)
static qsizetype visibleChildren_count (QQmlListProperty< QQuickItem > *prop)
static QQuickItemvisibleChildren_at (QQmlListProperty< QQuickItem > *prop, qsizetype index)
static qsizetype transform_count (QQmlListProperty< QQuickTransform > *list)
static void transform_append (QQmlListProperty< QQuickTransform > *list, QQuickTransform *)
static QQuickTransformtransform_at (QQmlListProperty< QQuickTransform > *list, qsizetype)
static void transform_clear (QQmlListProperty< QQuickTransform > *list)
static bool focusNextPrev (QQuickItem *item, bool forward)
 QQuickItemPrivate::focusNextPrev focuses the next/prev item in the tab-focus-chain.
static QQuickItemnextTabChildItem (const QQuickItem *item, int start)
static QQuickItemprevTabChildItem (const QQuickItem *item, int start)
static QQuickItemnextPrevItemInTabFocusChain (QQuickItem *item, bool forward, bool wrap=true)
static bool canAcceptTabFocus (QQuickItem *item)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QObjectPrivate
static bool removeConnection (Connection *c)
static QObjectPrivateget (QObject *o)
static const QObjectPrivateget (const QObject *o)
template<typename Func1 , typename Func2 >
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func2 >::Object *receiverPrivate, Func2 slot, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
template<typename Func1 , typename Func2 >
static bool disconnect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func2 >::Object *receiverPrivate, Func2 slot)
static QMetaObject::Connection connectImpl (const QObject *sender, int signal_index, const QObject *receiver, void **slot, QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *slotObj, int type, const int *types, const QMetaObject *senderMetaObject)
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, int signal_index, QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *slotObj, Qt::ConnectionType type)
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, int signal_index, const QObject *receiver, QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *slotObj, Qt::ConnectionType type)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, int signal_index, void **slot)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, int signal_index, const QObject *receiver, void **slot)

Public Attributes

AxisData hData
AxisData vData
MovementReason moveReason = Other
QQuickTimeLine timeline
bool hMoved: 1
bool vMoved: 1
bool stealMouse: 1
bool pressed: 1
bool scrollingPhase: 1
bool interactive: 1
bool calcVelocity: 1
bool pixelAligned: 1
bool syncDrag: 1
QElapsedTimer timer
qint64 lastPosTime
qint64 lastPressTime
QPointF lastPos
QPointF pressPos
QVector2D accumulatedWheelPixelDelta
qreal deceleration
qreal wheelDeceleration
qreal maxVelocity
QBasicTimer delayedPressTimer
int pressDelay
int fixupDuration
qreal flickBoost
qreal initialWheelFlickDistance
FixupMode fixupMode
int vTime
QQuickTimeLine velocityTimeline
QQuickFlickable::FlickableDirection flickableDirection
QQuickFlickable::BoundsBehavior boundsBehavior
QQuickFlickable::BoundsMovement boundsMovement
- Public Attributes inherited from QQuickItemPrivate
QLazilyAllocated< ExtraData, ExtraDataTags > extra
QVector< QQuickItemPrivate::ChangeListenerchangeListeners
quint32 flags:7
quint32 widthValidFlag:1
quint32 heightValidFlag:1
quint32 componentComplete:1
quint32 keepMouse:1
quint32 keepTouch:1
quint32 hoverEnabled:1
quint32 smooth:1
quint32 antialiasing:1
quint32 focus:1
quint32 activeFocus:1
quint32 notifiedFocus:1
quint32 notifiedActiveFocus:1
quint32 filtersChildMouseEvents:1
quint32 explicitVisible:1
quint32 effectiveVisible:1
quint32 explicitEnable:1
quint32 effectiveEnable:1
quint32 polishScheduled:1
quint32 inheritedLayoutMirror:1
quint32 effectiveLayoutMirror:1
quint32 isMirrorImplicit:1
quint32 inheritMirrorFromParent:1
quint32 inheritMirrorFromItem:1
quint32 isAccessible:1
quint32 culled:1
quint32 hasCursor:1
quint32 subtreeCursorEnabled:1
quint32 subtreeHoverEnabled:1
quint32 activeFocusOnTab:1
quint32 implicitAntialiasing:1
quint32 antialiasingValid:1
quint32 isTabFence:1
quint32 replayingPressEvent:1
quint32 touchEnabled:1
quint32 hasCursorHandler:1
quint32 maybeHasSubsceneDeliveryAgent:1
quint32 subtreeTransformChangedEnabled:1
quint32 inDestructor:1
quint32 focusReason:4
quint32 focusPolicy:4
quint32 dirtyAttributes
QQuickItem ** prevDirtyItem
int windowRefCount
QList< QQuickItem * > childItems
QList< QQuickItem * > * sortedChildItems
QPointer< QQuickItemsubFocusItem
qreal implicitWidth
qreal implicitHeight
qreal baselineOffset
QList< QQuickTransform * > transforms
QLayoutPolicy szPolicy
- Public Attributes inherited from QObjectPrivate
QAtomicPointer< QThreadDatathreadData
QAtomicPointer< ConnectionDataconnections
union { 
   QObject *   currentChildBeingDeleted 
   QAbstractDeclarativeData *   declarativeData 
QAtomicPointer< QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountDatasharedRefcount
- Public Attributes inherited from QObjectData
QObjectList children
uint isWidget: 1
uint blockSig: 1
uint wasDeleted: 1
uint isDeletingChildren: 1
uint sendChildEvents: 1
uint receiveChildEvents: 1
uint isWindow: 1
uint deleteLaterCalled: 1
uint isQuickItem: 1
uint willBeWidget: 1
uint wasWidget: 1
uint receiveParentEvents: 1
uint unused: 20
QAtomicInt postedEvents
QBindingStorage bindingStorage

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from QQuickPaletteProviderPrivateBase< QQuickItem, QQuickItemPrivate >
void setCurrentColorGroup ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 37 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ FixupMode


Definition at line 215 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

◆ MovementReason


Definition at line 60 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QQuickFlickablePrivate()

QQuickFlickablePrivate::QQuickFlickablePrivate ( )

Definition at line 226 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References qEnvironmentVariableIntValue(), and wheelDeceleration.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ addPointerHandler()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::addPointerHandler ( QQuickPointerHandler * h)

Reimplemented from QQuickItemPrivate.

Definition at line 2651 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References contentItem, QQuickItemPrivate::get(), and qCDebug.

Referenced by data_append().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ adjustContentPos()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::adjustContentPos ( AxisData & data,
qreal toPos )

Adjusts the contentItem's position via the timeline. This function is used by QQuickFlickablePrivate::fixup in order to position the contentItem back into the viewport, in case flicking, dragging or geometry adjustments moved it outside of bounds.

Definition at line 434 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References dist(), ExtentChanged, fixupDuration, fixupMode, Immediate, QEasingCurve::InQuad, QQuickTimeLine::move(), QEasingCurve::OutExpo, QQuickTimeLine::set(), and timeline.

Referenced by fixup().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cancelInteraction()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::cancelInteraction ( )

Definition at line 2635 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References clearDelayedPress(), draggingEnding(), fixupX(), fixupY(), isViewMoving(), pressed, and stealMouse.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ captureDelayedPress()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::captureDelayedPress ( QQuickItem * item,
QPointerEvent * event )

Definition at line 1826 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References QQuickDeliveryAgentPrivate::clonePointerEvent(), delayedPressEvent, delayedPressTimer, isInnermostPressDelay(), item, pressDelay, qCDebug, QPointerEvent::setAccepted(), and QBasicTimer::start().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ clearDelayedPress()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::clearDelayedPress ( )

Definition at line 1843 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References delayedPressEvent, delayedPressTimer, qCDebug, and QBasicTimer::stop().

Referenced by cancelInteraction(), drag(), and maybeBeginDrag().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearTimeline()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::clearTimeline ( )

Definition at line 468 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References QQuickTimeLine::clear(), hData, QQuickFlickableReboundTransition::stopTransition(), timeline, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::transitionToBounds, and vData.

Referenced by drag().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeCurrentTime()

qint64 QQuickFlickablePrivate::computeCurrentTime ( QInputEvent * event) const

Definition at line 1062 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References QElapsedTimer::elapsed(), QElapsedTimer::isValid(), and timer.

Referenced by handleMoveEvent(), handlePressEvent(), and handleReleaseEvent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ data_append()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::data_append ( QQmlListProperty< QObject > * prop,
QObject * o )

Definition at line 2167 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References addPointerHandler(), contentItem, i, and o.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ data_at()

QObject * QQuickFlickablePrivate::data_at ( QQmlListProperty< QObject > * ,
qsizetype  )

Definition at line 2187 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

◆ data_clear()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::data_clear ( QQmlListProperty< QObject > * )

Definition at line 2193 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

◆ data_count()

qsizetype QQuickFlickablePrivate::data_count ( QQmlListProperty< QObject > * )

Definition at line 2181 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

◆ devicePixelRatio()

qreal QQuickFlickablePrivate::devicePixelRatio ( ) const

Definition at line 1071 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References qApp, and QQuickItemPrivate::window.

Referenced by drag().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ drag()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::drag ( qint64 currentTimestamp,
QEvent::Type eventType,
const QPointF & localPos,
const QVector2D & deltas,
bool overThreshold,
bool momentum,
bool velocitySensitiveOverBounds,
const QVector2D & velocity )

Definition at line 1154 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::addVelocitySample(), QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::atBeginning, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::atEnd, boundsBehavior, QPODVector< T, Increment >::clear(), clearDelayedPress(), clearTimeline(), devicePixelRatio(), draggingStarting(), QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::dragMaxBound, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::dragMinBound, QQuickFlickable::DragOverBounds, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::dragStartOffset, EaseOvershoot(), QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::endMargin, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::flicking, flickingStarted(), fuzzyLessThanOrEqualTo(), hData, hMoved, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::inRebound, lastPos, lastPosTime, lastPressTime, maxVelocity, QEvent::MouseMove, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::move, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::pressPos, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::previousDragDelta, qCDebug, qMax(), qMin(), QML_FLICK_OVERSHOOT, QML_FLICK_OVERSHOOTFRICTION, scrollingPhase, QQuickTimeLineValueProxy< T >::setValue(), QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::startMargin, stealMouse, syncDrag, QQuickTimeLineValue::value(), vData, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::velocity, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::velocityBuffer, vMoved, QEvent::Wheel, QPointF::x(), QVector2D::x(), QPointF::y(), and QVector2D::y().

Referenced by handleMoveEvent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ draggingEnding()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::draggingEnding ( )

Definition at line 2923 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::dragging, emit, hData, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::inRebound, and vData.

Referenced by cancelInteraction(), and handleReleaseEvent().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ draggingStarting()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::draggingStarting ( )

Definition at line 2905 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::dragging, emit, hData, hMoved, vData, and vMoved.

Referenced by drag().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ firstPointLocalVelocity()

QVector2D QQuickFlickablePrivate::firstPointLocalVelocity ( QPointerEvent * event)

Take the velocity of the first point from the given event and transform it to the local coordinate system (taking scale and rotation into account).

Definition at line 1055 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References QQuickItemPrivate::windowToItemTransform().

Referenced by handleMoveEvent(), and handleReleaseEvent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fixup()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::fixup ( AxisData & data,
qreal minExtent,
qreal maxExtent )

This function should be called after the contentItem has been moved, either programmatically, or by the timeline (as a result of a flick). It ensures that the contentItem will be moved back into bounds, in case it was flicked outside of the visible area.

The positional adjustment will usually be animated by the timeline, unless the fixupMode is set to Immediate.

Reimplemented in QQuickGridViewPrivate, QQuickListViewPrivate, and QQuickTableViewPrivate.

Definition at line 487 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References adjustContentPos(), fixupMode, Normal, resetTimeline(), QQuickTimeLine::set(), QQuickTimeLine::time(), and timeline.

Referenced by QQuickGridViewPrivate::fixup(), QQuickListViewPrivate::fixup(), QQuickTableViewPrivate::fixup(), fixupX(), fixupY(), and flick().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fixupX()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::fixupX ( )

Definition at line 410 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References fixup(), and hData.

Referenced by cancelInteraction(), QQuickGridViewPrivate::fixupPosition(), QQuickListViewPrivate::fixupPosition(), and handleReleaseEvent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fixupX_callback()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::fixupX_callback ( void * data)

Definition at line 405 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

Referenced by flickX().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fixupY()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::fixupY ( )

Definition at line 418 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References fixup(), and vData.

Referenced by cancelInteraction(), QQuickGridViewPrivate::fixupPosition(), QQuickListViewPrivate::fixupPosition(), and handleReleaseEvent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fixupY_callback()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::fixupY_callback ( void * data)

Definition at line 400 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

Referenced by flickY().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ flick()

bool QQuickFlickablePrivate::flick ( AxisData & data,
qreal minExtent,
qreal maxExtent,
qreal vSize,
QQuickTimeLineCallback::Callback fixupCallback,
QEvent::Type eventType,
qreal velocity )

Reimplemented in QQuickGridViewPrivate, and QQuickListViewPrivate.

Definition at line 344 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References QQuickTimeLine::accel(), boundsBehavior, QQuickTimeLine::callback(), deceleration, dist(), fixup(), QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::flicking, hData, maxVelocity, QQuickFlickable::OvershootBounds, qAbs(), qCDebug, resetTimeline(), timeline, vData, QEvent::Wheel, and wheelDeceleration.

Referenced by QQuickGridViewPrivate::flick(), QQuickListViewPrivate::flick(), flickX(), flickY(), and isInnermostPressDelay().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ flickingStarted()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::flickingStarted ( bool flickingH,
bool flickingV )

Definition at line 2132 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References emit, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::flicking, hData, and vData.

Referenced by drag(), and handleReleaseEvent().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ flickX()

bool QQuickFlickablePrivate::flickX ( QEvent::Type eventType,
qreal velocity )

Definition at line 332 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References fixupX_callback(), flick(), and hData.

Referenced by handleReleaseEvent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ flickY()

bool QQuickFlickablePrivate::flickY ( QEvent::Type eventType,
qreal velocity )

Definition at line 338 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References fixupY_callback(), flick(), and vData.

Referenced by handleReleaseEvent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get()

static QQuickFlickablePrivate * QQuickFlickablePrivate::get ( QQuickFlickable * o)

Definition at line 42 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

References o.

Referenced by QQuickFlickableReboundTransition::finished(), QQuickFlickableReboundTransition::startTransition(), QQuickFlickableReboundTransition::stopTransition(), and QQuickFlickableVisibleArea::updateVisible().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handleMoveEvent()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::handleMoveEvent ( QPointerEvent * event)

Definition at line 1364 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References QSinglePointEvent::buttons(), computeCurrentTime(), drag(), QQuickDeliveryAgentPrivate::dragOverThreshold(), firstPointLocalVelocity(), interactive, lastPosTime, Qt::LeftButton, pos, qCDebug, Qt::XAxis, and Qt::YAxis.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handlePressEvent()

◆ handleReleaseEvent()

◆ init()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::init ( )

Definition at line 253 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References contentItem, QQuickItemPrivate::Geometry, QQuickItemPrivate::get(), QQuickItem::ItemIsViewport, Qt::LeftButton, QLayoutPolicy::Preferred, qmlobject_connect, QQml_setParent_noEvent(), QQuickItem::setParentItem(), QQuickItemPrivate::setSizePolicy(), SIGNAL, SLOT, timeline, and velocityTimeline.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isInnermostPressDelay()

bool QQuickFlickablePrivate::isInnermostPressDelay ( QQuickItem * item) const

Definition at line 1811 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References flick(), i, item, and QGraphicsItem::parentItem().

Referenced by captureDelayedPress().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isViewMoving()

bool QQuickFlickablePrivate::isViewMoving ( ) const

Definition at line 2945 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References hData, QQuickFlickableReboundTransition::isActive(), QQuickTimeLine::isActive(), timeline, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::transitionToBounds, and vData.

Referenced by cancelInteraction(), and handleReleaseEvent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ itemGeometryChanged()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::itemGeometryChanged ( QQuickItem * item,
QQuickGeometryChange change,
const QRectF & oldGeom )

Reimplemented from QQuickItemChangeListener.

Reimplemented in QQuickItemViewPrivate, and QQuickListViewPrivate.

Definition at line 308 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References contentItem, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::contentPositionChangedExternallyDuringDrag, emit, hData, Qt::Horizontal, item, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::pressPos, vData, Qt::Vertical, QQuickGeometryChange::xChange(), and QQuickGeometryChange::yChange().

Referenced by QQuickItemViewPrivate::itemGeometryChanged().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maybeBeginDrag()

◆ overShootDistance()

qreal QQuickFlickablePrivate::overShootDistance ( qreal velocity) const

Returns the distance to overshoot, given velocity. Will be in range 0 - velocity / 3, but limited to a max of QML_FLICK_OVERSHOOT

Definition at line 276 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References maxVelocity, qMin(), and QML_FLICK_OVERSHOOT.

Referenced by QQuickGridViewPrivate::flick(), QQuickListViewPrivate::flick(), and viewportAxisMoved().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ replayDelayedPress()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::replayDelayedPress ( )

Definition at line 1853 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References delayedPressEvent, delayedPressTimer, QQuickItemPrivate::deliveryAgentPrivate(), qCDebug, QQuickItemPrivate::replayingPressEvent, QCoreApplication::sendEvent(), QBasicTimer::stop(), and QQuickItemPrivate::window.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ resetTimeline()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::resetTimeline ( AxisData & data)

Definition at line 461 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References QQuickTimeLine::reset(), and timeline.

Referenced by fixup(), flick(), maybeBeginDrag(), and viewportAxisMoved().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setViewportX()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::setViewportX ( qreal x)

This function is called from the timeline, when advancement in the timeline is modifying the hData.move value. The x argument is the newly updated value in hData.move. The purpose of the function is to update the x position of the contentItem.

Definition at line 1903 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References boundsMovement, contentItem, emit, hData, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::overshoot, pixelAligned, qBound(), QQuickItem::setX(), QQuickFlickable::StopAtBounds, and QQuickItem::x.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setViewportY()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::setViewportY ( qreal y)

This function is called from the timeline, when advancement in the timeline is modifying the vData.move value. The y argument is the newly updated value in vData.move. The purpose of the function is to update the y position of the contentItem.

Definition at line 1938 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References boundsMovement, contentItem, emit, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::overshoot, pixelAligned, qBound(), QQuickItem::setY(), QQuickFlickable::StopAtBounds, vData, and QQuickItem::y.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ updateBeginningEnd()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::updateBeginningEnd ( )

This function's main purpose is to update the atBeginning and atEnd flags in hData and vData. It should be called when the contentItem has moved, to ensure that hData and vData are up to date.

The origin will also be updated, if AxisData::markExtentsDirty has been called

Definition at line 535 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::atBeginning, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::atEnd, emit, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::extentsChanged, fuzzyLessThanOrEqualTo(), hData, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::move, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::moving, QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::origin, pixelAligned, QQuickFlickablePrivate::Velocity::setValue(), QQuickFlickablePrivate::AxisData::smoothVelocity, QQuickFlickableVisibleArea::updateVisible(), QQuickTimeLineValue::value(), vData, and visibleArea.

Referenced by QQuickTableViewPrivate::loadInitialTable(), QQuickItemViewPrivate::refill(), and QQuickTableViewPrivate::updateExtents().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateVelocity()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::updateVelocity ( )

Definition at line 3133 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References emit.

◆ viewportAxisMoved()

void QQuickFlickablePrivate::viewportAxisMoved ( AxisData & data,
qreal minExtent,
qreal maxExtent,
QQuickTimeLineCallback::Callback fixupCallback )

Definition at line 2025 of file qquickflickable.cpp.

References QQuickTimeLine::accel(), calcVelocity, QQuickTimeLine::callback(), deceleration, elapsed(), overShootDistance(), pressed, qAbs(), qCDebug, qFuzzyCompare(), QML_FLICK_OVERSHOOTFRICTION, QQuickTimeLine::reset(), resetTimeline(), scrollingPhase, QQuickTimeLine::set(), QQuickTimeLine::time(), timeline, and velocityTimeline.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ wantsPointerEvent()

virtual bool QQuickFlickablePrivate::wantsPointerEvent ( const QPointerEvent * )

Reimplemented in QQuickListViewPrivate.

Definition at line 179 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ accumulatedWheelPixelDelta

QVector2D QQuickFlickablePrivate::accumulatedWheelPixelDelta

Definition at line 204 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

◆ boundsBehavior

QQuickFlickable::BoundsBehavior QQuickFlickablePrivate::boundsBehavior

◆ boundsMovement

QQuickFlickable::BoundsMovement QQuickFlickablePrivate::boundsMovement

Definition at line 227 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by setViewportX(), and setViewportY().

◆ calcVelocity

bool QQuickFlickablePrivate::calcVelocity

Definition at line 196 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by viewportAxisMoved().

◆ contentItem

◆ deceleration

qreal QQuickFlickablePrivate::deceleration

◆ delayedPressEvent

QPointerEvent* QQuickFlickablePrivate::delayedPressEvent

◆ delayedPressTimer

QBasicTimer QQuickFlickablePrivate::delayedPressTimer

◆ fixupDuration

int QQuickFlickablePrivate::fixupDuration

◆ fixupMode

FixupMode QQuickFlickablePrivate::fixupMode

◆ flickableDirection

QQuickFlickable::FlickableDirection QQuickFlickablePrivate::flickableDirection

Definition at line 225 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by QQuickListViewPrivate::fixup().

◆ flickBoost

qreal QQuickFlickablePrivate::flickBoost

Definition at line 212 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by handlePressEvent(), and handleReleaseEvent().

◆ hData

◆ hMoved

bool QQuickFlickablePrivate::hMoved

Definition at line 190 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by drag(), draggingStarting(), and handleReleaseEvent().

◆ initialWheelFlickDistance

qreal QQuickFlickablePrivate::initialWheelFlickDistance

Definition at line 213 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

◆ interactive

bool QQuickFlickablePrivate::interactive

Definition at line 195 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by handleMoveEvent(), and handlePressEvent().

◆ lastPos

QPointF QQuickFlickablePrivate::lastPos

Definition at line 202 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by drag(), and maybeBeginDrag().

◆ lastPosTime

qint64 QQuickFlickablePrivate::lastPosTime

Definition at line 200 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by drag(), handleMoveEvent(), handleReleaseEvent(), and maybeBeginDrag().

◆ lastPressTime

qint64 QQuickFlickablePrivate::lastPressTime

Definition at line 201 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by drag(), and maybeBeginDrag().

◆ maxVelocity

◆ moveReason

◆ pixelAligned

bool QQuickFlickablePrivate::pixelAligned

Definition at line 197 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by setViewportX(), setViewportY(), and updateBeginningEnd().

◆ pressDelay

int QQuickFlickablePrivate::pressDelay

Definition at line 210 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by captureDelayedPress().

◆ pressed

◆ pressPos

QPointF QQuickFlickablePrivate::pressPos

Definition at line 203 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by handleReleaseEvent(), and maybeBeginDrag().

◆ rebound

QQuickTransition* QQuickFlickablePrivate::rebound

Definition at line 228 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

◆ scrollingPhase

bool QQuickFlickablePrivate::scrollingPhase

Definition at line 194 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by drag(), and viewportAxisMoved().

◆ stealMouse

bool QQuickFlickablePrivate::stealMouse

◆ syncDrag

bool QQuickFlickablePrivate::syncDrag

Definition at line 198 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by drag().

◆ timeline

◆ timer

QElapsedTimer QQuickFlickablePrivate::timer

Definition at line 199 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by computeCurrentTime(), and handlePressEvent().

◆ vData

◆ velocityTimeline

QQuickTimeLine QQuickFlickablePrivate::velocityTimeline

Definition at line 223 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by handleReleaseEvent(), init(), and viewportAxisMoved().

◆ visibleArea

QQuickFlickableVisibleArea* QQuickFlickablePrivate::visibleArea

Definition at line 224 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by updateBeginningEnd().

◆ vMoved

bool QQuickFlickablePrivate::vMoved

Definition at line 191 of file qquickflickable_p_p.h.

Referenced by drag(), draggingStarting(), and handleReleaseEvent().

◆ vTime

int QQuickFlickablePrivate::vTime

◆ wheelDeceleration

qreal QQuickFlickablePrivate::wheelDeceleration

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: