Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. <b>Note:</b> These are NOT official API docs; those are found <a href='https://doc.qt.io/'>here</a>.
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 NQQmlSA\inmodule QtQmlCompiler
 NQSSGShaderUtils\qmltype Shader \inherits Object \inqmlmodule QtQuick3D
 NQT_BEGIN_NAMESPACECombined button and popup list for selecting options
 NQtAndroidPrivate\preliminary \inmodule QtCorePrivate
 NQtConcurrent\inmodule QtConcurrent
 NQTlsPrivateNamespace containing onternal types that TLS backends implement
 NQtPrivate\macro QT_NO_KEYWORDS >
 CAstDumperDumps or compares AST in an xml like format, mostly for testing/debugging
 CAudioOutputExample[Audio input state changed]
 CAVFScopedPointer< dispatch_queue_t >
 CCharType< QByteArray >
 CCharType< QString >
 CConnection\inmodule QtCore Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection
 CDBusConnectionConnects to the accessibility dbus
 CDefaultReturn< void >
 CDocumentFileDocumentFile Api
 CExampleComF[Specialized class definition]
 CFetchContextEnsures the requestData object remains valid while a fetch operation is pending
 CFieldFilterClass that represent a filter on DomItem, when dumping or comparing
 CFooJavaClass[C++ native methods]
 CFuncInfo< R(A...)>
 CHashedForm< const QV4::String * >
 CHashedForm< QHashedCStringRef >
 CHashedForm< QHashedString >
 CHashedForm< QHashedStringRef >
 CHashedForm< QLatin1String >
 CHashedForm< QString >
 CHashedForm< QStringView >
 CHashedForm< QV4::String * >
 CMessage[custom type definition]
 CMyApplication[QApplication subclass]
 CMyVideoProducer[Video producer]
 CParallelAnimationWrapper\qmltype Transition \instantiates QQuickTransition \inqmlmodule QtQuick
 CPathRepresents an immutable JsonPath like path in the Qml code model (from a DomItem to another DomItem)
 CQAbstractAnimation\inmodule QtCore
 CQAbstractAnimationTimer\inmodule QtCore
 CQAbstractButtonAbstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons
 CQAbstractEventDispatcher\inmodule QtCore
 CQAbstractFileEngine\inmodule QtCore \reentrant
 CQAbstractFileEngineHandler\inmodule QtCore \reentrant
 CQAbstractFileEngineIteratorIterator interface for custom file engines
 CQAbstractFileIconEngineHelper base class for retrieving icons for files for usage by QFileIconProvider and related
 CQAbstractFileIconProvider\inmodule QtGui
 CQAbstractGraphicsShapeItemCommon base for all path items
 CQAbstractItemDelegateUsed to display and edit data items from a model
 CQAbstractItemModel\inmodule QtCore
 CQAbstractItemModelTesterHelps testing QAbstractItemModel subclasses
 CQAbstractItemViewBasic functionality for item view classes
 CQAbstractListModel\inmodule QtCore
 CQAbstractNativeEventFilter\inmodule QtCore
 CQAbstractNetworkCacheInterface for cache implementations
 CQAbstractOpenGLFunctions\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQAbstractPrintDialogBase implementation for print dialogs used to configure printers
 CQAbstractProxyModelBase class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering or other data processing tasks.\inmodule QtCore
 CQAbstractSliderInteger value within a range
 CQAbstractSocketBase functionality common to all socket types
 CQAbstractSpinBoxSpinbox and a line edit to display values
 CQAbstractTableModel\inmodule QtCore
 CQAbstractTestLoggerBase class for test loggers
 CQAbstractVideoBufferAbstraction for video data. \inmodule QtMultimedia
 CQAccessibleEnums and static functions related to accessibility
 CQActionAbstraction for user commands that can be added to different user interface components
 CQActionEventEvent that is generated when a QAction is added, removed, or changed
 CQActionGroupGroups actions together
 CQAdoptSharedDataTag\inmodule QtCore \threadsafe
 CQAmbientSound\inmodule QtSpatialAudio
 CQAndroidActivityResultReceiver\inheaderfile QtCore/private/qandroidextras_p.h \preliminary \inmodule QtCorePrivate
 CQAndroidApplicationNative interface to a core application on Android
 CQAndroidBinder\inheaderfile QtCore/private/qandroidextras_p.h \preliminary \inmodule QtCorePrivate
 CQAndroidIntent\inheaderfile QtCore/private/qandroidextras_p.h \preliminary \inmodule QtCorePrivate
 CQAndroidOffscreenSurfaceNative interface to a offscreen surface on Android
 CQAndroidParcel\inheaderfile QtCore/private/qandroidextras_p.h \preliminary \inmodule QtCorePrivate
 CQAndroidScreenNative interface to a screen
 CQAndroidService\inheaderfile QtCore/private/qandroidextras_p.h \preliminary \inmodule QtCorePrivate
 CQAndroidServiceConnection\inheaderfile QtCore/private/qandroidextras_p.h \preliminary \inmodule QtCorePrivate
 CQAnimationDriver\inmodule QtCore
 CQAnimationGroup\inmodule QtCore
 CQAnyStringView\inmodule QtCore
 CQApplicationManages the GUI application's control flow and main settings
 CQAssociativeIterableIterable interface for an associative container in a QVariant
 CQAtomicAdditiveType< T * >
 CQAtomicInt\inmodule QtCore
 CQAtomicInteger\inmodule QtCore
 CQAtomicOpsSupport< 1 >
 CQAtomicOpsSupport< 2 >
 CQAtomicPointer\macro Q_ATOMIC_INTnn_IS_SUPPORTED
 CQAudioBuffer\inmodule QtMultimedia
 CQAudioDecoderImplements decoding audio
 CQAudioDeviceInformation about audio devices and their functionality
 CQAudioEngine\inmodule QtSpatialAudio
 CQAudioFormatStores audio stream parameter information
 CQAudioInput\qmltype AudioInput \instantiates QAudioInput
 CQAudioListener\inmodule QtSpatialAudio
 CQAudioOutput\qmltype AudioOutput \instantiates QAudioOutput
 CQAudioRoom\inmodule QtSpatialAudio
 CQAudioSinkInterface for sending audio data to an audio output device
 CQAudioSourceInterface for receiving audio data from an audio input device
 CQAuthenticatorAuthentication object
 CQBackingStoreDrawing area for QWindow
 CQBaseIterator\inmodule QtCore QBaseIterator forms the common base class for all iterators operating on subclasses of QIterable
 CQBasicDragQBasicDrag is a base class for implementing platform drag and drop
 CQBasicPlatformVulkanInstanceA generic platform Vulkan instance implementation
 CQBasicTimer\inmodule QtCore
 CQBEInteger\inmodule QtCore
 CQBindable\inmodule QtCore
 CQBitArray\inmodule QtCore
 CQBitmap\inmodule QtGui
 CQBitRef\inmodule QtCore \reentrant
 CQBluetoothAddress\inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent\inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQBluetoothDeviceInfo\inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQBluetoothHostInfo\inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQBluetoothLocalDevice\inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQBluetoothPermissionAccess Bluetooth peripherals
 CQBluetoothServer\inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent\inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQBluetoothServiceInfo\inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQBluetoothSocket\inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQBluetoothUuid\inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQBoxLayoutLines up child widgets horizontally or vertically
 CQBrush\inmodule QtGui
 CQBuffer\inmodule QtCore \reentrant
 CQButtonGroupContainer to organize groups of button widgets
 CQByteArray\inmodule QtCore
 CQByteArrayList\inmodule QtCore
 CQByteArrayMatcher\inmodule QtCore
 CQCalendarDescribes calendar systems
 CQCalendarBackendBasic calendaring functions
 CQCalendarPermissionAccess the user's calendar
 CQCalendarWidgetMonthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a date
 CQCameraInterface for system camera devices
 CQCameraDeviceGeneral information about camera devices
 CQCameraFormatDescribes a video format supported by a camera device. \inmodule QtMultimedia
 CQCameraPermissionAccess the camera for taking pictures or videos
 CQCapturableWindow\inmodule QtMultimedia
 CQCborArray\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQCborError\inmodule QtCore \inheaderfile QtCborCommon \reentrant
 CQCborMap\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQCborParserError\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQCborStreamReader\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQCborStreamWriter\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQCborValue\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQChar\inmodule QtCore
 CQCheckBoxCheckbox with a text label
 CQChildEvent\inmodule QtCore
 CQChildWindowEvent\inmodule QtGui
 CQChronoTimer\inmodule QtCore
 CQClipboardAccess to the window system clipboard
 CQCloseEventParameters that describe a close event
 CQCocoaGLContextNative interface to an NSOpenGLContext on \macos
 CQCocoaInputContextCocoa Input context implementation
 CQCocoaMenuNative interface for QPlatformMenu on \macos. \inmodule QtGui
 CQCocoaWindowNative interface for QPlatformWindow on \macos. \inmodule QtGui
 CQCollator\inmodule QtCore
 CQCollatorSortKey\inmodule QtCore
 CQColorColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values
 CQColorDialogDialog widget for specifying colors
 CQColorSpaceColor space abstraction
 CQColorTransformTransformation between color spaces
 CQColumnViewDelegateThis is a delegate that will paint the triangle
 CQComboBoxCombines a button with a dropdown list
 CQCommandLineOptionDefines a possible command-line option. \inmodule QtCore
 CQCommandLineParserMeans for handling the command line options
 CQCommandLinkButtonVista style command link button
 CQCommonStyleEncapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUI
 CQCompleterCompletions based on an item model
 CQComTaskResource< T[], TElementDeleter >
 CQConcatenable< char * >
 CQConcatenable< char >
 CQConcatenable< char16_t * >
 CQConcatenable< char16_t >
 CQConcatenable< char16_t[N]>
 CQConcatenable< char[N]>
 CQConcatenable< const char * >
 CQConcatenable< const char16_t * >
 CQConcatenable< const char16_t[N]>
 CQConcatenable< const char[N]>
 CQConcatenable< HexString< T > >
 CQConcatenable< QByteArray >
 CQConcatenable< QByteArrayView >
 CQConcatenable< QChar >
 CQConcatenable< QChar::SpecialCharacter >
 CQConcatenable< QLatin1Char >
 CQConcatenable< QLatin1StringView >
 CQConcatenable< QString >
 CQConcatenable< QStringBuilder< A, B > >
 CQConcatenable< QStringView >
 CQConcatenateTablesProxyModelProxies multiple source models, concatenating their rows
 CQConicalGradient\inmodule QtGui
 CQConstIteratorThe QConstIterator allows iteration over a container in a QVariant
 CQContactsPermissionAccess the user's contacts
 CQContextMenuEventParameters that describe a context menu event
 CQContiguousCache\inmodule QtCore
 CQCoreApplication\inmodule QtCore
 CQCryptographicHash\inmodule QtCore
 CQCursorMouse cursor with an arbitrary shape
 CQDataStream\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQDataWidgetMapperMapping between a section of a data model to widgets
 CQDate\inmodule QtCore \reentrant
 CQDateEditWidget for editing dates based on the QDateTimeEdit widget
 CQDateTime\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQDateTimeEditWidget for editing dates and times
 CQDBusAbstractAdaptor\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusAbstractInterface\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusArgument\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusConnection\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusConnectionInterface\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusContextAllows slots to determine the D-Bus context of the calls
 CQDBusError\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusInterface\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusIntrospection\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusMessage\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusMetaType\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusObjectPath\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusPendingCall\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusPendingCallWatcher\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusPendingReply\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusReply\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusReply< void >
 CQDBusServer\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusServiceWatcherAllows the user to watch for a bus service change
 CQDBusSignature\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusUnixFileDescriptor\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusUnixFileDescriptorPrivate\variable QDBusUnixFileDescriptor::d
 CQDBusVariant\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDBusVirtualObject\inmodule QtDBus
 CQDeadlineTimer\inmodule QtCore
 CQDebug\inmodule QtCore
 CQDebugStateSaver\inmodule QtCore
 CQDeferredFactory< QQmlJSScope >
 CQDesktopServicesMethods for accessing common desktop services
 CQDialRounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer)
 CQDialogBase class of dialog windows
 CQDialogButtonBoxWidget that presents buttons in a layout that is appropriate to the current widget style
 CQDir\inmodule QtCore
 CQDirIteratorIterator for directory entrylists
 CQDirListingSTL-style iterator for directory entries
 CQDnsDomainNameRecordStores information about a domain name record
 CQDnsHostAddressRecordStores information about a host address record
 CQDnsLookupDNS lookup
 CQDnsMailExchangeRecordStores information about a DNS MX record
 CQDnsServiceRecordStores information about a DNS SRV record
 CQDnsTextRecordStores information about a DNS TXT record
 CQDnsTlsAssociationRecordStores information about a DNS TLSA record
 CQDockWidgetWidget that can be docked inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktop
 CQDoubleSpinBoxSpin box widget that takes doubles
 CQDoubleValidatorRange checking of floating-point numbers
 CQDrag\inmodule QtGui
 CQDtlsThis class provides encryption for UDP sockets
 CQDtlsClientVerifierThis class implements server-side DTLS cookie generation and verification
 CQDynamicPropertyChangeEvent\inmodule QtCore
 CQEasingCurve\inmodule QtCore
 CQEGLPbufferA pbuffer-based implementation of QPlatformOffscreenSurface for EGL
 CQEGLPlatformContextAn EGL context implementation
 CQElapsedTimer\inmodule QtCore
 CQEnableSharedFromThis\inmodule QtCore
 CQEnterEvent\inmodule QtGui
 CQErrorMessageError message display dialog
 CQEvent\inmodule QtCore
 CQEventLoop\inmodule QtCore
 CQEventLoopLocker\inmodule QtCore
 CQEventPointInformation about a point in a QPointerEvent
 CQException\inmodule QtCore
 CQExplicitlySharedDataPointer\inmodule QtCore
 CQExposeEventEvent parameters for expose events. \inmodule QtGui
 CQFile\inmodule QtCore
 CQFileDevice\inmodule QtCore
 CQFileDialogDialog that allows users to select files or directories
 CQFileIconProvider\inmodule QtWidgets
 CQFileOpenEventEvent that will be sent when there is a request to open a file or a URL
 CQFileSelector\inmodule QtCore
 CQFileSystemModelData model for the local filesystem
 CQFileSystemWatcher\inmodule QtCore
 CQFlickGestureDescribes a flicking gesture made by the user.The QFlickGesture is more complex than the QPanGesture that uses QScroller and QScrollerProperties to decide if it is triggered. This gesture is reacting on touch event as compared to the QMouseFlickGesture
 Cqfloat16\keyword 16-bit Floating Point Support\inmodule QtCore \inheaderfile QFloat16
 CQFocusEventEvent parameters for widget focus events
 CQFocusFrameFocus frame which can be outside of a widget's normal paintable area
 CQFontComboBoxCombobox that lets the user select a font family
 CQFontDatabase\threadsafe \inmodule QtGui
 CQFontDialog\inmodule QtWidgets
 CQFontMetrics\reentrant \inmodule QtGui
 CQFontMetricsF\reentrant \inmodule QtGui
 CQFormLayoutManages forms of input widgets and their associated labels
 CQFrameBase class of widgets that can have a frame
 CQFreeListElement< void >
 CQFSCompleterQCompleter that can deal with QFileSystemModel
 CQFSFileEngine\inmodule QtCore
 CQFutureInterface< void >
 CQGenericArgument\macro QMetaMethodArgument Q_ARG(Type, const Type &value)
 CQGenericMatrixThe QGenericMatrix class is a template class that represents a NxM transformation matrix with N columns and M rows
 CQGenericPlugin\inmodule QtGui
 CQGenericPluginFactory\inmodule QtGui
 CQGenericReturnArgument\inmodule QtCore
 CQGeoAddress\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQGeoAreaMonitorInfo\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQGeoAreaMonitorSource\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQGeoCameraCapabilities\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGeoCircle\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQGeoCodeReply\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGeoCodingManager\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGeoCodingManagerEngine\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGeoCoordinate\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQGeoLocation\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQGeoManeuver\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGeoMappingManager\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGeoMappingManagerEngine\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGeoPath\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQGeoPolygon\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQGeoPositionInfo\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQGeoPositionInfoSource\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQGeoPositionInfoSourceFactory\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQGeoRectangle\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQGeoRoute\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGeoRouteReply\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGeoRouteRequest\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGeoRouteSegment\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGeoRoutingManager\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGeoRoutingManagerEngine\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGeoSatelliteInfo\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQGeoSatelliteInfoSource\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQGeoServiceProvider\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGeoServiceProviderFactory\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGeoShape\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQGeoTiledMapReply\inmodule QtLocation
 CQGestureGesture, containing properties that describe the corresponding user input
 CQGestureEventDescription of triggered gestures
 CQGestureRecognizerInfrastructure for gesture recognition.\inmodule QtWidgets
 CQGlyphRunDirect access to the internal glyphs in a font
 CQGnomeThemeQGnomeTheme is a theme implementation for the Gnome desktop
 CQGradient\inmodule QtGui
 CQGraphicsAnchorAnchor between two items in a QGraphicsAnchorLayout
 CQGraphicsAnchorLayoutLayout where one can anchor widgets together in Graphics View
 CQGraphicsBlurEffectBlur effect
 CQGraphicsColorizeEffectColorize effect
 CQGraphicsDropShadowEffectDrop shadow effect
 CQGraphicsEffectBase class for all graphics effects
 CQGraphicsEffectSourceSource on which a QGraphicsEffect is installed on
 CQGraphicsEllipseItemEllipse item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsFrameCaptureRenderDocWay to capture a record of draw calls for different graphics APIs
 CQGraphicsGridLayoutGrid layout for managing widgets in Graphics View
 CQGraphicsItemBase class for all graphical items in a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsItemAnimationSimple animation support for QGraphicsItem
 CQGraphicsItemGroupContainer that treats a group of items as a single item
 CQGraphicsLayoutBase class for all layouts in Graphics View
 CQGraphicsLayoutItemCan be inherited to allow your custom items to be managed by layouts
 CQGraphicsLinearLayoutHorizontal or vertical layout for managing widgets in Graphics View
 CQGraphicsLineItemLine item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsObjectBase class for all graphics items that require signals, slots and properties
 CQGraphicsOpacityEffectOpacity effect
 CQGraphicsPixmapItemPixmap item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsPolygonItemPolygon item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsProxyWidgetProxy layer for embedding a QWidget in a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsRectItemRectangle item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsRotationRotation transformation around a given axis
 CQGraphicsScaleScale transformation
 CQGraphicsSceneSurface for managing a large number of 2D graphical items
 CQGraphicsSceneBspTreeIndexImplementation of a BSP indexing algorithm for discovering items in QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsSceneContextMenuEventContext menu events in the graphics view framework
 CQGraphicsSceneDragDropEventEvents for drag and drop in the graphics view framework
 CQGraphicsSceneEventBase class for all graphics view related events
 CQGraphicsSceneHelpEventEvents when a tooltip is requested
 CQGraphicsSceneHoverEventHover events in the graphics view framework
 CQGraphicsSceneIndexBase class to implement a custom indexing algorithm for discovering items in QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsSceneLinearIndexImplementation of a linear indexing algorithm for discovering items in QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsSceneMouseEventMouse events in the graphics view framework
 CQGraphicsSceneMoveEventEvents for widget moving in the graphics view framework
 CQGraphicsSceneResizeEventEvents for widget resizing in the graphics view framework
 CQGraphicsSceneWheelEventWheel events in the graphics view framework
 CQGraphicsSimpleTextItemSimple text path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsSvgItem\inmodule QtSvgWidgets
 CQGraphicsTextItemText item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene to display formatted text
 CQGraphicsTransformAbstract base class for building advanced transformations on QGraphicsItems
 CQGraphicsVideoItemGraphics item which display video produced by a QMediaPlayer or QCamera
 CQGraphicsViewWidget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsWidgetBase class for all widget items in a QGraphicsScene
 CQGregorianCalendarImplements the Gregorian calendar
 CQGridLayoutLays out widgets in a grid
 CQGroupBoxGroup box frame with a title
 CQGtk3InterfaceCentralizes communication with the GTK3 library
 CQGuiApplication\macro qGuiApp
 CQHash\inmodule QtCore
 CQHashHeterogeneousSearch< QByteArray, QByteArrayView >
 CQHashHeterogeneousSearch< QByteArrayView, QByteArray >
 CQHashHeterogeneousSearch< QLatin1StringView, QString >
 CQHashHeterogeneousSearch< QLatin1StringView, QStringView >
 CQHashHeterogeneousSearch< QString, QLatin1StringView >
 CQHashHeterogeneousSearch< QString, QStringView >
 CQHashHeterogeneousSearch< QStringView, QLatin1StringView >
 CQHashHeterogeneousSearch< QStringView, QString >
 CQHashSeed\inmodule QtCore
 CQHBoxLayoutLines up widgets horizontally
 CQHeaderDataProxyModelQHeaderDataProxyModel is a proxy AbstractItemModel type that maps source model's headerData() to correspondent data()
 CQHeaderViewHeader row or header column for item views
 CQHelpEventEvent that is used to request helpful information about a particular point in a widget
 CQHideEventEvent which is sent after a widget is hidden
 CQHighDpiScalingCollection of utility functions for UI scaling
 CQHijriCalendarSupports Islamic (Hijri) calendar implementations
 CQHostAddressIP address
 CQHostInfoStatic functions for host name lookups
 CQHoverEvent\inmodule QtGui
 CQHstsPolicyThat a host supports HTTP Strict Transport Security policy (HSTS)
 CQHttp1ConfigurationControls HTTP/1 parameters and settings
 CQHttp2ConfigurationControls HTTP/2 parameters and settings
 CQHttp2Connection\inmodule QtNetwork
 CQHttp2Stream\inmodule QtNetwork
 CQHttpMultiPartResembles a MIME multipart message to be sent over HTTP
 CQHttpPartHolds a body part to be used inside a HTTP multipart MIME message
 CQIconScalable icons in different modes and states
 CQIconDragEventIndicates that a main icon drag has begun
 CQIconEngineAbstract base class for QIcon renderers
 CQIconEnginePluginAbstract base for custom QIconEngine plugins
 CQIconLoaderEngineAn icon engine based on icon entries collected by QIconLoader
 CQIdentityProxyModelProxies its source model unmodified
 CQImage\inmodule QtGui
 CQImageCapture\inmodule QtMultimedia
 CQImageIOHandlerDefines the common image I/O interface for all image formats in Qt
 CQImageIOPlugin\inmodule QtGui
 CQImageReaderFormat independent interface for reading images from files or other devices
 CQImageWriterFormat independent interface for writing images to files or other devices
 CQInputDeviceDescribes a device from which a QInputEvent originates
 CQInputDeviceManagerQInputDeviceManager acts as a communication hub between QtGui and the input handlers
 CQInputDialogSimple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user
 CQInputEvent\inmodule QtGui
 CQInputMethodAccess to the active text input method
 CQInputMethodEventParameters for input method events
 CQInputMethodQueryEventEvent sent by the input context to input objects
 CQIntrusiveListThe QIntrusiveList class is a template class that provides a list of objects using static storage
 CQIntValidatorValidator that ensures a string contains a valid integer within a specified range
 CQIODevice\inmodule QtCore \reentrant
 CQIODeviceBase\inheaderfile QIODevice \inmodule QtCore
 CQIslamicCivilCalendarImplements a commonly-used computed version of the Islamic calendar
 CQItemDelegateDisplay and editing facilities for data items from a model
 CQItemEditorCreatorThe QItemEditorCreator class makes it possible to create item editor creator bases without subclassing QItemEditorCreatorBase
 CQItemEditorCreatorBaseAbstract base class that must be subclassed when implementing new item editor creators
 CQItemEditorFactoryWidgets for editing item data in views and delegates
 CQItemSelection\inmodule QtCore
 CQItemSelectionRange\inmodule QtCore
 CQIterable\inmodule QtCore
 CQIteratorThe QIterator is a template class that allows iteration over a container in a QVariant
 CQJalaliCalendarJalali (Hijri Shamsi) calendar system implementation
 CQJniEnvironment\inmodule QtCore
 CQJniObject\inmodule QtCore
 CQJp2HandlerSupport for reading and writing JPEG 2000 image files with the Qt plugin system
 CQJSEngineEnvironment for evaluating JavaScript code
 CQJSList< QQmlListProperty< QObject >, QObject * >
 CQJSManagedValue\inmodule QtQml
 CQJSNumberCoercionImplements the JavaScript double-to-int coercion
 CQJsonArray\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQJsonDocument\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQJsonObject\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQJsonParseError\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQJsonValue\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQJsonValueRef\inmodule QtCore \reentrant
 CQJSPrimitiveNullAn empty marker type to signify the JavaScript null value. \inmodule QtQml
 CQJSPrimitiveUndefinedAn empty marker type to signify the JavaScript Undefined type and its single value. \inmodule QtQml
 CQJSPrimitiveValueOperates on primitive types in JavaScript semantics
 CQJSValueActs as a container for Qt/JavaScript data types
 CQJSValueIteratorJava-style iterator for QJSValue
 CQJulianCalendarJulian calendar system implementation
 CQKeyEventDescribes a key event
 CQKeySequenceEncapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcuts
 CQKeySequenceEditAllows to input a QKeySequence
 CQLabelText or image display
 CQLanguageServerImplements a server for the language server protocol
 CQLatin1Char\inmodule QtCore \reentrant
 CQLatin1StringMatcher\inmodule QtCore
 CQLayoutBase class of geometry managers
 CQLayoutItemAbstract item that a QLayout manipulates
 CQLCDNumberDisplays a number with LCD-like digits
 CQLEInteger\inmodule QtCore
 CQLibrary\inmodule QtCore \reentrant
 CQLibraryInfo\inmodule QtCore
 CQLine\inmodule QtCore\compares equality \compareswith equality QLineF \endcompareswith
 CQLinearGradient\inmodule QtGui
 CQLineEditOne-line text editor
 CQLineF\inmodule QtCore\compares equality \compareswith equality QLine \endcompareswith
 CQListViewList or icon view onto a model
 CQListWidgetItem-based list widget
 CQListWidgetItemItem for use with the QListWidget item view class
 CQLocalServerLocal socket based server
 CQLocalSocketLocal socket
 CQLocationPermissionAccess the user's location
 CQLockFile\inmodule QtCore
 CQLoggingCategory\inmodule QtCore
 CQLowEnergyAdvertisingDataData to be broadcast during Bluetooth Low Energy advertising. \inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQLowEnergyAdvertisingParametersParameters used for Bluetooth Low Energy advertising. \inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQLowEnergyCharacteristic\inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQLowEnergyCharacteristicDataUsed to set up GATT service data. \inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQLowEnergyConnectionParametersUsed when requesting or reporting an update of the parameters of a Bluetooth LE connection
 CQLowEnergyController\inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQLowEnergyDescriptor\inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQLowEnergyDescriptorDataUsed to create GATT service data. \inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQLowEnergyService\inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQLowEnergyServiceDataUsed to set up GATT service data. \inmodule QtBluetooth
 CQMainWindowMain application window
 CQMargins\inmodule QtCore
 CQMarginsF\inmodule QtCore
 CQMatrix4x44x4 transformation matrix in 3D space
 CQMdiAreaArea in which MDI windows are displayed
 CQMdiSubWindowSubwindow class for QMdiArea
 CQMediaCaptureSessionAllows capturing of audio and video content
 CQMediaDevicesInformation about available multimedia input and output devices
 CQMediaFormat\inmodule QtMultimedia
 CQMediaMetaData\inmodule QtMultimedia
 CQMediaPlayerAllows the playing of a media files
 CQMediaRecorder\inmodule QtMultimedia
 CQMediaTimeRangeSet of zero or more disjoint time intervals
 CQMemoryVideoBufferSystem memory allocated video data buffer
 CQMenuMenu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menus
 CQMenuBarHorizontal menu bar
 CQMessageAuthenticationCode\inmodule QtCore
 CQMessageBoxModal dialog for informing the user or for asking the user a question and receiving an answer
 CQMessageLogContext\inmodule QtCore
 CQMessageLogger\inmodule QtCore
 CQMetaClassInfo\inmodule QtCore
 CQMetaEnum\inmodule QtCore
 CQMetaEnumBuilder\inmodule QtCore
 CQMetalShader\variable QRhiMetalCommandBufferNativeHandles::commandBuffer
 CQMetaMethod\inmodule QtCore
 CQMetaMethodBuilder\inmodule QtCore
 CQMetaObject\inmodule QtCore
 CQMetaObjectBuilder\inmodule QtCore
 CQMetaProperty\inmodule QtCore
 CQMetaPropertyBuilder\inmodule QtCore
 CQMetaSequence\inmodule QtCore
 CQMetaStringTable\inmodule QtCore
 CQMetaType\inmodule QtCore
 CQMetaTypeId2< const T & >
 CQMetaTypeId2< T & >
 CQMetaTypeIdQObject< T *, QMetaType::PointerToGadget >
 CQMetaTypeIdQObject< T *, QMetaType::PointerToQObject >
 CQMetaTypeIdQObject< T, QMetaType::IsEnumeration >
 CQMetaTypeIdQObject< T, QMetaType::IsGadget >
 CQMicrophonePermissionAccess the microphone for monitoring or recording sound
 CQMilankovicCalendarMilanković calendar system implementation
 CQMimeAllGlobPatternsResult of the globs parsing, as data structures ready for efficient MIME type matching
 CQMimeData\inmodule QtCore
 CQMimeDatabase\inmodule QtCore
 CQMimeGlobMatchResultAccumulates results from glob matching
 CQMimeGlobPatternGlob pattern for file names for MIME type matching
 CQMimeMagicRuleMatcherChecks a number of rules based on operator "or"
 CQMimeType\inmodule QtCore
 CQMimeTypeParser\inmodule QtCore
 CQMimeTypeParserBase\inmodule QtCore
 CQmlTypeAndRevisionsRegistration< T, Resolved, Extended, false, false, false, false >
 CQmlTypeAndRevisionsRegistration< T, Resolved, Extended, false, false, false, true >
 CQmlTypeAndRevisionsRegistration< T, Resolved, Extended, true, false, false, false >
 CQmlTypeAndRevisionsRegistration< T, Resolved, Extended, true, false, false, true >
 CQmlTypeAndRevisionsRegistration< T, Resolved, void, false, false, true, true >
 CQmlTypeAndRevisionsRegistration< T, Resolved, void, false, true, false, false >
 CQModelIndex\inmodule QtCore
 CQModelRoleData\inmodule QtCore
 CQModelRoleDataSpan\inmodule QtCore
 CQMouseEvent\inmodule QtGui
 CQMoveEventEvent parameters for move events
 CQMovie\inmodule QtGui
 CQMultiHash\inmodule QtCore
 CQMutex\inmodule QtCore
 CQMutexLocker\inmodule QtCore
 CQNativeGestureEventParameters that describe a gesture event. \inmodule QtGui
 CQNativeSocketEngineLow level access to a socket
 CQNdefFilterFilter for matching NDEF messages
 CQNdefMessageNFC NDEF message
 CQNdefNfcIconRecordNFC MIME record to hold an icon
 CQNdefNfcSmartPosterRecordNFC RTD-SmartPoster
 CQNdefNfcTextRecordNFC RTD-Text
 CQNdefNfcUriRecordNFC RTD-URI
 CQNdefRecordNFC NDEF record
 CQNearFieldManagerAccess to notifications for NFC events
 CQNearFieldTargetInterface for communicating with a target device
 CQNetworkAccessBackendQNetworkAccessBackend is the base class for implementing support for schemes used by QNetworkAccessManager
 CQNetworkAccessManagerAllows the application to send network requests and receive replies
 CQNetworkAddressEntryStores one IP address supported by a network interface, along with its associated netmask and broadcast address
 CQNetworkCacheMetaDataCache information
 CQNetworkCookieHolds one network cookie
 CQNetworkCookieJarImplements a simple jar of QNetworkCookie objects
 CQNetworkDatagramData and metadata of a UDP datagram
 CQNetworkDiskCacheVery basic disk cache
 CQNetworkInformation\inmodule QtNetwork
 CQNetworkInformationBackendQNetworkInformationBackend provides the interface with which QNetworkInformation does all of its actual work
 CQNetworkInformationBackendFactoryQNetworkInformationBackendFactory provides the interface for creating instances of QNetworkInformationBackend
 CQNetworkInterfaceListing of the host's IP addresses and network interfaces
 CQNetworkProxyNetwork layer proxy
 CQNetworkProxyFactoryFine-grained proxy selection
 CQNetworkProxyQueryUsed to query the proxy settings for a socket
 CQNetworkReplyData and headers for a request sent with QNetworkAccessManager
 CQNetworkRequestHolds a request to be sent with QNetworkAccessManager
 CQNetworkRequestFactoryConvenience class for grouping remote server endpoints that share common network request properties
 CQNetworkRequestPrivate\variable QNetworkRequest::DefaultTransferTimeout
 CQNmeaPositionInfoSource\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQNmeaSatelliteInfoSource\inmodule QtPositioning
 CQNonContiguousByteDevice\inmodule QtCore
 CQNonContiguousByteDeviceFactory\inmodule QtCore
 CQNtfsPermissionCheckGuardRAII class to manage NTFS permission checking
 CQObject\inmodule QtCore
 CQObjectBindableProperty\inmodule QtCore
 CQObjectCleanupHandler\inmodule QtCore
 CQObjectCompatProperty\macro Q_OBJECT_BINDABLE_PROPERTY(containingClass, type, name, signal)
 CQObjectComputedProperty\macro Q_OBJECT_COMPAT_PROPERTY(containingClass, type, name, callback)
 CQOcspResponseThis class represents Online Certificate Status Protocol response
 CQOffscreenSurface\inmodule QtGui
 CQOpenGLBufferFunctions for creating and managing OpenGL buffer objects
 CQOpenGLCompositorA generic OpenGL-based compositor
 CQOpenGLCompositorBackingStoreA backing store implementation for OpenGL
 CQOpenGLContext\inmodule QtGui
 CQOpenGLContextFormatFormat options that are related to the context (not pixelformats)
 CQOpenGLContextGroupGroup of contexts sharing OpenGL resources. \inmodule QtGui
 CQOpenGLDebugLoggerThe QOpenGLDebugLogger enables logging of OpenGL debugging messages
 CQOpenGLDebugMessageWraps an OpenGL debug message
 CQOpenGLExtraFunctionsCross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 API
 CQOpenGLFramebufferObjectEncapsulates an OpenGL framebuffer object
 CQOpenGLFramebufferObjectFormatFormat of an OpenGL framebuffer object
 CQOpenGLFunctionsCross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 API
 CQOpenGLFunctions_1_0\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_1_1\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_1_2\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_1_3\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_1_4\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_1_5\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_2_0\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_2_1\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_3_0\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_3_1\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_3_2_Compatibility\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_3_2_Core\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_3_3_Compatibility\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_3_3_Core\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_4_0_Compatibility\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_4_0_Core\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_4_1_Compatibility\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_4_1_Core\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_4_2_Compatibility\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_4_2_Core\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_4_3_Compatibility\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_4_3_Core\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_4_4_Compatibility\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_4_4_Core\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_4_5_Compatibility\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_4_5_Core\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLFunctions_ES2\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLMultiGroupSharedResourceThe QOpenGLMultiGroupSharedResource keeps track of a shared resource that might be needed from multiple contexts, like a glyph cache or gradient cache. One instance of the object is created for each group when necessary. The shared resource instance should have a constructor that takes a QOpenGLContext *. To get an instance for a given context one calls T *QOpenGLMultiGroupSharedResourcevalue<T>(context), where T is a sub-class of QOpenGLSharedResource. \inmodule QtGui
 CQOpenGLPaintDeviceEnables painting to an OpenGL context using QPainter
 CQOpenGLPixelTransferOptions\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLShaderAllows OpenGL shaders to be compiled
 CQOpenGLShaderProgramAllows OpenGL shader programs to be linked and used
 CQOpenGLSharedResourceUsed to keep track of resources that are shared between OpenGL contexts (like textures, framebuffer objects, shader programs, etc), and clean them up in a safe way when they're no longer needed. \inmodule QtGui
 CQOpenGLSharedResourceGuardConvenience sub-class of QOpenGLSharedResource to be used to track a single OpenGL object with a GLuint identifier. The constructor takes a function pointer to a function that will be used to free the resource if and when necessary. \inmodule QtGui
 CQOpenGLStaticContextStatic Open GL context containing version information, extension function pointers, etc
 CQOpenGLTemporaryContextA temporary context that can be instantiated on the stack
 CQOpenGLTexture\inmodule QtGui
 CQOpenGLTextureBlitterConvenient way to draw textured quads via OpenGL
 CQOpenGLTimeMonitorWraps a sequence of OpenGL timer query objects
 CQOpenGLTimerQueryWraps an OpenGL timer query object
 CQOpenGLVersionFunctionsFactory\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLVersionProfile\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOpenGLVertexArrayObjectWraps an OpenGL Vertex Array Object
 CQOpenGLWidget\inmodule QtOpenGLWidgets
 CQOpenGLWindow\inmodule QtOpenGL
 CQOperatingSystemVersion\inmodule QtCore
 CQPacketEncapsulates an unfragmentable packet of data to be transmitted by QPacketProtocol
 CQPacketProtocolEncapsulates communicating discrete packets across fragmented IO channels, such as TCP sockets
 CQPagedPaintDevice\inmodule QtGui
 CQPageLayout\inmodule QtGui
 CQPageRangesCollection of page ranges
 CQPageSetupDialogConfiguration dialog for the page-related options on a printer
 CQPageSize\inmodule QtGui
 CQPaintDeviceWindow\inmodule QtGui
 CQPaintEngine\inmodule QtGui
 CQPaintEngineStateInformation about the active paint engine's current state. \reentrant
 CQPainterPerforms low-level painting on widgets and other paint devices
 CQPainterPath\inmodule QtGui
 CQPainterPathStrokerUsed to generate fillable outlines for a given painter path
 CQPaintEventEvent parameters for paint events
 CQPaletteColor groups for each widget state
 CQPanGestureDescribes a panning gesture made by the user.\inmodule QtWidgets
 CQParallelAnimationGroup\inmodule QtCore
 CQPartialOrdering\variable Qt::partial_ordering::less
 CQPauseAnimation\inmodule QtCore
 CQPdfBookmarkModelHolds a tree of of links (anchors) within a PDF document, such as the table of contents
 CQPdfDocumentLoads a PDF document and renders pages from it
 CQPdfLinkDefines a link between a region on a page (such as a hyperlink or a search result) and a destination (page, location on the page, and zoom level at which to view it)
 CQPdfLinkModelHolds the geometry and the destination for each link that the specified \l page contains
 CQPdfPageNavigatorNavigation history within a PDF document
 CQPdfPageRendererEncapsulates the rendering of pages of a PDF document
 CQPdfPageSelector\inmodule QtPdf
 CQPdfSearchModelSearches for a string in a PDF document and holds the results
 CQPdfSelectionDefines a range of text that has been selected on one page in a PDF document, and its geometric boundaries
 CQPdfView\inmodule QtPdf
 CQPdfWriter\inmodule QtGui
 CQPen\inmodule QtGui
 CQPermission\inmodule QtCore \inheaderfile QPermissions
 CQPersistentModelIndex\inmodule QtCore
 CQPicturePaint device that records and replays QPainter commands
 CQPinchGestureDescribes a pinch gesture made by the user.\inmodule QtWidgets
 CQPixelFormat\inmodule QtGui
 CQPixmapReturns a copy of the pixmap that is transformed using the given transformation transform and transformation mode
 CQPixmapBlurFilterBlur filtering for pixmaps
 CQPixmapCache\inmodule QtGui
 CQPixmapColorizeFilterColorizing filtering for pixmaps
 CQPixmapConvolutionFilterConvolution filtering for pixmaps
 CQPixmapDropShadowFilterConvenience class for drawing pixmaps with drop shadows
 CQPixmapFilterBasic functionality for pixmap filter classes. Pixmap filter can be for example colorize or blur
 CQPixmapStyleMechanism for writing pixmap based styles
 CQPlace\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceAttribute\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceCategory\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceContactDetailContact detail such as a phone number or website url
 CQPlaceContent\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceContentReply\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceContentRequest\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceDetailsReply\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceIcon\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceIdReply\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceManager\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceManagerEngine\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceMatchReply\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceMatchRequest\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceProposedSearchResult\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceRatings\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceReply\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceResult\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceSearchReply\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceSearchRequest\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceSearchResult\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceSearchSuggestionReply\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceSupplier\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlaceUser\inmodule QtLocation
 CQPlainTextDocumentLayoutImplements a plain text layout for QTextDocument
 CQPlainTextEditWidget that is used to edit and display plain text
 CQPlatformBackingStoreDrawing area for top-level windows
 CQPlatformClipboardAbstraction for the system clipboard
 CQPlatformColorDialogHelperAllows for platform-specific customization of color dialogs
 CQPlatformCursorInformation about pointer device events (movement, buttons), and requests to change the currently displayed cursor
 CQPlatformCursorImageSet of graphics intended to be used as cursors
 CQPlatformDialogHelperAllows for platform-specific customization of dialogs
 CQPlatformDragAbstraction for drag
 CQPlatformFileDialogHelperAllows for platform-specific customization of file dialogs
 CQPlatformFontDatabaseMakes it possible to customize how fonts are discovered and how they are rendered
 CQPlatformFontDialogHelperAllows for platform-specific customization of font dialogs
 CQPlatformGraphicsBuffer\inmodule QtGui
 CQPlatformInputContextAbstracts the input method dependent data and composing state
 CQPlatformIntegrationEntry for WindowSystem specific functionality
 CQPlatformMessageDialogHelperAllows for platform-specific customization of Message dialogs
 CQPlatformNativeInterfaceAbstraction for retrieving native resource handles
 CQPlatformOpenGLContextAbstraction for native GL contexts
 CQPlatformPixmapAbstraction for native pixmaps
 CQPlatformPrinterSupportAbstraction for print support
 CQPlatformScreenAbstraction for visual displays
 CQPlatformServicesThe QPlatformServices provides the backend for desktop-related functionality
 CQPlatformSharedGraphicsCacheThe QPlatformSharedGraphicsCache is an abstraction of a cross-process graphics cache
 CQPlatformSurfaceAbstraction for a surface
 CQPlatformSurfaceEventUsed to notify about native platform surface events. \inmodule QtGui
 CQPlatformSystemTrayIcon\inmodule QtGui
 CQPlatformThemeAllows customizing the UI based on themes
 CQPlatformThemePluginAbstraction for theme plugins
 CQPlatformVulkanInstanceAbstraction for Vulkan instances
 CQPlatformWindowAbstraction for top-level windows
 CQPoint\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQPointerEventA base class for pointer events
 CQPointF\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQPointingDeviceDescribes a device from which mouse, touch or tablet events originate
 CQPointingDeviceUniqueIdQPointingDeviceUniqueId identifies a unique object, such as a tagged token or stylus, which is used with a pointing device
 CQPolygonList of points using integer precision
 CQPolygonFList of points using floating point precision
 CQPrintDialogDialog for specifying the printer's configuration
 CQPrinterInfoGives access to information about existing printers
 CQPrintPreviewDialogDialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer output
 CQPrintPreviewWidgetWidget for previewing page layouts for printer output
 CQProcessEnvironment\inmodule QtCore
 CQProgressBarHorizontal or vertical progress bar
 CQProgressDialogFeedback on the progress of a slow operation
 CQProperty\inmodule QtCore
 CQPropertyAlias\inmodule QtCore
 CQPropertyAnimation\inmodule QtCore
 CQPropertyBindingError\inmodule QtCore
 CQPropertyChangeHandler\inmodule QtCore
 CQPropertyData\inmodule QtCore
 CQPropertyNotifier\inmodule QtCore
 CQProxyStyleConvenience class that simplifies dynamically overriding QStyle elements
 CQPushButtonCommand button
 CQQmlAbstractUrlInterceptor\inmodule QtQml
 CQQmlAnyBindingQQmlAnyBinding is an abstraction over the various bindings in QML
 CQQmlApplicationEngineQQmlApplicationEngine provides a convenient way to load an application from a single QML file
 CQQmlChangeSetStores an ordered list of notifications about changes to a linear data set
 CQQmlComponentEncapsulates a QML component definition
 CQQmlContextDefines a context within a QML engine
 CQQmlCustomParserAllows you to add new arbitrary types to QML
 CQQmlDataBlobThe QQmlDataBlob encapsulates a data request that can be issued to a QQmlTypeLoader
 CQQmlDebugMessageClientClient for the debug message service
 CQQmlEngineEnvironment for instantiating QML components
 CQQmlEngineExtensionPluginAbstract base for custom QML extension plugins
 CQQmlErrorEncapsulates a QML error
 CQQmlExpressionEvaluates JavaScript in a QML context
 CQQmlExtensionPluginAbstract base for custom QML extension plugins with custom type registration functions
 CQQmlFile\inmodule QtQml
 CQQmlFileSelectorA class for applying a QFileSelector to QML file loading
 CQQmlImageProviderBaseUsed to register image providers in the QML engine
 CQQmlImportDatabaseManages the QML imports for a QQmlEngine
 CQQmlImportsEncapsulates one QML document's import statements
 CQQmlIncubationControllerQQmlIncubationController instances drive the progress of QQmlIncubators
 CQQmlIncubatorAllows QML objects to be created asynchronously
 CQQmlInfo\inmodule QtQml
 CQQmlJSScopeTracks the types for the QmlCompiler
 CQQmlListCompositorLookup table for filtered, or re-ordered list indexes
 CQQmlListPropertyThe QQmlListProperty class allows applications to expose list-like properties of QObject-derived classes to QML
 CQQmlListReferenceAllows the manipulation of QQmlListProperty properties
 CQQmlLSCompletionQQmlLSCompletion provides completions for all kinds of QML and JS constructs
 CQQmlParserStatusUpdates on the QML parser state
 CQQmlPropertyAbstracts accessing properties on objects created from QML
 CQQmlPropertyMapAllows you to set key-value pairs that can be used in QML bindings
 CQQmlPropertyValueInterceptorInherited by property interceptors such as Behavior
 CQQmlPropertyValueSourceInterface for property value sources such as animations and bindings
 CQQmlScriptStringEncapsulates a script and its context
 CQQmlTypeLoaderAbstracts loading files and their dependencies over the network
 CQQnxWindowThe QQnxWindow is the base class of the various classes used as instances of QPlatformWindow in the QNX QPA plugin
 CQQtWaylandShellPlugin\qmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor.QtShell \title Qt Wayland Qt Shell Extension
 CQQuaternionQuaternion consisting of a vector and scalar
 CQQueue\inmodule QtCore
 CQQuick3D\inmodule QtQuick3D
 CQQuick3DExtensionHelpers\inmodule QtQuick3D
 CQQuick3DGeometry\qmltype Geometry \inherits Object3D \inqmlmodule QtQuick3D \instantiates QQuick3DGeometry
 CQQuick3DInstancing\inmodule QtQuick3D \inherits QQuick3DObject
 CQQuick3DObject\qmltype Object3D \inqmlmodule QtQuick3D \instantiates QQuick3DObject \inherits QtObject
 CQQuick3DQuaternionAnimationPrivate\qmltype QuaternionAnimation \inherits PropertyAnimation \inqmlmodule QtQuick3D
 CQQuick3DRenderExtension\inmodule QtQuick3D
 CQQuick3DTextureData\qmltype TextureData \inherits Object3D \inqmlmodule QtQuick3D \instantiates QQuick3DTextureData
 CQQuickActionGroupPrivateGroups actions together
 CQQuickAsyncImageProviderInterface for asynchronous control of QML image requests
 CQQuickAttachedPropertyPropagatorWay to propagate attached properties
 CQQuickBasePositionerFor specifying a base for QQuickGraphics layouts
 CQQuickBusyIndicatorPrivateIndicates background activity, for example, while content is being loaded
 CQQuickButtonGroupPrivateMutually-exclusive group of checkable buttons
 CQQuickCalendarModelPrivateA calendar model
 CQQuickCheckBoxPrivateCheck button that can be toggled on or off
 CQQuickCheckDelegatePrivateItem delegate with a check indicator that can be toggled on or off
 CQQuickCloseEvent\qmlsignal QtQuick::Window::sceneGraphError(SceneGraphError error, QString message)
 CQQuickDayOfWeekRowPrivateA row of names for the days in a week
 CQQuickDrawerPositionerSide panel that can be opened and closed using a swipe gesture
 CQQuickFlowPrivate\qmltype Flow \instantiates QQuickFlow \inqmlmodule QtQuick \inherits Item
 CQQuickFolderListModel[class begin]
 CQQuickFramebufferObject\inmodule QtQuick
 CQQuickGraphicsConfigurationQQuickGraphicsConfiguration controls lower level graphics settings for the QQuickWindow
 CQQuickGraphicsDeviceOpaque container for native graphics objects representing graphics devices or contexts
 CQQuickGridPrivate\qmltype Grid \instantiates QQuickGrid \inqmlmodule QtQuick \inherits Item
 CQQuickGroupBoxPrivateVisual frame and title for a logical group of controls
 CQQuickHoverHandlerPrivate\qmltype HoverHandler \instantiates QQuickHoverHandler \inherits SinglePointHandler \inqmlmodule QtQuick
 CQQuickImageProviderInterface for supporting pixmaps and threaded image requests in QML
 CQQuickImageProviderOptionsOptions for QQuickImageProviderWithOptions image requests
 CQQuickImageResponseInterface for asynchronous image loading in QQuickAsyncImageProvider. \inmodule QtQuick
 CQQuickItemMost basic of all visual items in \l {Qt Quick}
 CQQuickItemGrabResult\inmodule QtQuick
 CQQuickLayoutItemProxyAttachedDataProvides attached properties for items that are managed by one or more LayoutItemProxy
 CQQuickMenuSeparatorPrivateSeparates a group of items in a menu from adjacent items
 CQQuickMonthGridPrivateA grid of days for a calendar month
 CQQuickMouseEvent\qmlproperty int QtQuick::KeyEvent::key
 CQQuickPackagePrivate\qmltype Package \instantiates QQuickPackage \inqmlmodule QtQml.Models
 CQQuickPageIndicatorPrivateIndicates the currently active page
 CQQuickPaintedItemWay to use the QPainter API in the QML Scene Graph
 CQQuickPaletteContains color groups for each QML item state. \inmodule QtQuick
 CQQuickPdfPageImagePrivateDisplays one page from a PDF document
 CQQuickPenFor specifying a pen used for drawing rectangle borders on a QQuickView
 CQQuickProgressBarPrivateIndicates the progress of an operation
 CQQuickRadioButtonPrivateExclusive radio button that can be toggled on or off
 CQQuickRadioDelegatePrivateExclusive item delegate with a radio indicator that can be toggled on or off
 CQQuickRangeSliderNodePrivateUsed to select a range of values by sliding two handles along a track
 CQQuickRenderControlMechanism for rendering the Qt Quick scenegraph onto an offscreen render target in a fully application-controlled manner
 CQQuickRenderTargetOpaque container for native graphics resources specifying a render target, and associated metadata
 CQQuickReplaceSignalHandler\qmltype PropertyChanges \inqmlmodule QtQuick
 CQQuickRhiItem\inmodule QtQuick
 CQQuickRhiItemRenderer\inmodule QtQuick
 CQQuickRoundButtonPrivateA push-button control with rounded corners that can be clicked by the user
 CQQuickRowPrivate\qmltype Row \instantiates QQuickRow \inqmlmodule QtQuick \inherits Item
 CQQuickScaleGridAllows you to specify a 3x3 grid to use in scaling an image
 CQQuickScrollViewPrivateScrollable view
 CQQuickSliderPrivateUsed to select a value by sliding a handle along a track
 CQQuickSpinBoxPrivateAllows the user to select from a set of preset values
 CQQuickStyleAllows configuring the application style
 CQQuickSwipeViewPrivateEnables the user to navigate pages by swiping sideways
 CQQuickSwitchDelegatePrivateItem delegate with a switch indicator that can be toggled on or off
 CQQuickSwitchPrivateSwitch button that can be toggled on or off
 CQQuickTabBarPrivateAllows the user to switch between different views or subtasks
 CQQuickTabButtonPrivateButton with a look suitable for a TabBar
 CQQuickTextDocument\qmltype TextDocument \instantiates QQuickTextDocument \inqmlmodule QtQuick
 CQQuickTextureFactoryInterface for loading custom textures from QML. \inmodule QtQuick
 CQQuickTimeLineTimeline for controlling animations
 CQQuickTimeLineValueValue that can be modified by QQuickTimeLine
 CQQuickToolBarPrivateContainer for context-sensitive controls
 CQQuickToolPrivateButton with a look suitable for a ToolBar
 CQQuickToolSeparatorPrivateSeparates a group of items in a toolbar from adjacent items
 CQQuickToolTipPrivateProvides tool tips for any control
 CQQuickVideoOutputRender video or camera viewfinder
 CQQuickViewWindow for displaying a Qt Quick user interface
 CQQuickWeekNumberColumnPrivateA column of week numbers
 CQQuickWheelEvent\qmlproperty real QtQuick::MouseEvent::x \qmlproperty real QtQuick::MouseEvent::y
 CQQuickWidgetWidget for displaying a Qt Quick user interface
 CQQuickWindow\qmltype Window \instantiates QQuickWindow \inqmlmodule QtQuick
 CQQuickWindowContainerPrivate\qmltype WindowContainer \inqmlmodule QtQuick\inherits Item
 CQRadialGradient\inmodule QtGui
 CQRadioButtonRadio button with a text label
 CQRandomGenerator\inmodule QtCore \reentrant
 CQRandomGenerator64\inmodule QtCore
 CQRasterPaintEngineEnables hardware acceleration of painting operations in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQRasterWindow\inmodule QtGui
 CQRawFontAccess to a single physical instance of a font
 CQReadLocker\inmodule QtCore
 CQReadWriteLock\inmodule QtCore
 CQRect\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQRectF\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
 CQRecursiveMutex\inmodule QtCore
 CQRegionClip region for a painter
 CQRegularExpression\inmodule QtCore \reentrant
 CQRegularExpressionMatch\inmodule QtCore \reentrant
 CQRegularExpressionMatchIterator\inmodule QtCore \reentrant
 CQResizeEventEvent parameters for resize events
 CQResource\inmodule QtCore
 CQRestAccessManagerThe QRestAccessManager is a convenience wrapper for QNetworkAccessManager
 CQRestReplyQRestReply is a convenience wrapper for QNetworkReply
 CQRhi\inmodule QtGuiPrivate \inheaderfile rhi/qrhi.h
 CQRhiBuffer\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiColorAttachment\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiCommandBuffer\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiComputePipeline\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiD3D11InitParams\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiD3D11NativeHandles\variable QRhiD3D11InitParams::enableDebugLayer
 CQRhiDepthStencilClearValue\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiDriverInfo\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiGles2InitParams\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiGles2NativeHandles\variable QRhiGles2InitParams::format
 CQRhiGraphicsPipeline\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiInitParams\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiMetalCommandBufferNativeHandles\variable QRhiMetalNativeHandles::dev
 CQRhiMetalInitParams\inmodule QtRhi
 CQRhiMetalNativeHandles\inmodule QtRhi
 CQRhiNativeHandles\variable QRhiReadbackResult::completed
 CQRhiNullInitParams\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiNullNativeHandles\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiReadbackDescription\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiReadbackResult\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiRenderBuffer\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiRenderPassDescriptor\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiRenderTarget\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiResource\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiResourceUpdateBatch\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiSampler\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiScissor\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiShaderResourceBinding\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiShaderResourceBindings\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiShaderStage\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiStats\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiSwapChain\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiSwapChainHdrInfo\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiSwapChainProxyData\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiSwapChainRenderTarget\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiTexture\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiTextureCopyDescription\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiTextureRenderTarget\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiTextureRenderTargetDescription\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiTextureSubresourceUploadDescription\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiTextureUploadDescription\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiTextureUploadEntry\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiVertexInputAttribute\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiVertexInputBinding\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiVertexInputLayout\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiViewport\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiVulkanCommandBufferNativeHandles\variable QRhiVulkanNativeHandles::physDev
 CQRhiVulkanInitParams\inmodule QtGui
 CQRhiVulkanNativeHandles\variable QRhiVulkanInitParams::inst
 CQRhiVulkanRenderPassNativeHandles\variable QRhiVulkanCommandBufferNativeHandles::commandBuffer
 CQRhiWidget\inmodule QtWidgets
 CQRomanCalendarShared base for calendars based on the ancient Roman calendar
 CQRubberBandRectangle or line that can indicate a selection or a boundary
 CQRunnable\inmodule QtCore
 CQScopedArrayPointer\inmodule QtCore
 CQScopedPointer\inmodule QtCore
 CQScopedPropertyUpdateGroupRAII class around Qt::beginPropertyUpdateGroup()/Qt::endPropertyUpdateGroup()
 CQScopedValueRollback\inmodule QtCore
 CQScreenUsed to query screen properties. \inmodule QtGui
 CQScreenCapture\inmodule QtMultimedia
 CQScrollAreaScrolling view onto another widget
 CQScrollBarVertical or horizontal scroll bar
 CQScrollerEnables kinetic scrolling for any scrolling widget or graphics item
 CQScrollerPropertiesStores the settings for a QScroller
 CQScrollEventSent when scrolling
 CQScrollPrepareEventSent in preparation of scrolling
 CQSctpServerSCTP-based server
 CQSctpSocketSCTP socket
 CQSemaphore\inmodule QtCore
 CQSemaphoreReleaserException-safe deferral of a QSemaphore::release() call
 CQSequentialAnimationGroup\inmodule QtCore
 CQSequentialIterableIterable interface for a container in a QVariant
 CQSessionManagerAccess to the session manager
 CQSettings\inmodule QtCore
 CQSGAbstractRendererQSGAbstractRenderer gives access to the scene graph nodes and rendering
 CQSGBasicGeometryNodeServes as a baseclass for geometry based nodes
 CQSGClipNodeImplements the clipping functionality in the scene graph
 CQSGContextThe QSGContext holds the scene graph entry points for one QML engine
 CQSGDynamicTextureServes as a baseclass for dynamically changing textures, such as content that is rendered to FBO's
 CQSGFlatColorMaterialConvenient way of rendering solid colored geometry in the scene graph
 CQSGGeometryLow-level storage for graphics primitives in the \l{Qt Quick Scene Graph}
 CQSGGeometryNodeUsed for all rendered content in the scene graph
 CQSGImageNodeProvided for convenience to easily draw textured content using the QML scene graph
 CQSGMaterialEncapsulates rendering state for a shader program
 CQSGMaterialShaderGraphics API independent shader program
 CQSGMaterialTypeUsed as a unique type token in combination with QSGMaterial
 CQSGNinePatchNode\inmodule QtQuick
 CQSGNode\group qtquick-scenegraph-nodes \title Qt Quick Scene Graph Node classes
 CQSGNodeDumperWay of dumping a scene grahp to the console
 CQSGNodeVisitorHelper class for traversing the scene graph
 CQSGOpacityNodeUsed to change opacity of nodes
 CQSGOpaqueTextureMaterialConvenient way of rendering textured geometry in the scene graph
 CQSGRectangleNodeConvenience class for drawing solid filled rectangles using scenegraph
 CQSGRendererThe renderer class is the abstract baseclass used for rendering the QML scene graph
 CQSGRendererInterfaceAn interface providing access to some of the graphics API specific internals of the scenegraph
 CQSGRenderNodeSet of custom rendering commands targeting the graphics API that is in use by the scenegraph
 CQSGRootNodeThe QSGRootNode is the toplevel root of any scene graph
 CQSGSimpleRectNodeConvenience class for drawing solid filled rectangles using scenegraph
 CQSGSimpleTextureNodeProvided for convenience to easily draw textured content using the QML scene graph
 CQSGTextNodeClass for drawing text layouts and text documents in the Qt Quick scene graph
 CQSGTexture\inmodule QtQuick
 CQSGTextureMaterialConvenient way of rendering textured geometry in the scene graph
 CQSGTextureProviderEncapsulates texture based entities in QML
 CQSGTransformNodeImplements transformations in the scene graph
 CQSGVertexColorMaterialConvenient way of rendering per-vertex colored geometry in the scene graph
 CQShader\inmodule QtGui
 CQShaderCode\inmodule QtGui
 CQShaderDescription\inmodule QtGui
 CQShaderKey\inmodule QtGui
 CQShaderVersion\inmodule QtGui
 CQSharedData\inmodule QtCore
 CQSharedDataPointer\inmodule QtCore
 CQSharedPointer\inmodule QtCore
 CQShortcutUsed to create keyboard shortcuts
 CQShortcutEventEvent which is generated when the user presses a key combination
 CQShowEventEvent that is sent when a widget is shown
 CQSignalBlockerException-safe wrapper around QObject::blockSignals()
 CQSignalMapper\inmodule QtCore
 CQSignalSpy\inmodule QtTest
 CQSimpleDragQSimpleDrag implements QBasicDrag for Drag and Drop operations within the Qt Application itself
 CQSinglePointEventA base class for pointer events containing a single point, such as mouse events
 CQSize\inmodule QtCore
 CQSizeF\inmodule QtCore
 CQSizeGripResize handle for resizing top-level windows
 CQSizePolicyLayout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy
 CQSliderVertical or horizontal slider
 CQSocketDescriptor\inmodule QtCore
 CQSocketNotifier\inmodule QtCore
 CQSortFilterProxyModelSupport for sorting and filtering data passed between another model and a view
 CQSoundEffectWay to play low latency sound effects
 CQSpacerItemBlank space in a layout
 CQSpatialSound\inmodule QtSpatialAudio
 CQSpinBoxSpin box widget
 CQSplashScreenSplash screen that can be shown during application startup
 CQSplitterImplements a splitter widget
 CQSplitterHandleHandle functionality for the splitter
 CQSqlDatabaseHandles a connection to a database
 CQSqlDriverAbstract base class for accessing specific SQL databases
 CQSqlDriverCreatorThe QSqlDriverCreator class is a template class that provides a SQL driver factory for a specific driver type
 CQSqlDriverCreatorBaseBase class for SQL driver factories
 CQSqlDriverPluginAbstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins
 CQSqlErrorSQL database error information
 CQSqlFieldManipulates the fields in SQL database tables and views
 CQSqlIndexFunctions to manipulate and describe database indexes
 CQSqlQueryMeans of executing and manipulating SQL statements
 CQSqlQueryModelRead-only data model for SQL result sets
 CQSqlRecordEncapsulates a database record
 CQSqlRelation\inmodule QtSql
 CQSqlRelationalDelegate\inmodule QtSql
 CQSqlRelationalTableModelEditable data model for a single database table, with foreign key support
 CQSqlResultAbstract interface for accessing data from specific SQL databases
 CQSqlTableModelEditable data model for a single database table
 CQSSGBounds3Class representing 3D range or axis aligned bounding box
 CQSSGCameraHelpers\inmodule QtQuick3D
 CQSSGDataView< quint8 >
 CQSSGFrameData\inmodule QtQuick3D
 CQSSGModelHelpers\inmodule QtQuick3D
 CQSSGPlaneRepresentation of a plane
 CQSSGRenderContextInterface\inmodule QtQuick3D
 CQSSGRenderExtension\inmodule QtQuick3D
 CQSSGRenderExtensionHelpers\inmodule QtQuick3D
 CQSSGRenderHelpers\inmodule QtQuick3D
 CQSSGRhiContext\inmodule QtQuick3D
 CQSSGRhiGraphicsPipelineState\inmodule QtQuick3D
 CQSSGRhiSamplerDescription\variable QSSGRhiGraphicsPipelineState::depthFunc
 CQSslCertificateConvenient API for an X509 certificate
 CQSslCertificateExtensionAPI for accessing the extensions of an X509 certificate
 CQSslCipherSSL cryptographic cipher
 CQSslConfigurationHolds the configuration and state of an SSL connection
 CQSslDiffieHellmanParametersInterface for Diffie-Hellman parameters for servers
 CQSslEllipticCurveRepresents an elliptic curve for use by elliptic-curve cipher algorithms
 CQSslErrorSSL error
 CQSslKeyInterface for private and public keys
 CQSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticatorAuthentication data for pre shared keys (PSK) ciphersuites
 CQSslServer\inmodule QtNetwork
 CQSslSocketSSL encrypted socket for both clients and servers
 CQStack\inmodule QtCore
 CQStackedLayoutStack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time
 CQStackedWidgetStack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time
 CQStandardItemItem for use with the QStandardItemModel class
 CQStandardItemEditorCreatorThe QStandardItemEditorCreator class provides the possibility to register widgets without having to subclass QItemEditorCreatorBase
 CQStandardItemModelGeneric model for storing custom data
 CQStandardPaths\inmodule QtCore
 CQStaticByteArrayMatcherThe QStaticByteArrayMatcher class is a compile-time version of QByteArrayMatcher
 CQStaticByteArrayMatcherBaseNon-template base class of QStaticByteArrayMatcher
 CQStaticPlugin\inmodule QtCore
 CQStaticTextEnables optimized drawing of text when the text and its layout is updated rarely
 CQStatusBarHorizontal bar suitable for presenting status information
 CQStatusTipEventEvent that is used to show messages in a status bar
 CQStorageInfo\inmodule QtCore
 CQStringBuilder\inmodule QtCore
 CQStringBuilderBase< Builder, QString >
 CQStringConverter\inmodule QtCore
 CQStringDecoder\inmodule QtCore
 CQStringEncoder\inmodule QtCore
 CQStringList\inmodule QtCore
 CQStringListModel\inmodule QtCore
 CQStringMatcher\inmodule QtCore
 CQStringTokenizer\inmodule QtCore
 CQStringView\inmodule QtCore
 CQStyleAbstract base class that encapsulates the look and feel of a GUI
 CQStyledItemDelegateDisplay and editing facilities for data items from a model
 CQStyleFactoryCreates QStyle objects
 CQStyleHintReturn\variable QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::exposedRect
 CQStyleHintReturnMaskStyle hints that return a QRegion
 CQStyleHintReturnVariantStyle hints that return a QVariant
 CQStyleHintsPlatform specific hints and settings. \inmodule QtGui
 CQStyleOptionStores the parameters used by QStyle functions
 CQStyleOptionButton\variable QStyleOptionHeaderV2::textElideMode
 CQStyleOptionComboBox\variable QStyleOptionToolButton::features
 CQStyleOptionComplex\variable QStyleOptionMenuItem::menuItemType
 CQStyleOptionDockWidget\variable QStyleOptionComplex::subControls
 CQStyleOptionFocusRect\variable QStyleOption::palette
 CQStyleOptionFrame\variable QStyleOptionFocusRect::backgroundColor
 CQStyleOptionGraphicsItemUsed to describe the parameters needed to draw a QGraphicsItem
 CQStyleOptionGroupBox\variable QStyleOptionFrame::features
 CQStyleOptionHeaderUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a header
 CQStyleOptionHeaderV2Used to describe the parameters for drawing a header
 CQStyleOptionMenuItem\variable QStyleOptionProgressBar::minimum
 CQStyleOptionProgressBar\variable QStyleOptionButton::features
 CQStyleOptionTitleBar\variable QStyleOptionToolBox::selectedPosition
 CQStyleOptionToolBox\variable QStyleOptionComboBox::editable
 CQStyleOptionToolButton\variable QStyleOptionDockWidget::title
 CQStylePainterConvenience class for drawing QStyle elements inside a widget
 CQStylePluginAbstract base for custom QStyle plugins
 CQSupportedWritingSystemsUsed when registering fonts with the internal Qt fontdatabase
 CQSurface\inmodule QtGui
 CQSurfaceFormatFormat of a QSurface. \inmodule QtGui
 CQSvgGenerator\inmodule QtSvg
 CQSvgRenderer\inmodule QtSvg
 CQSvgWidget\inmodule QtSvgWidgets
 CQSwipeGestureDescribes a swipe gesture made by the user.\inmodule QtWidgets
 CQSyntaxHighlighter\reentrant \inmodule QtGui
 CQSysInfo\inmodule QtCore
 CQSystemTrayIconIcon for an application in the system tray
 CQTabBarTab bar, e.g
 CQTableViewDefault model/view implementation of a table view
 CQTableWidgetItem-based table view with a default model
 CQTableWidgetItemItem for use with the QTableWidget class
 CQTableWidgetSelectionRangeWay to interact with selection in a model without using model indexes and a selection model
 CQTabWidgetStack of tabbed widgets
 CQTaggedIteratorQTaggedIterator is a template class that wraps an iterator and exposes standard iterator traits
 CQTapAndHoldGestureDescribes a tap-and-hold (aka LongTap) gesture made by the user.\inmodule QtWidgets
 CQTapGestureDescribes a tap gesture made by the user.\inmodule QtWidgets
 CQTcpServerTCP-based server
 CQTcpSocketTCP socket
 CQTextBoundaryFinder\inmodule QtCore
 CQTextBrowserRich text browser with hypertext navigation
 CQTextCursor\reentrant \inmodule QtGui
 CQTextDocument\reentrant \inmodule QtGui
 CQTextDocumentWriterFormat-independent interface for writing a QTextDocument to files or other devices. \inmodule QtGui
 CQTextEditWidget that is used to edit and display both plain and rich text
 CQTextItem\inmodule QtGui
 CQTextItemIntInternal QTextItem
 CQTextObjectInterfaceAllows drawing of custom text objects in \l{QTextDocument}s
 CQTextStream\inmodule QtCore
 CQThemeIconEngineA named-based icon engine for providing theme icons
 CQThreadPool\inmodule QtCore
 CQThreadStorage\inmodule QtCore
 CQtIcoHandlerSupport for the ICO image format
 CQTileRulesRules used to draw a pixmap or image split into nine segments
 CQTime\inmodule QtCore \reentrant
 CQTimeEditWidget for editing times based on the QDateTimeEdit widget
 CQTimeLine\inmodule QtCore
 CQTimer\inmodule QtCore
 CQTimerEvent\inmodule QtCore
 CQTimeZone\inmodule QtCore
 CQTlsBackendQTlsBackend is a factory class, providing implementations for the QSsl classes
 CQToolBarMovable panel that contains a set of controls
 CQToolBarChangeEventEvent that is sent whenever a the toolbar button is clicked on \macos
 CQToolBoxColumn of tabbed widget items
 CQToolButtonQuick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar
 CQToolTipTool tips (balloon help) for any widget
 CQTouchEventParameters that describe a touch event
 CQtPositioningDeclarativeModule\qmlvaluetype coordinate\inqmlmodule QtPositioning
 CQTransform2D transformations of a coordinate system
 CQTranslator\inmodule QtCore
 CQTransposeProxyModelThis proxy transposes the source model
 CQTreeViewDefault model/view implementation of a tree view
 CQTreeWidgetTree view that uses a predefined tree model
 CQTreeWidgetItemItem for use with the QTreeWidget convenience class
 CQTreeWidgetItemIterator\inmodule QtWidgets
 CQTypeInfo< QBEInteger< T > >
 CQTypeInfo< QGenericMatrix< N, M, T > >
 CQTypeInfo< QItemViewPaintPair >
 CQTypeInfo< QLEInteger< T > >
 CQTypeInfo< QScrollerPrivate::ScrollSegment >
 CQTypeInfo< QStyleSheetStyleCaches::Tampered< T > >
 CQTypeInfo< QTaggedPointer< T, Tag > >
 CQTypeInfo< QUrlTwoFlags< E1, E2 > >
 CQTypeInfo< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
 CQTypeInfo< void >
 CQTypeInfoMerger\inmodule QtCore
 CQTypeRevision\inmodule QtCore
 CQUndoGroupGroup of QUndoStack objects
 CQUndoViewDisplays the contents of a QUndoStack
 CQUnhandledException\inmodule QtCore
 CQUnifiedTimer\inmodule QtCore
 CQUntypedBindable\inmodule QtCore
 CQUrl\inmodule QtCore
 CQUrlQuery\inmodule QtCore
 CQUtiMimeConverterConverts between a MIME type and a \l{https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uniformtypeidentifiers} {Uniform Type Identifier (UTI)} format
 CQUuid\inmodule QtCore
 CQValidatorValidation of input text
 CQVariant\inmodule QtCore
 CQVariantAnimation\inmodule QtCore
 CQVariantConstPointerEmulated const pointer to QVariant based on a pointer
 CQVariantPointerQVariantPointer is a template class that emulates a pointer to QVariant based on a pointer
 CQVariantRefThe QVariantRef acts as a non-const reference to a QVariant
 CQVBoxLayoutLines up widgets vertically
 CQVector2DVector or vertex in 2D space
 CQVector3DVector or vertex in 3D space
 CQVector4DVector or vertex in 4D space
 CQVersionNumber\inmodule QtCore
 CQVideoFrameFrame of video data
 CQVideoFrameFormatStream format of a video presentation surface
 CQVideoSinkGeneric sink for video data
 CQVideoWidgetWidget which presents video produced by a media object
 CQVkConvenienceA collection of static helper functions for Vulkan support
 CQVulkanDeviceFunctionsCross-platform access to the device level core Vulkan 1.3 API
 CQVulkanExtension\inmodule QtGui
 CQVulkanFunctionsCross-platform access to the instance level core Vulkan 1.3 API
 CQVulkanInfoVector\inmodule QtGui
 CQVulkanInstanceNative Vulkan instance, enabling Vulkan rendering onto a QSurface
 CQVulkanLayer\inmodule QtGui
 CQVulkanWindow\inmodule QtGui
 CQVulkanWindowRenderer\inmodule QtGui
 CQWaylandBufferRef\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandClient\qmltype WaylandClient \instantiates QWaylandClient \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor
 CQWaylandCompositor\qmltype WaylandCompositor \instantiates QWaylandCompositor \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor
 CQWaylandCompositorExtension\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandCompositorExtensionTemplate\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandCompositorIviApplicationPlugin\qmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor.IviApplication \title Qt Wayland IviApplication Extension
 CQWaylandCompositorPresentationTimePlugin\qmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor.PresentationTime \title Qt Wayland Presentation Time Extension
 CQWaylandCompositorWlShellPlugin\qmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor.WlShell \title Qt Wayland WlShell extension
 CQWaylandCompositorXdgShellPlugin\qmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor.XdgShell \title Qt Wayland XdgShell Extension
 CQWaylandIdleInhibitManagerV1\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandIviApplication\qmltype IviApplication \instantiates QWaylandIviApplication \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor.IviApplication
 CQWaylandIviSurface\qmltype IviSurface \instantiates QWaylandIviSurface \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor.IviApplication
 CQWaylandKeyboard\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandObject\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandOutput\qmltype WaylandOutput \instantiates QWaylandOutput \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor
 CQWaylandOutputMode\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandPointer\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandPresentationTime\qmltype PresentationTime \instantiates QWaylandPresentationTime \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor.PresentationTime
 CQWaylandQtTextInputMethodManager\qmltype QtTextInputMethodManager \instantiates QWaylandQtTextInputMethodManager \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor
 CQWaylandQuickItem\qmltype WaylandQuickItem \instantiates QWaylandQuickItem \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor
 CQWaylandQuickShellEventFilterQWaylandQuickShellEventFilter implements a Wayland popup grab
 CQWaylandQuickShellIntegration\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandQuickShellSurfaceItem\qmltype ShellSurfaceItem \instantiates QWaylandQuickShellSurfaceItem \inherits WaylandQuickItem \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor
 CQWaylandResource\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandSeat\qmltype WaylandSeat \instantiates QWaylandSeat \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor
 CQWaylandShellSurface\qmltype ShellSurface \instantiates QWaylandShellSurface \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor
 CQWaylandShellSurfaceTemplate\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandSurface\qmltype WaylandSurface \instantiates QWaylandSurface \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor
 CQWaylandSurfaceGrabber\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandSurfaceRole\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandTextInputManager\qmltype TextInputManager \instantiates QWaylandTextInputManager \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor
 CQWaylandTextInputManagerV3Provides access to input methods in the compositor
 CQWaylandTextureSharingExtensionPluginAdds a mechanism to share GPU memory
 CQWaylandTextureSharingPluginAdds an image provider which utilizes shared GPU memory
 CQWaylandTouch\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandView\qmltype WaylandView \instantiates QWaylandView \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor
 CQWaylandViewporter\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandWlShell\qmltype WlShell \instantiates QWaylandWlShell \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor.WlShell
 CQWaylandWlShellSurface\qmltype WlShellSurface \instantiates QWaylandWlShellSurface \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor.WlShell
 CQWaylandXdgDecorationManagerV1\inmodule QtWaylandCompositor
 CQWaylandXdgOutputManagerV1\qmltype XdgOutputManagerV1 \instantiates QWaylandXdgOutputManagerV1 \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor.XdgShell
 CQWaylandXdgPopup\qmltype XdgPopup \instantiates QWaylandXdgPopup \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor.XdgShell
 CQWaylandXdgShell\qmltype XdgShell \instantiates QWaylandXdgShell \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor.XdgShell
 CQWaylandXdgSurface\qmltype XdgSurface \instantiates QWaylandXdgSurface \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor.XdgShell
 CQWaylandXdgToplevel\qmltype XdgToplevel \instantiates QWaylandXdgToplevel \inqmlmodule QtWayland.Compositor.XdgShell
 CQWbmpHandlerSupport for the WBMP image format
 CQWeakPointer\inmodule QtCore
 CQWGLContext\inheaderfile QOpenGLContext
 CQWhatsThisSimple description of any widget, i.e
 CQWidgetBase class of all user interface objects
 CQWidgetActionExtends QAction by an interface for inserting custom widgets into action based containers, such as toolbars
 CQWidgetItemLayout item that represents a widget
 CQWindow\inmodule QtGui
 CQWindowCapture\inmodule QtMultimedia
 CQWindowCreationContextActive Context for creating windows
 CQWindows11StyleLook and feel suitable for applications on Microsoft Windows 11
 CQWindowsApplicationNative interface to QGuiApplication, to be retrieved from QPlatformIntegration. \inmodule QtGui
 CQWindowsBackingStoreBacking store for windows
 CQWindowsBaseWindowBase class for QWindowsForeignWindow, QWindowsWindow
 CQWindowsClipboardClipboard implementation
 CQWindowsClipboardRetrievalMimeDataSpecial mime data class managing delayed retrieval of clipboard data
 CQWindowsContextSingleton container for all relevant information
 CQWindowsCursorPlatform cursor implementation
 CQWindowsCursorCacheKeyCache key for storing values in a QHash with a QCursor as key
 CQWindowsDesktopWindowWindow wrapping GetDesktopWindow not allowing any manipulation
 CQWindowsDialogHelperBaseHelper for native Windows dialogs
 CQWindowsDialogThreadRun a non-modal native dialog in a separate thread
 CQWindowsDirect2DBackingStoreBacking store for windows
 CQWindowsDragWindows drag implementation
 CQWindowsDragCursorWindowA toplevel window showing the drag icon in case of touch drag
 CQWindowsDropDataObjectQWindowsOleDataObject subclass specialized for handling Drag&Drop
 CQWindowsDropMimeDataSpecial mime data class for data retrieval from Drag operations
 CQWindowsFileDialogHelperHelper for native Windows file dialogs
 CQWindowsFileDialogSharedDataExplicitly shared file dialog parameters that are not in QFileDialogOptions
 CQWindowsFontDatabaseFont database for Windows
 CQWindowsFontEngineStandard Windows font engine
 CQWindowsFontEngineDataStatic constant data shared by the font engines
 CQWindowsFontEngineDirectWriteWindows font engine using Direct Write
 CQWindowsForeignWindowWindow wrapping a foreign native window
 CQWindowsGeometryHintStores geometry constraints and provides utility functions
 CQWindowsGLContextOpen GL context
 CQWindowsGuiEventDispatcherEvent dispatcher for Windows
 CQWindowsInputContextWindows Input context implementation
 CQWindowsIntegrationPlugin\title Qt platform plugin for Windows
 CQWindowsInternalMimeDataBaseBase for implementations of QInternalMimeData using a IDataObject COM object
 CQWindowsKeyMapperTranslates Windows keys to QWindowSystemInterface events
 CQWindowsMenuBarWindows native menu bar
 CQWindowsMimeConverterMaps open-standard MIME to Window Clipboard formats
 CQWindowsMimeRegistryManages the list of QWindowsMimeConverter instances
 CQWindowsMouseHandlerWindows mouse handler
 CQWindowsNativeColorDialogNative Windows color dialog
 CQWindowsNativeDialogBaseBase class for Windows native dialogs
 CQWindowsNativeFileDialogBaseWindows native file dialog wrapper around IFileOpenDialog, IFileSaveDialog
 CQWindowsNativeFileDialogEventHandlerListens to IFileDialog events and forwards them to QWindowsNativeFileDialogBase
 CQWindowsNativeImageWindows Native image
 CQWindowsNativeInterfaceProvides access to native handles
 CQWindowsNativeOpenFileDialogWindows native file save dialog wrapper around IFileOpenDialog
 CQWindowsNativeSaveFileDialogWindows native file save dialog wrapper around IFileSaveDialog
 CQWindowsOleDataObjectOLE data container
 CQWindowsOleDropSourceImplementation of IDropSource
 CQWindowsOleDropTargetImplementation of IDropTarget
 CQWindowsOleEnumFmtEtcEnumerates the FORMATETC structures supported by QWindowsOleDataObject
 CQWindowsOpenGLAdditionalFormatAdditional format information that is not in QSurfaceFormat
 CQWindowsScreenNative interface to a screen
 CQWindowsScreenWindows screen
 CQWindowsScreenManagerManages a list of QWindowsScreen
 CQWindowsShellItemWrapper for IShellItem
 CQWindowsSystemTrayIconWindows native system tray icon
 CQWindowsTabletSupportTablet support for Windows
 CQWindowStateChangeEvent\inmodule QtGui
 CQWindowsThreadPoolRunnerRuns a task in the global instance of QThreadPool
 CQWindowsVistaStyleLook and feel suitable for applications on Microsoft Windows Vista
 CQWindowsWindowNative interface to QPlatformWindow. \inmodule QtGui
 CQWindowsWindowRaster or OpenGL Window
 CQWindowsWindowCursorPer-Window cursor
 CQWindowsWinTab32DLLFunctions from wintabl32.dll shipped with WACOM tablets used by QWindowsTabletSupport
 CQWindowsXpFileDialogHelperDialog helper using QWindowsXpNativeFileDialog
 CQWindowsXpNativeFileDialogNative Windows directory dialog for Windows XP using SHlib-functions
 CQWindowSystemInterfaceThe QWindowSystemInterface provides an event queue for the QPA platform
 CQWinEventNotifier\inmodule QtCore
 CQWizardFramework for wizards
 CQWizardPageBase class for wizard pages
 CQWriteLocker\inmodule QtCore
 CQX11Info\inmodule QtGui
 CQXmlUtilsThis class contains helper functions related to XML, for validating character classes, productions in the XML specification, and so on
 CQZipReader\variable QZipReader::FileInfo::filePath The full filepath inside the archive
 CQZipWriterQZipWriter class provides a way to create a new zip archive
 CResponseScopeGuardThis class sends a result or an error when going out of scope
 CScopedJasperImageAutomatic resource handling for a jas_image_t*
 Cscreen_traits< screen_context_t >
 Cscreen_traits< screen_device_t >
 Cscreen_traits< screen_display_t >
 Cscreen_traits< screen_group_t >
 Cscreen_traits< screen_pixmap_t >
 Cscreen_traits< screen_session_t >
 Cscreen_traits< screen_stream_t >
 Cscreen_traits< screen_window_t >
 CSearchReply[Implement reply pt1]
 CSearchSuggestionReply[Implement reply pt2]
 CState\inmodule QtGui
 Ctemplate< typename T1, typename T2 >QBiPointer can be thought of as a space-optimized std::variant<T1*, T2*> with a nicer API to check the active pointer. Its other main feature is that it only requires sizeof(void *) space
 CTestHTTPServerVery, very basic HTTP server for testing
 CUntypedProxyPropertyProperty used in Behavior to handle bindable properties
 CVertex\qmltype MapCircle \instantiates QDeclarativeCircleMapItem \inqmlmodule QtLocation
 CVideoExample[Video producer]
 CWindow[Window class with invokable method]
 CWindowCreationDataWindow creation code