Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. <b>Note:</b> These are NOT official API docs; those are found <a href='https://doc.qt.io/'>here</a>.
No Matches
QV4 Namespace Reference


namespace  CompiledData
namespace  Compiler
namespace  Debugging
namespace  Heap
namespace  JIT
namespace  Moth
namespace  Profiling
namespace  Promise


struct  ArgumentsObject
struct  ArrayBuffer
struct  ArrayBufferCtor
struct  ArrayBufferPrototype
struct  ArrayCtor
struct  ArrayData
class  ArrayElementLessThan
struct  ArrayIteratorObject
struct  ArrayIteratorPrototype
struct  ArrayObject
struct  ArrayPrototype
struct  ArrayVTable
struct  ArrowFunction
struct  Atomics
class  Attr
class  BitVector
struct  BlockAllocator
struct  BooleanCtor
struct  BooleanObject
struct  BooleanPrototype
struct  BoundFunction
struct  CallArgs
struct  CallContext
struct  CallData
struct  CapabilitiesExecutorWrapper
class  CDATA
class  CharacterData
struct  Chunk
struct  ChunkAllocator
class  CompilationUnitMapper
struct  CompilationUnitRuntimeData
struct  ComplexString
struct  ConsoleObject
struct  ConstructorFunction
struct  CppStackFrame
struct  CppStackFrameBase
struct  DataView
struct  DataViewCtor
struct  DataViewPrototype
struct  Date
struct  DateCtor
struct  DateObject
struct  DatePrototype
struct  DefaultClassConstructorFunction
struct  DelegateModelGroupFunction
class  Document
class  DocumentImpl
class  Element
struct  Encode
struct  EngineBase
struct  ErrorCtor
struct  ErrorObject
struct  ErrorPrototype
class  ESTable
struct  EvalErrorCtor
struct  EvalErrorObject
struct  EvalErrorPrototype
struct  EvalFunction
struct  ExceptionHandlerRecord
class  ExecutableAllocator
class  ExecutableCompilationUnit
struct  ExecutionContext
struct  ExecutionEngine
struct  ExecutionEngineCallDepthRecorder
struct  ForInIteratorObject
struct  ForInIteratorPrototype
struct  Function
struct  FunctionCtor
struct  FunctionData
struct  FunctionObject
struct  FunctionPrototype
struct  GCCriticalSection
struct  GCData
struct  GCIteratorStorage
struct  GCStateInfo
struct  GCStateMachine
struct  GeneratorFunction
struct  GeneratorFunctionCtor
struct  GeneratorObject
struct  GeneratorPrototype
struct  GlobalExtensions
struct  GlobalFunctions
struct  HeapItem
struct  HeapValue
struct  HugeItemAllocator
struct  IdentifierHash
struct  IdentifierHashData
struct  IdentifierHashEntry
struct  IdentifierTable
struct  IndexedBuiltinFunction
struct  InternalClass
struct  InternalClassEntry
struct  InternalClassTransition
struct  IntrinsicTypedArrayCtor
struct  IntrinsicTypedArrayPrototype
struct  IteratorPrototype
struct  JSCallArguments
struct  JSCallData
struct  JsonObject
class  JsonParser
struct  JSTypesStackFrame
struct  LazyScope
struct  Lookup
struct  Managed
struct  MapCtor
struct  MapIteratorObject
struct  MapIteratorPrototype
struct  MapObject
struct  MapPrototype
struct  MarkStack
struct  MathObject
struct  MemberData
struct  MemberFunction
struct  MemberGeneratorFunction
class  MemoryManager
struct  MemorySegment
struct  MetaTypesStackFrame
struct  ModelObject
struct  ModelObjectOwnPropertyKeyIterator
struct  Module
class  MultiplyWrappedQObjectMap
class  NamedNodeMap
struct  Node
class  NodeImpl
class  NodeList
class  NodePrototype
struct  NumberCtor
class  NumberLocale
struct  NumberObject
struct  NumberPrototype
struct  Object
struct  ObjectCtor
struct  ObjectItem
struct  ObjectIterator
struct  ObjectOwnPropertyKeyIterator
struct  ObjectPrototype
class  OptionalReturnedValue
struct  OwnPropertyKeyIterator
class  PersistentValue
struct  PersistentValueStorage
struct  PromiseCapability
struct  PromiseCtor
struct  PromiseExecutionState
struct  PromiseObject
struct  PromisePrototype
struct  PromiseReaction
struct  Property
struct  PropertyAttributes
struct  PropertyHash
struct  PropertyHashData
struct  PropertyIndex
struct  PropertyKey
struct  PropertyListPrototype
struct  Proxy
struct  ProxyFunctionObject
struct  ProxyObject
struct  QMetaObjectWrapper
struct  QmlContext
struct  QmlIncubatorObject
struct  QmlListWrapper
struct  QmlSignalHandler
struct  QObjectMethod
struct  QObjectSlotDispatcher
struct  QObjectWrapper
struct  QObjectWrapperOwnPropertyKeyIterator
struct  QQmlBindingFunction
struct  QQmlContextWrapper
struct  QQmlScopedEnumWrapper
class  QQmlSqlDatabaseWrapper
struct  QQmlTypeWrapper
struct  QQmlValueTypeWrapper
struct  QQmlValueTypeWrapperOwnPropertyKeyIterator
struct  QQmlXMLHttpRequestCtor
struct  QQmlXMLHttpRequestWrapper
struct  QV4QPointer
struct  RangeErrorCtor
struct  RangeErrorObject
struct  RangeErrorPrototype
struct  ReferenceErrorCtor
struct  ReferenceErrorObject
struct  ReferenceErrorPrototype
struct  ReferenceObject
struct  Reflect
struct  RegExp
class  RegExpCache
struct  RegExpCacheKey
struct  RegExpCtor
struct  RegExpObject
struct  RegExpPrototype
struct  RejectWrapper
class  ResolvedTypeReference
struct  ResolveElementWrapper
struct  ResolveWrapper
struct  Runtime
class  RuntimeCodegen
struct  RuntimeHelpers
struct  Scope
struct  Scoped
struct  ScopedProperty
struct  ScopedPropertyKey
struct  ScopedStackFrame
struct  ScopedValue
struct  Script
struct  ScriptFunction
struct  Sequence
struct  SequenceCompareFunctor
struct  SequenceDefaultCompareFunctor
struct  SequenceOwnPropertyKeyIterator
struct  SequencePrototype
class  Serialize
struct  SetCtor
struct  SetIteratorObject
struct  SetIteratorPrototype
struct  SetObject
struct  SetPrototype
struct  SharedArrayBuffer
struct  SharedArrayBufferCtor
struct  SharedArrayBufferPrototype
struct  SharedInternalClassData
struct  SharedInternalClassDataPrivate
struct  SharedInternalClassDataPrivate< PropertyAttributes >
struct  SharedInternalClassDataPrivate< PropertyKey >
struct  SimpleArrayData
struct  SparseArray
struct  SparseArrayData
struct  SparseArrayNode
struct  StackFrame
struct  StackProperties
struct  StaticValue
struct  StrictArgumentsObject
struct  String
struct  StringCtor
struct  StringIteratorObject
struct  StringIteratorPrototype
struct  StringObject
struct  StringOrSymbol
struct  StringPrototype
struct  Symbol
struct  SymbolCtor
struct  SymbolObject
struct  SymbolPrototype
struct  SyntaxErrorCtor
struct  SyntaxErrorObject
struct  SyntaxErrorPrototype
class  Text
struct  ToStringMetaMethod
struct  TypedArray
struct  TypedArrayCtor
struct  TypedArrayOperations
struct  TypedArrayPrototype
struct  TypeErrorCtor
struct  TypeErrorObject
struct  TypeErrorPrototype
struct  UnwindCode
struct  UnwindInfo
struct  URIErrorCtor
struct  URIErrorObject
struct  URIErrorPrototype
struct  UrlCtor
struct  UrlObject
struct  UrlPrototype
struct  UrlSearchParamsCtor
struct  UrlSearchParamsObject
struct  UrlSearchParamsPrototype
struct  Value
struct  ValueArray
struct  VariantObject
struct  VariantPrototype
struct  VTable
struct  VTableBase
struct  VTableCallWithMetaTypesWrapper
struct  VTableCallWrapper
struct  WeakMapCtor
struct  WeakMapPrototype
struct  WeakSetCtor
struct  WeakSetPrototype
class  WeakValue
struct  WriteBarrier


typedef quint64 ReturnedValue
typedef Scoped< StringScopedString
typedef Scoped< StringOrSymbolScopedStringOrSymbol
typedef Scoped< ObjectScopedObject
typedef Scoped< ArrayObjectScopedArrayObject
typedef Scoped< FunctionObjectScopedFunctionObject
typedef Scoped< ExecutionContextScopedContext
typedef QVector< StackFrameStackTrace
template<typename T , int PhantomTag>
using HeapObjectWrapper = WriteBarrier::HeapObjectWrapper<T, PhantomTag>
using QObjectBiPointer = QBiPointer<QObject, const QObject>
typedef uint Bool
using Primitive = Value
typedef QHash< const char *, int > MMStatsHash
typedef void(* ClassDestroyStatsCallback) (const char *)


enum class  ObjectLiteralArgument { Value , Method , Getter , Setter }
enum  UnwindOpcode : UINT8 {
enum  Register : UINT8 {
  RAX = 0 , RCX , RDX , RBX ,
  RSP , RBP , RSI , RDI ,
  NONE = 15
enum class  GeneratorState {
  Undefined , SuspendedStart , SuspendedYield , Executing ,
enum  PropertyFlag {
  Attr_Data = 0 , Attr_Accessor = 0x1 , Attr_NotWritable = 0x2 , Attr_NotEnumerable = 0x4 ,
  Attr_NotConfigurable = 0x8 , Attr_ReadOnly = Attr_NotWritable|Attr_NotEnumerable|Attr_NotConfigurable , Attr_ReadOnly_ButConfigurable = Attr_NotWritable|Attr_NotEnumerable , Attr_Invalid = 0xff
enum  IteratorKind { KeyIteratorKind , ValueIteratorKind , KeyValueIteratorKind }
enum  CoercionProblem { InsufficientAnnotation , InvalidListType }
enum  TypedArrayType {
  Int8Array , UInt8Array , Int16Array , UInt16Array ,
  Int32Array , UInt32Array , UInt8ClampedArray , Float32Array ,
  Float64Array , NTypedArrayTypes
enum  AtomicModifyOps {
  AtomicAdd , AtomicAnd , AtomicExchange , AtomicOr ,
  AtomicSub , AtomicXor , NAtomicModifyOps
enum  { MinSlotsGCLimit = QV4::Chunk::AvailableSlots*16 , GCOverallocation = 200 }
enum  GCState {
  MarkStart = 0 , MarkGlobalObject , MarkJSStack , InitMarkPersistentValues ,
  MarkPersistentValues , InitMarkWeakValues , MarkWeakValues , MarkDrain ,
  MarkReady , InitCallDestroyObjects , CallDestroyObjects , FreeWeakMaps ,
  FreeWeakSets , HandleQObjectWrappers , DoSweep , Invalid ,
enum  StackDefaults : qsizetype { DefaultSafetyMargin = 128 * 1024 , PlatformStackSize = 512 * 1024 , PlatformSafetyMargin = DefaultSafetyMargin }


 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_standard_layout< CallData >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (offsetof(CallData, function)==CallData::Function *sizeof(StaticValue))
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (offsetof(CallData, context)==CallData::Context *sizeof(StaticValue))
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (offsetof(CallData, accumulator)==CallData::Accumulator *sizeof(StaticValue))
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (offsetof(CallData, thisObject)==CallData::This *sizeof(StaticValue))
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (offsetof(CallData, newTarget)==CallData::NewTarget *sizeof(StaticValue))
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (offsetof(CallData, _argc)==CallData::Argc *sizeof(StaticValue))
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (offsetof(CallData, args)==6 *sizeof(StaticValue))
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_trivial_v< StaticValue >)
uint charToUInt (const QChar *ch)
uint charToUInt (const char *ch)
template<typename T >
uint stringToArrayIndex (const T *ch, const T *end)
uint stringToArrayIndex (const QString &str)
template<typename RandomAccessIterator , typename LessThan >
void sortHelper (RandomAccessIterator start, RandomAccessIterator end, LessThan lessThan)
 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS (ExecutionEngine::DiskCacheOptions)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_standard_layout< EngineBase >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (offsetof(EngineBase, currentStackFrame)==0)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (offsetof(EngineBase, jsStackTop)==offsetof(EngineBase, currentStackFrame)+QT_POINTER_SIZE)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (offsetof(EngineBase, hasException)==offsetof(EngineBase, jsStackTop)+QT_POINTER_SIZE)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (offsetof(EngineBase, memoryManager)==offsetof(EngineBase, hasException)+8)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (offsetof(EngineBase, isInterrupted)+sizeof(EngineBase::isInterrupted)<=offsetof(EngineBase, hasException)+4)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (offsetof(EngineBase, globalObject) % QT_POINTER_SIZE==0)
static QString toString (QV4::ReturnedValue v)
static void dumpConstantTable (const StaticValue *constants, uint count)
static ReturnedValue doCall (QV4::Function *self, const QV4::Value *thisObject, const QV4::Value *argv, int argc, QV4::ExecutionContext *context)
static bool isSpecificType (const CompiledData::ParameterType &type)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_standard_layout< FunctionData >::value)
ReturnedValue checkedResult (QV4::ExecutionEngine *v4, ReturnedValue result)
void generateFunctionTable (Function *function, JSC::MacroAssemblerCodeRef *codeRef)
void destroyFunctionTable (Function *function, JSC::MacroAssemblerCodeRef *codeRef)
size_t exceptionHandlerSize ()
template<typename Args >
CallDatacallDatafromJS (const Scope &scope, const Args *args, const FunctionObject *f=nullptr)
void populateJSCallArguments (ExecutionEngine *v4, JSCallArguments &jsCall, int argc, void **args, const QMetaType *types)
template<typename Callable >
ReturnedValue convertAndCall (ExecutionEngine *engine, const Function::AOTCompiledFunction *aotFunction, const Value *thisObject, const Value *argv, int argc, Callable call)
template<typename Callable >
bool convertAndCall (ExecutionEngine *engine, QObject *thisObject, void **a, const QMetaType *types, int argc, Callable call)
ReturnedValue coerce (ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &value, const QQmlType &qmlType, bool isList)
QObjectcoerceQObject (const Value &value, const QQmlType &qmlType)
Q_QML_EXPORT void warnAboutCoercionToVoid (ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &value, CoercionProblem problem)
ReturnedValue coerceListType (ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &value, const QQmlType &qmlType)
template<typename Callable >
ReturnedValue coerceAndCall (ExecutionEngine *engine, const Function::JSTypedFunction *typedFunction, const CompiledData::Function *compiledFunction, const Value *argv, int argc, Callable call)
void coerce (ExecutionEngine *engine, QMetaType fromType, const void *from, QMetaType toType, void *to)
template<typename TypedFunction , typename Callable >
void coerceAndCall (ExecutionEngine *engine, const TypedFunction *typedFunction, void **argv, const QMetaType *types, int argc, Callable call)
bool operator== (const ObjectItem &a, const ObjectItem &b)
size_t qHash (const ObjectItem &i, size_t seed=0)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_standard_layout< Lookup >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (offsetof(Lookup, getter)==0)
void setupQObjectLookup (Lookup *lookup, const QQmlData *ddata, const QQmlPropertyData *propertyData)
void setupQObjectLookup (Lookup *lookup, const QQmlData *ddata, const QQmlPropertyData *propertyData, const Object *self)
void setupQObjectLookup (Lookup *lookup, const QQmlData *ddata, const QQmlPropertyData *propertyData, const Object *self, const Object *qmlType)
template<typename QObjectMethod = Heap::QObjectMethod>
void setupQObjectMethodLookup (Lookup *lookup, const QQmlData *ddata, const QQmlPropertyData *propertyData, const Object *self, QObjectMethod *method)
bool qualifiesForMethodLookup (const QQmlPropertyData *propertyData)
template<typename T >
int qYouForgotTheQ_MANAGED_Macro (T, T)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void qYouForgotTheQ_MANAGED_Macro (T1, T2)
static QMLJS_READONLY ReturnedValue add_int32 (int a, int b)
static QMLJS_READONLY ReturnedValue sub_int32 (int a, int b)
static QMLJS_READONLY ReturnedValue mul_int32 (int a, int b)
ReturnedValue value_convert< Object > (ExecutionEngine *e, const Value &v)
static QPair< QObject *, int > extractQtSignal (const Value &value)
static Heap::ReferenceObject::Flags referenceFlags (ExecutionEngine *v4, const QQmlPropertyData &property)
static ReturnedValue loadProperty (ExecutionEngine *v4, Heap::Object *wrapper, QObject *object, const QQmlPropertyData &property)
static OptionalReturnedValue getDestroyOrToStringMethod (ExecutionEngine *v4, String *name, Heap::Object *qobj, bool *hasProperty=nullptr)
static OptionalReturnedValue getPropertyFromImports (ExecutionEngine *v4, String *name, const QQmlRefPointer< QQmlContextData > &qmlContext, QObject *qobj, bool *hasProperty=nullptr)
static void markChildQObjectsRecursively (QObject *parent, MarkStack *markStack)
static ReturnedValue CallMethod (const QQmlObjectOrGadget &object, int index, QMetaType returnType, int argCount, const QMetaType *argTypes, ExecutionEngine *engine, CallData *callArgs, QMetaObject::Call callType=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod)
template<typename Retrieve >
int MatchVariant (QMetaType conversionMetaType, Retrieve &&retrieve)
static int MatchScore (const Value &actual, QMetaType conversionMetaType)
static int numDefinedArguments (CallData *callArgs)
static bool requiresStrictArguments (const QQmlObjectOrGadget &object)
static bool ExactMatch (QMetaType passed, QMetaType required, const void *data)
bool canConvert (const QQmlPropertyCache *fromMo, const QQmlPropertyCache *toMo)
size_t qHash (const RegExpCacheKey &key, size_t seed=0) noexcept
template<typename T >
bool qtTypeInherits (const QMetaObject *mo)
static QV4::LookupruntimeLookup (Function *f, uint i)
static QV4::ReturnedValue doInstanceof (ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &lval, const Value &rval)
static Heap::Stringconvert_to_string_add (ExecutionEngine *engine, Value value)
static Q_NEVER_INLINE ReturnedValue getElementIntFallback (ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object, uint idx)
static Q_NEVER_INLINE ReturnedValue getElementFallback (ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object, const Value &index)
static Q_NEVER_INLINE bool setElementFallback (ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object, const Value &index, const Value &value)
static ObjectgetSuperBase (Scope &scope)
static ReturnedValue throwPropertyIsNotAFunctionTypeError (ExecutionEngine *engine, Value *thisObject, const QString &propertyName)
static CallArgs createSpreadArguments (Scope &scope, Value *argv, int argc)
template<typename Operation >
static const voidsymbol ()
bool hasExceptionOrIsInterrupted (ExecutionEngine *engine)
static ReturnedValue doGetIndexed (const Sequence *s, qsizetype index)
template<typename Compare >
void sortSequence (Sequence *sequence, const Compare &compare)
static void generateWarning (QV4::ExecutionEngine *v4, const QString &description)
template<typename Action >
void convertAndDo (const QVariant &item, const QMetaType v, Action action)
SequenceOwnPropertyKeyIteratorcontainerOwnPropertyKeys (const Object *m, Value *target)
static QV4::ReturnedValue method_get_length (const FunctionObject *b, const Value *thisObject, const Value *, int)
static QV4::ReturnedValue method_set_length (const FunctionObject *f, const Value *thisObject, const Value *argv, int argc)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof(CppStackFrame)==sizeof(JSTypesStackFrame))
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_standard_layout_v< CppStackFrame >)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_standard_layout_v< JSTypesStackFrame >)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_standard_layout_v< MetaTypesStackFrame >)
ReturnedValue value_convert< String > (ExecutionEngine *e, const Value &v)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_trivial_v< Value >)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof(Value)==sizeof(StaticValue))
template<typename T >
ReturnedValue value_convert (ExecutionEngine *e, const Value &v)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (offsetof(ValueArray< 0 >, values)==8)
template<class Class >
constexpr VTable::CallWithMetaTypes vtableMetaTypesCallEntry ()
template<class Class >
constexpr VTable::Call vtableJsTypesCallEntry ()
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_trivial_v< QV4QPointer< QObject > >)
QString binary (quintptr)
static void increaseFreedCountForClass (const char *className)
static void freeHugeChunk (ChunkAllocator *chunkAllocator, const HugeItemAllocator::HugeChunk &c, ClassDestroyStatsCallback classCountPtr)
static size_t dumpBins (BlockAllocator *b, const char *title)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof(Chunk)==Chunk::ChunkSize)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT ((1<< Chunk::ChunkShift)==Chunk::ChunkSize)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (1<< Chunk::SlotSizeShift==Chunk::SlotSize)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof(HeapItem)==Chunk::SlotSize)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT ((1<< Chunk::BitShift)==Chunk::Bits)
template<typename Size >
static voidincrementStackPointer (void *base, Size amount)
template<typename Size >
static voiddecrementStackPointer (void *base, Size amount)
static StackProperties createStackProperties (void *base, qsizetype size=PlatformStackSize)
StackProperties stackPropertiesGeneric (qsizetype stackSize=0)
StackProperties stackProperties ()
const voidcurrentStackPointer ()
Q_ALWAYS_INLINE void fence ()
static Heap::ReferenceObject::Flags referenceFlags (const QMetaObject *metaObject, int index)
static void doStaticReadCall (const QMetaObject *metaObject, Heap::QQmlValueTypeWrapper *valueTypeWrapper, int index, void **args)
static ReturnedValue getGadgetProperty (ExecutionEngine *engine, Heap::QQmlValueTypeWrapper *valueTypeWrapper, QMetaType metaType, quint16 coreIndex, bool isFunction, bool isEnum)


static uint markStackSize = 0

Typedef Documentation

◆ Bool

typedef uint QV4::Bool

Definition at line 24 of file qv4runtimeapi_p.h.

◆ ClassDestroyStatsCallback

typedef void(* QV4::ClassDestroyStatsCallback) (const char *)

Definition at line 30 of file qv4mmdefs_p.h.

◆ HeapObjectWrapper

template<typename T , int PhantomTag>
using QV4::HeapObjectWrapper = WriteBarrier::HeapObjectWrapper<T, PhantomTag>

Definition at line 33 of file qv4lookup_p.h.

◆ MMStatsHash

typedef QHash<const char*, int> QV4::MMStatsHash

Definition at line 258 of file qv4mm.cpp.

◆ Primitive

Definition at line 345 of file qv4value_p.h.

◆ QObjectBiPointer

Definition at line 411 of file qv4qobjectwrapper_p.h.

◆ ReturnedValue

Definition at line 38 of file qv4staticvalue_p.h.

◆ ScopedArrayObject

Definition at line 165 of file qv4global_p.h.

◆ ScopedContext

Definition at line 167 of file qv4global_p.h.

◆ ScopedFunctionObject

Definition at line 166 of file qv4global_p.h.

◆ ScopedObject

Definition at line 164 of file qv4global_p.h.

◆ ScopedString

Definition at line 162 of file qv4global_p.h.

◆ ScopedStringOrSymbol

Definition at line 163 of file qv4global_p.h.

◆ StackTrace

Definition at line 287 of file qv4global_p.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 70 of file qv4mm.cpp.

◆ AtomicModifyOps


Definition at line 40 of file qv4typedarray_p.h.

◆ CoercionProblem


Definition at line 241 of file qv4jscall_p.h.

◆ GCState


Definition at line 31 of file qv4mm_p.h.

◆ GeneratorState

enum class QV4::GeneratorState

Definition at line 25 of file qv4generatorobject_p.h.

◆ IteratorKind


Definition at line 25 of file qv4iterator_p.h.

◆ ObjectLiteralArgument

enum class QV4::ObjectLiteralArgument

Definition at line 27 of file qv4compilerglobal_p.h.

◆ PropertyFlag


Definition at line 178 of file qv4global_p.h.

◆ Register

enum QV4::Register : UINT8

Definition at line 29 of file qv4functiontable_win64.cpp.

◆ StackDefaults


Definition at line 44 of file qv4stacklimits.cpp.

◆ TypedArrayType


Definition at line 27 of file qv4typedarray_p.h.

◆ TypeHint


Definition at line 55 of file qv4runtime_p.h.

◆ UnwindOpcode

enum QV4::UnwindOpcode : UINT8

Definition at line 16 of file qv4functiontable_win64.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ add_int32()

static QMLJS_READONLY ReturnedValue QV4::add_int32 ( int a,
int b )

Definition at line 34 of file qv4math_p.h.

References QV4::StaticValue::fromDouble(), QV4::StaticValue::fromInt32(), Q_UNLIKELY, and qAddOverflow().

Referenced by QV4::Moth::VME::interpret().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ binary()

QString QV4::binary ( quintptr )

Definition at line 253 of file qv4mm.cpp.

◆ callDatafromJS()

template<typename Args >
CallData * QV4::callDatafromJS ( const Scope & scope,
const Args * args,
const FunctionObject * f = nullptr )

Definition at line 43 of file qv4jscall_p.h.

References QV4::Scope::alloc(), args, ptr(), QV4::Encode::undefined(), and QV4::Scope::Uninitialized.

Referenced by QV4::JSCallArguments::callData(), and QV4::JSCallData::callData().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CallMethod()

static ReturnedValue QV4::CallMethod ( const QQmlObjectOrGadget & object,
int index,
QMetaType returnType,
int argCount,
const QMetaType * argTypes,
ExecutionEngine * engine,
CallData * callArgs,
QMetaObject::Call callType = QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod )

Definition at line 1646 of file qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp.

References arg, QV4::CallData::args, args, QV4::StaticValue::asValue(), CallMethod(), engine, frame, QString::fromLatin1(), QString::number(), qWarning, QMetaMethod::Signal, and QList< T >::size().

Referenced by CallMethod().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ canConvert()

bool QV4::canConvert ( const QQmlPropertyCache * fromMo,
const QQmlPropertyCache * toMo )

Definition at line 248 of file qv4qobjectwrapper_p.h.

References canConvert().

Referenced by canConvert(), QV4::QObjectWrapper::lookupMethodGetterImpl(), and QV4::QObjectWrapper::lookupPropertyGetterImpl().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ charToUInt() [1/2]

uint QV4::charToUInt ( const char * ch)

Definition at line 27 of file qv4stringtoarrayindex_p.h.

◆ charToUInt() [2/2]

uint QV4::charToUInt ( const QChar * ch)

Definition at line 26 of file qv4stringtoarrayindex_p.h.

References ch.

Referenced by QV4::String::calculateHashValue(), and stringToArrayIndex().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkedResult()

ReturnedValue QV4::checkedResult ( QV4::ExecutionEngine * v4,
ReturnedValue result )

◆ coerce() [1/2]

ReturnedValue QV4::coerce ( ExecutionEngine * engine,
const Value & value,
const QQmlType & qmlType,
bool isList )

Definition at line 310 of file qv4jscall_p.h.

References QV4::Value::as(), coerceListType(), coerceQObject(), QVariant::d, QVariant::Private::data, engine, QMetaType::flags(), QQmlValueTypeProvider::heapCreateValueType(), QMetaType::id(), InsufficientAnnotation, QMetaType::isValid(), QQmlType::metaObjectForValueType(), QVariant::metaType(), QV4::Encode::null(), QMetaType::PointerToQObject, Q_ASSERT, QMetaType::QVariant, QV4::Value::stringValue(), QQmlType::typeId(), QV4::Encode::undefined(), QVariant::value(), var, warnAboutCoercionToVoid(), and wrapper().

Referenced by QV4::Runtime::As::call(), coerce(), coerceAndCall(), and coerceAndCall().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coerce() [2/2]

void QV4::coerce ( ExecutionEngine * engine,
QMetaType fromType,
const void * from,
QMetaType toType,
void * to )

Definition at line 428 of file qv4jscall_p.h.

References coerce(), QMetaType::convert(), QVariant::data(), engine, QMetaType::flags(), QVariant::metaType(), QV4::ExecutionEngine::metaTypeFromJS(), QMetaType::NeedsConstruction, and QMetaType::PointerToQObject.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ coerceAndCall() [1/2]

template<typename Callable >
ReturnedValue QV4::coerceAndCall ( ExecutionEngine * engine,
const Function::JSTypedFunction * typedFunction,
const CompiledData::Function * compiledFunction,
const Value * argv,
int argc,
Callable call )

Definition at line 408 of file qv4jscall_p.h.

References coerce(), engine, QV4::CompiledData::Function::formalsTable(), i, QV4::CompiledData::ParameterType::isList(), QV4::CompiledData::Function::returnType, QV4::CompiledData::Parameter::type, and QV4::Encode::undefined().

Referenced by QV4::Function::call(), QV4::QObjectMethod::callInternalWithMetaTypes(), QV4::Moth::VME::exec(), QQmlConnectionSlotDispatcher::impl(), and QV4::ArrowFunction::virtualCall().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coerceAndCall() [2/2]

template<typename TypedFunction , typename Callable >
void QV4::coerceAndCall ( ExecutionEngine * engine,
const TypedFunction * typedFunction,
void ** argv,
const QMetaType * types,
int argc,
Callable call )

Definition at line 481 of file qv4jscall_p.h.

References arg, coerce(), QVariant::constData(), QMetaType::construct(), QVariant::data(), QMetaType::destruct(), engine, QMetaType::flags(), i, QVariant::metaType(), QMetaType::NeedsConstruction, QMetaType::NeedsDestruction, Q_ALLOCA_ASSIGN, Q_ALLOCA_DECLARE, Q_ALLOCA_VAR, QMetaType::sizeOf(), and variant.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ coerceListType()

ReturnedValue QV4::coerceListType ( ExecutionEngine * engine,
const Value & value,
const QQmlType & qmlType )

Definition at line 250 of file qv4jscall_p.h.

References QV4::Value::as(), coerceQObject(), QV4::QmlListWrapper::create(), engine, QMetaType::flags(), QV4::SequencePrototype::fromData(), i, InvalidListType, QQmlType::isSequentialContainer(), QMetaType::isValid(), list, QQmlType::listMetaSequence(), QMetaType::PointerToQObject, QQmlType::qListTypeId(), QQmlMetaType::qmlListType(), QQmlType::typeId(), and warnAboutCoercionToVoid().

Referenced by coerce().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coerceQObject()

QObject * QV4::coerceQObject ( const Value & value,
const QQmlType & qmlType )

Definition at line 228 of file qv4jscall_p.h.

References QV4::Value::as(), o, qmlobject_can_qml_cast(), and wrapper().

Referenced by coerce(), and coerceListType().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ containerOwnPropertyKeys()

SequenceOwnPropertyKeyIterator * QV4::containerOwnPropertyKeys ( const Object * m,
Value * target )

Definition at line 366 of file qv4sequenceobject.cpp.

Referenced by QV4::Sequence::virtualOwnPropertyKeys().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convert_to_string_add()

static Heap::String * QV4::convert_to_string_add ( ExecutionEngine * engine,
Value value )

Definition at line 595 of file qv4runtime.cpp.

References convert_to_string_add(), engine, and PREFERREDTYPE_HINT.

Referenced by QV4::RuntimeHelpers::addHelper(), and convert_to_string_add().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convertAndCall() [1/2]

template<typename Callable >
ReturnedValue QV4::convertAndCall ( ExecutionEngine * engine,
const Function::AOTCompiledFunction * aotFunction,
const Value * thisObject,
const Value * argv,
int argc,
Callable call )

Definition at line 115 of file qv4jscall_p.h.

References argument, QV4::Value::as(), QMetaType::construct(), engine, QMetaType::flags(), i, QV4::ExecutionEngine::metaTypeFromJS(), QMetaType::NeedsConstruction, QMetaType::NeedsDestruction, Q_ALLOCA_ASSIGN, Q_ALLOCA_DECLARE, Q_ALLOCA_VAR, QMetaType::sizeOf(), and QV4::Encode::undefined().

Referenced by QV4::Function::call(), QV4::FunctionObject::call(), QV4::Function::call(), QV4::QObjectMethod::callInternalWithMetaTypes(), QV4::ArrowFunction::virtualCall(), and QV4::ArrowFunction::virtualCallWithMetaTypes().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convertAndCall() [2/2]

template<typename Callable >
bool QV4::convertAndCall ( ExecutionEngine * engine,
QObject * thisObject,
void ** a,
const QMetaType * types,
int argc,
Callable call )

Definition at line 183 of file qv4jscall_p.h.

References QMetaType::destruct(), engine, QJSEngine::globalObject(), QV4::Scope::hasException(), QV4::ExecutionEngine::metaTypeFromJS(), QV4::ExecutionEngine::toVariant(), and QV4::QObjectWrapper::wrap().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ convertAndDo()

template<typename Action >
void QV4::convertAndDo ( const QVariant & item,
const QMetaType v,
Action action )

Definition at line 255 of file qv4sequenceobject.cpp.

References QVariant::constData(), QVariant::convert(), and item.

Referenced by QV4::Sequence::append(), QV4::Sequence::append(), and QV4::Sequence::replace().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createSpreadArguments()

static CallArgs QV4::createSpreadArguments ( Scope & scope,
Value * argv,
int argc )

Definition at line 1542 of file qv4runtime.cpp.

References QV4::Scope::alloc(), arguments, createSpreadArguments(), done, QV4::Scope::engine, QV4::Scope::hasException(), i, it, QV4::EngineBase::jsStackLimit, QV4::EngineBase::jsStackTop, Q_ASSERT, and QV4::ExecutionEngine::throwRangeError().

Referenced by QV4::Runtime::CallWithSpread::call(), QV4::Runtime::ConstructWithSpread::call(), and createSpreadArguments().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createStackProperties()

static StackProperties QV4::createStackProperties ( void * base,
qsizetype size = PlatformStackSize )

Definition at line 97 of file qv4stacklimits.cpp.

References base, incrementStackPointer(), and PlatformSafetyMargin.

Referenced by stackPropertiesGeneric().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ currentStackPointer()

const void * QV4::currentStackPointer ( )

Definition at line 36 of file qv4stacklimits_p.h.

◆ decrementStackPointer()

template<typename Size >
static void * QV4::decrementStackPointer ( void * base,
Size amount )

Definition at line 88 of file qv4stacklimits.cpp.

References base.

Referenced by stackPropertiesGeneric().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:












QV4::DEFINE_OBJECT_VTABLE ( QMetaObjectWrapper )


QV4::DEFINE_OBJECT_VTABLE ( QmlSignalHandler )







◆ destroyFunctionTable()

void QV4::destroyFunctionTable ( Function * function,
JSC::MacroAssemblerCodeRef * codeRef )

Definition at line 16 of file qv4functiontable_noop.cpp.

References Q_UNUSED.

Referenced by QV4::Function::~Function().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ doCall()

static ReturnedValue QV4::doCall ( QV4::Function * self,
const QV4::Value * thisObject,
const QV4::Value * argv,
int argc,
QV4::ExecutionContext * context )

Definition at line 43 of file qv4function.cpp.

References context, engine, QV4::Moth::VME::exec(), frame, and QV4::Value::undefinedValue().

Referenced by QV4::Function::call().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ doGetIndexed()

static ReturnedValue QV4::doGetIndexed ( const Sequence * s,
qsizetype index )

Definition at line 25 of file qv4sequenceobject.cpp.

References QV4::Value::as(), QV4::EngineBase::currentStackFrame, QV4::Scope::engine, frame, and QV4::ExecutionEngine::fromVariant().

Referenced by QV4::Sequence::containerGetIndexed(), and QV4::SequenceOwnPropertyKeyIterator::next().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ doInstanceof()

static QV4::ReturnedValue QV4::doInstanceof ( ExecutionEngine * engine,
const Value & lval,
const Value & rval )

Definition at line 334 of file qv4runtime.cpp.

References QV4::Value::as(), doInstanceof(), engine, QV4::Object::get(), and QV4::Object::instanceOf().

Referenced by QV4::Runtime::Instanceof::call(), QV4::Runtime::As::call(), and doInstanceof().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ doStaticReadCall()

static void QV4::doStaticReadCall ( const QMetaObject * metaObject,
Heap::QQmlValueTypeWrapper * valueTypeWrapper,
int index,
void ** args )

Definition at line 292 of file qqmlvaluetypewrapper.cpp.

References args, doStaticReadCall(), metaObject(), and QMetaObject::ReadProperty.

Referenced by doStaticReadCall(), and getGadgetProperty().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dumpBins()

static size_t QV4::dumpBins ( BlockAllocator * b,
const char * title )

Definition at line 1198 of file qv4mm.cpp.

References Qt::hex(), i, QV4::BlockAllocator::NumBins, qDebug, SDUMP, QV4::Chunk::SlotSize, and title.

Referenced by QV4::MemoryManager::runGC(), and QV4::MemoryManager::updateUnmanagedHeapSizeGCLimit().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dumpConstantTable()

static void QV4::dumpConstantTable ( const StaticValue * constants,
uint count )

Definition at line 63 of file qv4executablecompilationunit.cpp.

References d, dumpConstantTable(), i, qDebug, qSetFieldWidth(), Qt::right(), and toString().

Referenced by dumpConstantTable(), and QV4::ExecutableCompilationUnit::populate().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ExactMatch()

static bool QV4::ExactMatch ( QMetaType passed,
QMetaType required,
const void * data )

Definition at line 2133 of file qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp.

References ExactMatch(), QJSPrimitiveValue::metaType(), and QMetaType::UnknownType.

Referenced by ExactMatch().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ exceptionHandlerSize()

size_t QV4::exceptionHandlerSize ( )

Definition at line 22 of file qv4functiontable_noop.cpp.

Referenced by QV4::ExecutableAllocator::allocate(), QV4::ExecutableAllocator::Allocation::codeStart(), and QV4::ExecutableAllocator::Allocation::exceptionHandlerSize().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ extractQtSignal()

static QPair< QObject *, int > QV4::extractQtSignal ( const Value & value)

Definition at line 87 of file qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp.

References engine, extractQtSignal(), function, and qMakePair().

Referenced by extractQtSignal(), QV4::QObjectWrapper::method_connect(), and QV4::QObjectWrapper::method_disconnect().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fence()

Q_ALWAYS_INLINE void QV4::fence ( )

Definition at line 125 of file qv4writebarrier_p.h.

◆ freeHugeChunk()

static void QV4::freeHugeChunk ( ChunkAllocator * chunkAllocator,
const HugeItemAllocator::HugeChunk & c,
ClassDestroyStatsCallback classCountPtr )

Definition at line 622 of file qv4mm.cpp.

References QV4::HeapItem::chunk(), QV4::Chunk::first(), QV4::ChunkAllocator::free(), freeHugeChunk(), and Q_UNLIKELY.

Referenced by QV4::HugeItemAllocator::freeAll(), freeHugeChunk(), and QV4::HugeItemAllocator::sweep().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ generateFunctionTable()

void QV4::generateFunctionTable ( Function * function,
JSC::MacroAssemblerCodeRef * codeRef )

Definition at line 10 of file qv4functiontable_noop.cpp.

References Q_UNUSED.

◆ generateWarning()

static void QV4::generateWarning ( QV4::ExecutionEngine * v4,
const QString & description )

Definition at line 65 of file qv4sequenceobject.cpp.

References QV4::EngineBase::currentStackFrame, engine, QV4::ExecutionEngine::qmlEngine(), QQmlError::setDescription(), and QQmlEnginePrivate::warning().

Referenced by method_set_length(), QV4::Sequence::virtualDeleteProperty(), QV4::Sequence::virtualGet(), and QV4::Sequence::virtualPut().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDestroyOrToStringMethod()

static OptionalReturnedValue QV4::getDestroyOrToStringMethod ( ExecutionEngine * v4,
String * name,
Heap::Object * qobj,
bool * hasProperty = nullptr )

Definition at line 395 of file qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp.

References getDestroyOrToStringMethod(), global, QV4::ExecutionEngine::id_destroy(), QV4::ExecutionEngine::id_toString(), and QV4::ExecutionEngine::rootContext().

Referenced by getDestroyOrToStringMethod(), and QV4::QObjectWrapper::virtualResolveLookupGetter().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getElementFallback()

static Q_NEVER_INLINE ReturnedValue QV4::getElementFallback ( ExecutionEngine * engine,
const Value & object,
const Value & index )

Definition at line 686 of file qv4runtime.cpp.

References engine, QV4::Scope::engine, getElementFallback(), QV4::Scope::hasException(), o, Q_ASSERT, and QStringLiteral.

Referenced by QV4::Runtime::LoadElement::call(), and getElementFallback().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getElementIntFallback()

static Q_NEVER_INLINE ReturnedValue QV4::getElementIntFallback ( ExecutionEngine * engine,
const Value & object,
uint idx )

Definition at line 653 of file qv4runtime.cpp.

References QV4::Heap::Base::asReturnedValue(), engine, QV4::Scope::engine, getElementIntFallback(), QString::mid(), QV4::ExecutionEngine::newString(), o, Q_ASSERT, QStringLiteral, QString::size(), and str.

Referenced by QV4::Runtime::LoadElement::call(), and getElementIntFallback().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getGadgetProperty()

static ReturnedValue QV4::getGadgetProperty ( ExecutionEngine * engine,
Heap::QQmlValueTypeWrapper * valueTypeWrapper,
QMetaType metaType,
quint16 coreIndex,
bool isFunction,
bool isEnum )

◆ getPropertyFromImports()

static OptionalReturnedValue QV4::getPropertyFromImports ( ExecutionEngine * v4,
String * name,
const QQmlRefPointer< QQmlContextData > & qmlContext,
QObject * qobj,
bool * hasProperty = nullptr )

Definition at line 412 of file qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp.

References getPropertyFromImports(), qmlContext(), and QV4::ExecutionEngine::typeLoader().

Referenced by getPropertyFromImports(), and QV4::QObjectWrapper::virtualResolveLookupGetter().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSuperBase()

static Object * QV4::getSuperBase ( Scope & scope)

Definition at line 1030 of file qv4runtime.cpp.

References QV4::ExecutionContext::asCallContext(), QV4::ExecutionEngine::currentContext(), QV4::EngineBase::currentStackFrame, QV4::Scope::engine, frame, getSuperBase(), QV4::Function::isArrowFunction(), QV4::CppStackFrame::isJSTypesFrame(), QV4::CppStackFrame::isMetaTypesFrame(), QV4::Function::kind, Q_ASSERT, QStringLiteral, QV4::ExecutionEngine::throwReferenceError(), and QV4::ExecutionEngine::throwTypeError().

Referenced by QV4::Runtime::LoadSuperProperty::call(), QV4::Runtime::StoreSuperProperty::call(), and getSuperBase().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasExceptionOrIsInterrupted()

bool QV4::hasExceptionOrIsInterrupted ( ExecutionEngine * engine)

Definition at line 35 of file qv4scopedvalue_p.h.

References engine, and QJSEngine::isInterrupted().

Referenced by QV4::PropertyListPrototype::method_indexOf(), and QV4::PropertyListPrototype::method_lastIndexOf().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ increaseFreedCountForClass()

static void QV4::increaseFreedCountForClass ( const char * className)

Definition at line 263 of file qv4mm.cpp.

References className.

◆ incrementStackPointer()

template<typename Size >
static void * QV4::incrementStackPointer ( void * base,
Size amount )

Definition at line 78 of file qv4stacklimits.cpp.

References base.

Referenced by createStackProperties().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isSpecificType()

static bool QV4::isSpecificType ( const CompiledData::ParameterType & type)

Definition at line 100 of file qv4function.cpp.

References QV4::CompiledData::Invalid.

Referenced by QV4::Function::Function().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadProperty()

◆ markChildQObjectsRecursively()

static void QV4::markChildQObjectsRecursively ( QObject * parent,
MarkStack * markStack )

Definition at line 1462 of file qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp.

References child, QObject::children(), markChildQObjectsRecursively(), and queue.

Referenced by markChildQObjectsRecursively(), and QV4::Heap::QObjectWrapper::markObjects().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MatchScore()

static int QV4::MatchScore ( const Value & actual,
QMetaType conversionMetaType )

Definition at line 1732 of file qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp.

References QV4::Value::as(), QMetaType::flags(), QMetaType::IsPointer, MatchScore(), MatchVariant(), QMetaType::PointerToQObject, qmlobject_can_cpp_cast(), and wrapper().

Referenced by MatchScore().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MatchVariant()

template<typename Retrieve >
int QV4::MatchVariant ( QMetaType conversionMetaType,
Retrieve && retrieve )

Definition at line 1707 of file qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp.

References QMetaType::canConvert(), MatchVariant(), and mo.

Referenced by MatchScore(), and MatchVariant().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ method_get_length()

static QV4::ReturnedValue QV4::method_get_length ( const FunctionObject * b,
const Value * thisObject,
const Value * ,
int  )

Definition at line 536 of file qv4sequenceobject.cpp.

References QV4::Value::as(), QV4::Scope::engine, qIsAtMostUintLimit(), RETURN_RESULT, THROW_TYPE_ERROR, QV4::ExecutionEngine::throwRangeError(), and QV4::Encode::undefined().

Referenced by QV4::SequencePrototype::init(), QV4::PropertyListPrototype::init(), and QV4::IntrinsicTypedArrayPrototype::init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ method_set_length()

static QV4::ReturnedValue QV4::method_set_length ( const FunctionObject * f,
const Value * thisObject,
const Value * argv,
int argc )

Definition at line 553 of file qv4sequenceobject.cpp.

References QV4::Value::as(), QV4::Value::asArrayLength(), QV4::Scope::engine, generateWarning(), ok, Q_ASSERT, qIsAtMostSizetypeLimit(), RETURN_UNDEFINED, and THROW_TYPE_ERROR.

Referenced by QV4::SequencePrototype::init(), and QV4::PropertyListPrototype::init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mul_int32()

static QMLJS_READONLY ReturnedValue QV4::mul_int32 ( int a,
int b )

Definition at line 50 of file qv4math_p.h.

References QV4::StaticValue::fromDouble(), QV4::StaticValue::fromInt32(), Q_UNLIKELY, and qMulOverflow().

Referenced by QV4::Moth::VME::interpret().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ numDefinedArguments()

static int QV4::numDefinedArguments ( CallData * callArgs)

Definition at line 1909 of file qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp.

References QV4::CallData::argc(), QV4::CallData::args, numDefinedArguments(), and QV4::StaticValue::type().

Referenced by numDefinedArguments().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator==()

bool QV4::operator== ( const ObjectItem & a,
const ObjectItem & b )

Definition at line 41 of file qv4jsonobject_p.h.

◆ populateJSCallArguments()

QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE void QV4::populateJSCallArguments ( ExecutionEngine * v4,
JSCallArguments & jsCall,
int argc,
void ** args,
const QMetaType * types )

Sets the arguments of JSCallData from type erased args based on type information provided by types

Definition at line 18 of file qv4jscall.cpp.

References args, and QV4::ExecutionEngine::metaTypeToJS().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:


QV4::Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS ( ExecutionEngine::DiskCacheOptions )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [1/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( (1<< Chunk::BitShift) = =Chunk::Bits)

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [2/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( (1<< Chunk::ChunkShift) = =Chunk::ChunkSize)

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [3/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( 1<< Chunk::SlotSizeShift = =Chunk::SlotSize)

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [4/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( offsetof(CallData, _argc) = =CallData::Argc *sizeof(StaticValue))

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [5/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( offsetof(CallData, accumulator) = =CallData::Accumulator *sizeof(StaticValue))

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [6/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( offsetof(CallData, args) = =6 *sizeof(StaticValue))

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [7/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( offsetof(CallData, context) = =CallData::Context *sizeof(StaticValue))

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [8/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( offsetof(CallData, function) = =CallData::Function *sizeof(StaticValue))

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [9/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( offsetof(CallData, newTarget) = =CallData::NewTarget *sizeof(StaticValue))

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [10/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( offsetof(CallData, thisObject) = =CallData::This *sizeof(StaticValue))

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [11/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( offsetof(EngineBase, currentStackFrame) = =0)

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [12/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( offsetof(EngineBase, globalObject) % QT_POINTER_SIZE = =0)

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [13/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( offsetof(EngineBase, hasException) = =offsetof(EngineBase, jsStackTop)+QT_POINTER_SIZE)

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [14/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( offsetof(EngineBase, isInterrupted)+sizeof(EngineBase::isInterrupted)<=offsetof(EngineBase, hasException)+ 4)

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [15/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( offsetof(EngineBase, jsStackTop) = =offsetof(EngineBase, currentStackFrame)+QT_POINTER_SIZE)

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [16/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( offsetof(EngineBase, memoryManager) = =offsetof(EngineBase, hasException)+8)

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [17/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( offsetof(Lookup, getter) = =0)

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [18/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( offsetof(ValueArray< 0 >, values) = =8)

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [19/33]


◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [20/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( sizeof(Chunk) = =Chunk::ChunkSize)

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [21/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( sizeof(CppStackFrame) = =sizeof(JSTypesStackFrame))

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [22/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( sizeof(HeapItem) = =Chunk::SlotSize)

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [23/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( sizeof(Value) = =sizeof(StaticValue))

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [24/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_standard_layout< CallData >::value )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [25/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_standard_layout< EngineBase >::value )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [26/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_standard_layout< FunctionData >::value )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [27/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_standard_layout< Lookup >::value )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [28/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_standard_layout_v< CppStackFrame > )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [29/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_standard_layout_v< JSTypesStackFrame > )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [30/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_standard_layout_v< MetaTypesStackFrame > )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [31/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_trivial_v< QV4QPointer< QObject > > )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [32/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_trivial_v< StaticValue > )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [33/33]

QV4::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_trivial_v< Value > )

◆ qHash() [1/2]

size_t QV4::qHash ( const ObjectItem & i,
size_t seed = 0 )

Definition at line 44 of file qv4jsonobject_p.h.

References i, and seed.

Referenced by qHash().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qHash() [2/2]

size_t QV4::qHash ( const RegExpCacheKey & key,
size_t seed = 0 )

Definition at line 133 of file qv4regexp_p.h.

References qHash(), and seed.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qtTypeInherits()

template<typename T >
bool QV4::qtTypeInherits ( const QMetaObject * mo)

Definition at line 15 of file qv4resolvedtypereference.cpp.

References mo.

◆ qualifiesForMethodLookup()

bool QV4::qualifiesForMethodLookup ( const QQmlPropertyData * propertyData)

Definition at line 286 of file qv4lookup_p.h.

References QQmlPropertyData::isFunction(), QQmlPropertyData::isSignalHandler(), QQmlPropertyData::isVarProperty(), and QQmlPropertyData::isVMEFunction().

Referenced by QV4::QQmlTypeWrapper::virtualResolveLookupGetter().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qYouForgotTheQ_MANAGED_Macro() [1/2]

template<typename T >
int QV4::qYouForgotTheQ_MANAGED_Macro ( T ,
T  )

Definition at line 32 of file qv4managed_p.h.

◆ qYouForgotTheQ_MANAGED_Macro() [2/2]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void QV4::qYouForgotTheQ_MANAGED_Macro ( T1 ,
T2  )

Definition at line 35 of file qv4managed_p.h.

◆ referenceFlags() [1/2]

static Heap::ReferenceObject::Flags QV4::referenceFlags ( const QMetaObject * metaObject,
int index )

Definition at line 285 of file qqmlvaluetypewrapper.cpp.

References metaObject(), and referenceFlags().

Referenced by getGadgetProperty(), and referenceFlags().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ referenceFlags() [2/2]

static Heap::ReferenceObject::Flags QV4::referenceFlags ( ExecutionEngine * v4,
const QQmlPropertyData & property )

Definition at line 104 of file qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp.

References QV4::EngineBase::currentStackFrame, property, and referenceFlags().

Referenced by loadProperty(), and referenceFlags().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ requiresStrictArguments()

static bool QV4::requiresStrictArguments ( const QQmlObjectOrGadget & object)

Definition at line 1919 of file qv4qobjectwrapper.cpp.

References metaObject(), and requiresStrictArguments().

Referenced by requiresStrictArguments().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ runtimeLookup()

static QV4::Lookup * QV4::runtimeLookup ( Function * f,
uint i )

Definition at line 187 of file qv4runtime.cpp.

References i, and runtimeLookup().

Referenced by QV4::Runtime::CallPropertyLookup::call(), QV4::Runtime::GetLookup::call(), QV4::Runtime::LoadGlobalLookup::call(), QV4::Runtime::LoadQmlContextPropertyLookup::call(), QV4::Runtime::CallGlobalLookup::call(), QV4::Runtime::CallQmlContextPropertyLookup::call(), QV4::Runtime::SetLookupStrict::call(), QV4::Runtime::SetLookupSloppy::call(), and runtimeLookup().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setElementFallback()

static Q_NEVER_INLINE bool QV4::setElementFallback ( ExecutionEngine * engine,
const Value & object,
const Value & index,
const Value & value )

Definition at line 730 of file qv4runtime.cpp.

References engine, o, QV4::Heap::SimpleArrayData::setData(), and setElementFallback().

Referenced by QV4::Runtime::StoreElement::call(), and setElementFallback().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setupQObjectLookup() [1/3]

void QV4::setupQObjectLookup ( Lookup * lookup,
const QQmlData * ddata,
const QQmlPropertyData * propertyData )

Definition at line 243 of file qv4lookup_p.h.

References Q_ASSERT, QV4::Lookup::qobjectLookup, and QV4::Lookup::releasePropertyCache().

Referenced by QV4::QQmlContextWrapper::getPropertyAndBase(), QQmlPrivate::initObjectLookup(), setupQObjectLookup(), setupQObjectLookup(), QV4::QObjectWrapper::virtualResolveLookupGetter(), and QV4::QQmlTypeWrapper::virtualResolveLookupGetter().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setupQObjectLookup() [2/3]

void QV4::setupQObjectLookup ( Lookup * lookup,
const QQmlData * ddata,
const QQmlPropertyData * propertyData,
const Object * self )

Definition at line 253 of file qv4lookup_p.h.

References QV4::Lookup::qobjectLookup, and setupQObjectLookup().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setupQObjectLookup() [3/3]

void QV4::setupQObjectLookup ( Lookup * lookup,
const QQmlData * ddata,
const QQmlPropertyData * propertyData,
const Object * self,
const Object * qmlType )

Definition at line 262 of file qv4lookup_p.h.

References QV4::Managed::internalClass(), QV4::Lookup::qobjectLookup, and setupQObjectLookup().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setupQObjectMethodLookup()

template<typename QObjectMethod = Heap::QObjectMethod>
void QV4::setupQObjectMethodLookup ( Lookup * lookup,
const QQmlData * ddata,
const QQmlPropertyData * propertyData,
const Object * self,
QObjectMethod * method )

Definition at line 272 of file qv4lookup_p.h.

References engine, method, Q_ASSERT, QV4::Lookup::qobjectMethodLookup, and QV4::Lookup::releasePropertyCache().

Referenced by QV4::QQmlContextWrapper::getPropertyAndBase(), QV4::QObjectWrapper::virtualResolveLookupGetter(), and QV4::QQmlTypeWrapper::virtualResolveLookupGetter().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sortHelper()

template<typename RandomAccessIterator , typename LessThan >
void QV4::sortHelper ( RandomAccessIterator start,
RandomAccessIterator end,
LessThan lessThan )

Definition at line 248 of file qv4arraydata_p.h.

References lessThan(), sortHelper(), and swap().

Referenced by QV4::PropertyListPrototype::method_sort(), QV4::ArrayData::sort(), and sortHelper().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sortSequence()

template<typename Compare >
void QV4::sortSequence ( Sequence * sequence,
const Compare & compare )

Definition at line 46 of file qv4sequenceobject.cpp.

References compare(), and qWarning.

Referenced by QV4::Sequence::sort().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stackProperties()

StackProperties QV4::stackProperties ( )

Definition at line 375 of file qv4stacklimits.cpp.

References stackPropertiesGeneric().

Referenced by QV4::ExecutionEngine::ExecutionEngine().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stackPropertiesGeneric()

StackProperties QV4::stackPropertiesGeneric ( qsizetype stackSize = 0)

Definition at line 249 of file qv4stacklimits.cpp.

References createStackProperties(), decrementStackPointer(), and qFatal.

Referenced by stackProperties().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stringToArrayIndex() [1/2]

uint QV4::stringToArrayIndex ( const QString & str)

Definition at line 53 of file qv4stringtoarrayindex_p.h.

References QString::constData(), QString::size(), str, and stringToArrayIndex().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stringToArrayIndex() [2/2]

template<typename T >
uint QV4::stringToArrayIndex ( const T * ch,
const T * end )

Definition at line 30 of file qv4stringtoarrayindex_p.h.

References ch, charToUInt(), i, qAddOverflow(), and qMulOverflow().

Referenced by QV4::String::calculateHashValue(), stringToArrayIndex(), QV4::Compiler::Codegen::visit(), and QV4::Compiler::Codegen::visit().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sub_int32()

static QMLJS_READONLY ReturnedValue QV4::sub_int32 ( int a,
int b )

Definition at line 42 of file qv4math_p.h.

References QV4::StaticValue::fromDouble(), QV4::StaticValue::fromInt32(), Q_UNLIKELY, and qSubOverflow().

Referenced by QV4::Moth::VME::interpret().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ symbol()

template<typename Operation >
static const void * QV4::symbol ( )

Definition at line 2400 of file qv4runtime.cpp.

References symbol().

Referenced by QV4::ExecutionEngine::newSymbolObject(), symbol(), and toVariant().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ throwPropertyIsNotAFunctionTypeError()

static ReturnedValue QV4::throwPropertyIsNotAFunctionTypeError ( ExecutionEngine * engine,
Value * thisObject,
const QString & propertyName )

Definition at line 1379 of file qv4runtime.cpp.

References engine, QV4::StaticValue::isUndefined(), QStringLiteral, throwPropertyIsNotAFunctionTypeError(), and QV4::Value::toQStringNoThrow().

Referenced by QV4::Runtime::CallName::call(), QV4::Runtime::CallGlobalLookup::call(), QV4::Runtime::CallQmlContextPropertyLookup::call(), QV4::Runtime::CallPossiblyDirectEval::call(), and throwPropertyIsNotAFunctionTypeError().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toString()

static QString QV4::toString ( QV4::ReturnedValue v)

Definition at line 48 of file qv4executablecompilationunit.cpp.

Referenced by QV4::PropertyKey::isCanonicalNumericIndexString(), QV4::RegExpPrototype::method_match(), QV4::RegExpPrototype::method_replace(), QV4::RegExpPrototype::method_search(), QV4::RegExpPrototype::method_split(), QV4::NumberPrototype::method_toString(), and QV4::SymbolCtor::virtualCall().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ value_convert()

template<typename T >
ReturnedValue QV4::value_convert ( ExecutionEngine * e,
const Value & v )

◆ value_convert< Object >()

ReturnedValue QV4::value_convert< Object > ( ExecutionEngine * e,
const Value & v )

Definition at line 519 of file qv4object_p.h.

◆ value_convert< String >()

ReturnedValue QV4::value_convert< String > ( ExecutionEngine * e,
const Value & v )

Definition at line 277 of file qv4string_p.h.

◆ vtableJsTypesCallEntry()

template<class Class >
constexpr VTable::Call QV4::vtableJsTypesCallEntry ( )

Definition at line 133 of file qv4vtable_p.h.

◆ vtableMetaTypesCallEntry()

template<class Class >
constexpr VTable::CallWithMetaTypes QV4::vtableMetaTypesCallEntry ( )

Definition at line 110 of file qv4vtable_p.h.

◆ warnAboutCoercionToVoid()

void QV4::warnAboutCoercionToVoid ( ExecutionEngine * engine,
const Value & value,
CoercionProblem problem )

Definition at line 25 of file qv4jscall.cpp.

References engine, frame, InsufficientAnnotation, InvalidListType, and qCritical.

Referenced by coerce(), and coerceListType().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ markStackSize

uint QV4::markStackSize = 0