Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. <b>Note:</b> These are NOT official API docs; those are found <a href='https://doc.qt.io/'>here</a>.
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qdrawhelper_p.h File Reference


#include <QtGui/private/qtguiglobal_p.h>
#include "QtCore/qmath.h"
#include "QtGui/qcolor.h"
#include "QtGui/qpainter.h"
#include "QtGui/qimage.h"
#include "QtGui/qrgba64.h"
#include "private/qpixellayout_p.h"
#include "private/qrasterdefs_p.h"
#include <private/qsimd_p.h>
#include <memory>
+ Include dependency graph for qdrawhelper_p.h:
+ This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  DrawHelper
struct  quint24
struct  LinearGradientValues
struct  RadialGradientValues
struct  Operator
struct  QLinearGradientData
struct  QRadialGradientData
struct  QConicalGradientData
struct  QGradientData
struct  QTextureData
struct  QSpanData
class  QRadialFetchSimd< Simd >
struct  IntermediateBuffer


#define FETCH_RADIAL_LOOP_CLAMP_REPEAT    index_vec.v = Simd::v_and(v_repeat_mask, Simd::v_toInt(v_index));
#define FETCH_RADIAL_LOOP_CLAMP_PAD    index_vec.v = Simd::v_toInt(Simd::v_min(v_max, Simd::v_max(v_min, v_index)));
#define ARGB_COMBINE_ALPHA(argb, alpha)    ((((argb >> 24) * alpha) >> 8) << 24) | (argb & 0x00ffffff)
#define AMIX(mask)   quint32(qMin(((quint64(s)&mask) + (quint64(d)&mask)), quint64(mask)))
#define MIX(mask)   (qMin(((quint32(s)&mask) + (quint32(d)&mask)), quint32(mask)))


typedef QRgbaFloat< float > QRgbaFloat32
typedef QT_FT_SpanFunc ProcessSpans
typedef void(* BitmapBlitFunc) (QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, const QRgba64 &color, const uchar *bitmap, int mapWidth, int mapHeight, int mapStride)
typedef void(* AlphamapBlitFunc) (QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, const QRgba64 &color, const uchar *bitmap, int mapWidth, int mapHeight, int mapStride, const QClipData *clip, bool useGammaCorrection)
typedef void(* AlphaRGBBlitFunc) (QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, const QRgba64 &color, const uint *rgbmask, int mapWidth, int mapHeight, int mapStride, const QClipData *clip, bool useGammaCorrection)
typedef void(* RectFillFunc) (QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, int width, int height, const QRgba64 &color)
typedef void(* SrcOverBlendFunc) (uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *src, int spbl, int w, int h, int const_alpha)
typedef void(* SrcOverScaleFunc) (uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *src, int spbl, int srch, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clipRect, int const_alpha)
typedef void(* SrcOverTransformFunc) (uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *src, int spbl, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clipRect, const QTransform &targetRectTransform, int const_alpha)
typedef void(QT_FASTCALLCompositionFunction) (uint *Q_DECL_RESTRICT dest, const uint *Q_DECL_RESTRICT src, int length, uint const_alpha)
typedef void(QT_FASTCALLCompositionFunction64) (QRgba64 *Q_DECL_RESTRICT dest, const QRgba64 *Q_DECL_RESTRICT src, int length, uint const_alpha)
typedef void(QT_FASTCALLCompositionFunctionFP) (QRgbaFloat32 *Q_DECL_RESTRICT dest, const QRgbaFloat32 *Q_DECL_RESTRICT src, int length, uint const_alpha)
typedef void(QT_FASTCALLCompositionFunctionSolid) (uint *dest, int length, uint color, uint const_alpha)
typedef void(QT_FASTCALLCompositionFunctionSolid64) (QRgba64 *dest, int length, QRgba64 color, uint const_alpha)
typedef void(QT_FASTCALLCompositionFunctionSolidFP) (QRgbaFloat32 *dest, int length, QRgbaFloat32 color, uint const_alpha)
typedef uint *(QT_FASTCALLDestFetchProc) (uint *buffer, QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, int length)
typedef QRgba64 *(QT_FASTCALLDestFetchProc64) (QRgba64 *buffer, QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, int length)
typedef QRgbaFloat32 *(QT_FASTCALLDestFetchProcFP) (QRgbaFloat32 *buffer, QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, int length)
typedef void(QT_FASTCALLDestStoreProc) (QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, const uint *buffer, int length)
typedef void(QT_FASTCALLDestStoreProc64) (QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, const QRgba64 *buffer, int length)
typedef void(QT_FASTCALLDestStoreProcFP) (QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, const QRgbaFloat32 *buffer, int length)
typedef const uint *(QT_FASTCALLSourceFetchProc) (uint *buffer, const Operator *o, const QSpanData *data, int y, int x, int length)
typedef const QRgba64 *(QT_FASTCALLSourceFetchProc64) (QRgba64 *buffer, const Operator *o, const QSpanData *data, int y, int x, int length)
typedef const QRgbaFloat32 *(QT_FASTCALLSourceFetchProcFP) (QRgbaFloat32 *buffer, const Operator *o, const QSpanData *data, int y, int x, int length)


void qBlendGradient (int count, const QT_FT_Span *spans, void *userData)
void qBlendTexture (int count, const QT_FT_Span *spans, void *userData)
void qt_memfill64 (quint64 *dest, quint64 value, qsizetype count)
void qt_memfill32 (quint32 *dest, quint32 value, qsizetype count)
void qt_memfill24 (quint24 *dest, quint24 value, qsizetype count)
void qt_memfill16 (quint16 *dest, quint16 value, qsizetype count)
static uint qt_gradient_clamp (const QGradientData *data, int ipos)
static uint qt_gradient_pixel (const QGradientData *data, qreal pos)
static qreal qRadialDeterminant (qreal a, qreal b, qreal c)
template<class RadialFetchFunc , typename BlendType >
static const BlendType *QT_FASTCALL qt_fetch_radial_gradient_template (BlendType *buffer, const Operator *op, const QSpanData *data, int y, int x, int length)
static uint INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_255 (uint x, uint a, uint y, uint b)
static uint INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_256 (uint x, uint a, uint y, uint b)
static uint BYTE_MUL (uint x, uint a)
static void blend_pixel (quint32 &dst, const quint32 src)
static void blend_pixel (quint32 &dst, const quint32 src, const int const_alpha)
static uint interpolate_4_pixels (uint tl, uint tr, uint bl, uint br, uint distx, uint disty)
static uint interpolate_4_pixels (const uint t[], const uint b[], uint distx, uint disty)
static constexpr bool hasFastInterpolate4 ()
static QRgba64 multiplyAlpha256 (QRgba64 rgba64, uint alpha256)
static QRgba64 interpolate256 (QRgba64 x, uint alpha1, QRgba64 y, uint alpha2)
static QRgba64 interpolate_4_pixels_rgb64 (const QRgba64 t[], const QRgba64 b[], uint distx, uint disty)
static uint BYTE_MUL_RGB16 (uint x, uint a)
static uint BYTE_MUL_RGB16_32 (uint x, uint a)
static constexpr int qt_div_255 (int x)
static constexpr uint qt_div_257_floor (uint x)
static constexpr uint qt_div_257 (uint x)
static constexpr uint qt_div_65535 (uint x)
template<class T >
void qt_memfill_template (T *dest, T color, qsizetype count)
template<class T >
void qt_memfill (T *dest, T value, qsizetype count)
void qt_memfill (quint64 *dest, quint64 color, qsizetype count)
void qt_memfill (quint32 *dest, quint32 color, qsizetype count)
void qt_memfill (quint24 *dest, quint24 color, qsizetype count)
void qt_memfill (quint16 *dest, quint16 color, qsizetype count)
void qt_memfill (quint8 *dest, quint8 color, qsizetype count)
template<class T >
static void qt_rectfill (T *dest, T value, int x, int y, int width, int height, qsizetype stride)
ushort qConvertRgb32To16 (uint c)
QRgb qConvertRgb16To32 (uint c)
uint comp_func_Plus_one_pixel_const_alpha (uint d, const uint s, const uint const_alpha, const uint one_minus_const_alpha)
uint comp_func_Plus_one_pixel (uint d, const uint s)


static const uint AMASK = 0xff000000
static const uint RMASK = 0x00ff0000
static const uint GMASK = 0x0000ff00
static const uint BMASK = 0x000000ff
SrcOverBlendFunc qBlendFunctions [QImage::NImageFormats][QImage::NImageFormats]
SrcOverScaleFunc qScaleFunctions [QImage::NImageFormats][QImage::NImageFormats]
SrcOverTransformFunc qTransformFunctions [QImage::NImageFormats][QImage::NImageFormats]
DrawHelper qDrawHelper [QImage::NImageFormats]
const uint qt_bayer_matrix [16][16]
static constexpr int BufferSize = 2048

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AMIX ( mask)    quint32(qMin(((quint64(s)&mask) + (quint64(d)&mask)), quint64(mask)))


#define ARGB_COMBINE_ALPHA ( argb,
alpha )    ((((argb >> 24) * alpha) >> 8) << 24) | (argb & 0x00ffffff)

Definition at line 1000 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

Referenced by generateGradientColorTable().




#define FETCH_RADIAL_LOOP_CLAMP_PAD    index_vec.v = Simd::v_toInt(Simd::v_min(v_max, Simd::v_max(v_min, v_index)));


const typename Simd::Int32x4 v_index_i = Simd::v_and(v_reflect_mask, Simd::v_toInt(v_index)); \
const typename Simd::Int32x4 v_index_i_inv = Simd::v_sub(v_reflect_limit, v_index_i); \
index_vec.v = Simd::v_min_16(v_index_i, v_index_i_inv);


#define FETCH_RADIAL_LOOP_CLAMP_REPEAT    index_vec.v = Simd::v_and(v_repeat_mask, Simd::v_toInt(v_index));


det_vec.v = Simd::v_add(Simd::v_add(det_vec.v, delta_det4_vec.v), v_delta_delta_det6); \
delta_det4_vec.v = Simd::v_add(delta_det4_vec.v, v_delta_delta_det16); \
b_vec.v = Simd::v_add(b_vec.v, v_delta_b4); \
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) \
*buffer++ = (extended_mask | v_buffer_mask.i[i]) & data->gradient.colorTable32[index_vec.i[i]]; \
GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLenum GLenum GLsizei void * data
GLenum GLuint buffer


while (buffer < end) { \
typename Simd::Vect_buffer_i v_buffer_mask; \
v_buffer_mask.v = Simd::v_greaterOrEqual(det_vec.v, v_min); \
const typename Simd::Float32x4 v_index_local = Simd::v_sub(Simd::v_sqrt(Simd::v_max(v_min, det_vec.v)), b_vec.v); \
const typename Simd::Float32x4 v_index = Simd::v_add(Simd::v_mul(v_index_local, v_max), v_half); \
v_buffer_mask.v = Simd::v_and(v_buffer_mask.v, Simd::v_greaterOrEqual(Simd::v_add(v_r0, Simd::v_mul(v_dr, v_index_local)), v_min)); \
typename Simd::Vect_buffer_i index_vec;
GLuint GLuint end




Definition at line 266 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

Referenced by QRadialFetchSimd< Simd >::fetch().


#define MIX ( mask)    (qMin(((quint32(s)&mask) + (quint32(d)&mask)), quint32(mask)))





Definition at line 48 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.



Definition at line 25 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.



Definition at line 26 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ AlphamapBlitFunc

typedef void(* AlphamapBlitFunc) (QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, const QRgba64 &color, const uchar *bitmap, int mapWidth, int mapHeight, int mapStride, const QClipData *clip, bool useGammaCorrection)

Definition at line 77 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ AlphaRGBBlitFunc

typedef void(* AlphaRGBBlitFunc) (QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, const QRgba64 &color, const uint *rgbmask, int mapWidth, int mapHeight, int mapStride, const QClipData *clip, bool useGammaCorrection)

Definition at line 83 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ BitmapBlitFunc

typedef void(* BitmapBlitFunc) (QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, const QRgba64 &color, const uchar *bitmap, int mapWidth, int mapHeight, int mapStride)

Definition at line 72 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ CompositionFunction

typedef void(QT_FASTCALL * CompositionFunction) (uint *Q_DECL_RESTRICT dest, const uint *Q_DECL_RESTRICT src, int length, uint const_alpha)

Definition at line 155 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ CompositionFunction64

typedef void(QT_FASTCALL * CompositionFunction64) (QRgba64 *Q_DECL_RESTRICT dest, const QRgba64 *Q_DECL_RESTRICT src, int length, uint const_alpha)

Definition at line 156 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ CompositionFunctionFP

typedef void(QT_FASTCALL * CompositionFunctionFP) (QRgbaFloat32 *Q_DECL_RESTRICT dest, const QRgbaFloat32 *Q_DECL_RESTRICT src, int length, uint const_alpha)

Definition at line 157 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ CompositionFunctionSolid

typedef void(QT_FASTCALL * CompositionFunctionSolid) (uint *dest, int length, uint color, uint const_alpha)

Definition at line 158 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ CompositionFunctionSolid64

typedef void(QT_FASTCALL * CompositionFunctionSolid64) (QRgba64 *dest, int length, QRgba64 color, uint const_alpha)

Definition at line 159 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ CompositionFunctionSolidFP

typedef void(QT_FASTCALL * CompositionFunctionSolidFP) (QRgbaFloat32 *dest, int length, QRgbaFloat32 color, uint const_alpha)

Definition at line 160 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ DestFetchProc

typedef uint *(QT_FASTCALL * DestFetchProc) (uint *buffer, QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, int length)

Definition at line 181 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ DestFetchProc64

typedef QRgba64 *(QT_FASTCALL * DestFetchProc64) (QRgba64 *buffer, QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, int length)

Definition at line 182 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ DestFetchProcFP

typedef QRgbaFloat32 *(QT_FASTCALL * DestFetchProcFP) (QRgbaFloat32 *buffer, QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, int length)

Definition at line 183 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ DestStoreProc

typedef void(QT_FASTCALL * DestStoreProc) (QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, const uint *buffer, int length)

Definition at line 184 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ DestStoreProc64

typedef void(QT_FASTCALL * DestStoreProc64) (QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, const QRgba64 *buffer, int length)

Definition at line 185 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ DestStoreProcFP

typedef void(QT_FASTCALL * DestStoreProcFP) (QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, const QRgbaFloat32 *buffer, int length)

Definition at line 186 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ ProcessSpans

Definition at line 71 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ QRgbaFloat32

typedef QRgbaFloat<float> QRgbaFloat32

Definition at line 69 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ RectFillFunc

typedef void(* RectFillFunc) (QRasterBuffer *rasterBuffer, int x, int y, int width, int height, const QRgba64 &color)

Definition at line 89 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ SourceFetchProc

typedef const uint *(QT_FASTCALL * SourceFetchProc) (uint *buffer, const Operator *o, const QSpanData *data, int y, int x, int length)

Definition at line 187 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ SourceFetchProc64

typedef const QRgba64 *(QT_FASTCALL * SourceFetchProc64) (QRgba64 *buffer, const Operator *o, const QSpanData *data, int y, int x, int length)

Definition at line 188 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ SourceFetchProcFP

typedef const QRgbaFloat32 *(QT_FASTCALL * SourceFetchProcFP) (QRgbaFloat32 *buffer, const Operator *o, const QSpanData *data, int y, int x, int length)

Definition at line 189 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ SrcOverBlendFunc

typedef void(* SrcOverBlendFunc) (uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *src, int spbl, int w, int h, int const_alpha)

Definition at line 93 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ SrcOverScaleFunc

typedef void(* SrcOverScaleFunc) (uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *src, int spbl, int srch, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clipRect, int const_alpha)

Definition at line 98 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ SrcOverTransformFunc

typedef void(* SrcOverTransformFunc) (uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *src, int spbl, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clipRect, const QTransform &targetRectTransform, int const_alpha)

Definition at line 105 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

Function Documentation

◆ blend_pixel() [1/2]

static void blend_pixel ( quint32 & dst,
const quint32 src )

Definition at line 630 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References BYTE_MUL(), and qAlpha().

Referenced by alphamapblend_argb32(), alphargbblend_argb32(), blend_pixel(), Blend_ARGB32_on_ARGB32_SourceAlpha::write(), and Blend_ARGB32_on_ARGB32_SourceAndConstAlpha::write().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ blend_pixel() [2/2]

static void blend_pixel ( quint32 & dst,
const quint32 src,
const int const_alpha )

Definition at line 638 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References blend_pixel(), BYTE_MUL(), and qAlpha().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:



static uint BYTE_MUL_RGB16 ( uint x,
uint a )

Definition at line 865 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

Referenced by alphamapblend_quint16(), qt_blend_argb32_on_rgb16_const_alpha(), qt_blend_rgb16_on_rgb16(), Blend_RGB16_on_RGB16_ConstAlpha::write(), Blend_ARGB32_on_RGB16_SourceAlpha::write(), and Blend_ARGB32_on_RGB16_SourceAndConstAlpha::write().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ BYTE_MUL_RGB16_32()

static uint BYTE_MUL_RGB16_32 ( uint x,
uint a )

Definition at line 872 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ comp_func_Plus_one_pixel()

uint comp_func_Plus_one_pixel ( uint d,
const uint s )

Definition at line 1019 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.


Referenced by Argb32OperationsC::plus().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ comp_func_Plus_one_pixel_const_alpha()

uint comp_func_Plus_one_pixel_const_alpha ( uint d,
const uint s,
const uint const_alpha,
const uint one_minus_const_alpha )

Definition at line 1013 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.


+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ hasFastInterpolate4()

static constexpr bool hasFastInterpolate4 ( )

Definition at line 739 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

Referenced by fetchTransformedBilinear(), fetchTransformedBilinearARGB32PM_downscale_helper(), and fetchTransformedBilinearARGB32PM_fast_rotate_helper().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ interpolate256()

static QRgba64 interpolate256 ( QRgba64 x,
uint alpha1,
QRgba64 y,
uint alpha2 )

Definition at line 750 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References QRgba64::fromRgba64(), and multiplyAlpha256().

Referenced by QGradientCache::generateGradientColorTable(), and interpolate_4_pixels_rgb64().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ interpolate_4_pixels() [1/2]

static uint interpolate_4_pixels ( const uint t[],
const uint b[],
uint distx,
uint disty )

Definition at line 734 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References interpolate_4_pixels().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ interpolate_4_pixels() [2/2]

static uint interpolate_4_pixels ( uint tl,
uint tr,
uint bl,
uint br,
uint distx,
uint disty )

Definition at line 725 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_256(), and tr.

Referenced by fetchTransformedBilinear(), fetchTransformedBilinearARGB32PM(), fetchTransformedBilinearARGB32PM_downscale_helper(), fetchTransformedBilinearARGB32PM_fast_rotate_helper(), fetchTransformedBilinearARGB32PM_rotate_helper(), fetchTransformedBilinearARGB32PM_upscale_helper(), interpolate_4_pixels(), and qt_qimageScaleAARGBA_up_xy().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ interpolate_4_pixels_rgb64()

static QRgba64 interpolate_4_pixels_rgb64 ( const QRgba64 t[],
const QRgba64 b[],
uint distx,
uint disty )

Definition at line 802 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References interpolate256().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:



static uint INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_256 ( uint x,
uint a,
uint y,
uint b )

Definition at line 606 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

Referenced by fetchTransformedBilinearARGB32PM_downscale_helper(), fetchTransformedBilinearARGB32PM_upscale_helper(), generateGradientColorTable(), interpolate_4_pixels(), qt_qimageScaleAARGBA_up_xy(), and QSvgPaintEngine::saveGradientStops().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ multiplyAlpha256()

static QRgba64 multiplyAlpha256 ( QRgba64 rgba64,
uint alpha256 )

Definition at line 743 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References QRgba64::alpha(), QRgba64::blue(), QRgba64::fromRgba64(), QRgba64::green(), and QRgba64::red().

Referenced by QRasterPaintEngine::drawImage(), and interpolate256().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qBlendGradient()

void qBlendGradient ( int count,
const QT_FT_Span * spans,
void * userData )

◆ qBlendTexture()

void qBlendTexture ( int count,
const QT_FT_Span * spans,
void * userData )

◆ qConvertRgb16To32()

QRgb qConvertRgb16To32 ( uint c)

Definition at line 957 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

Referenced by QImage::allGray(), destFetchRGB16(), fetchUntransformedRGB16(), and QImage::pixel().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qConvertRgb32To16()

ushort qConvertRgb32To16 ( uint c)

Definition at line 950 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

Referenced by destStoreRGB16(), QImage::fill(), qt_blend_argb32_on_rgb16(), qt_blend_argb32_on_rgb16_const_alpha(), qt_blend_rgb32_on_rgb16(), QImage::setPixel(), Blend_ARGB32_on_RGB16_SourceAlpha::write(), and Blend_ARGB32_on_RGB16_SourceAndConstAlpha::write().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qRadialDeterminant()

static qreal qRadialDeterminant ( qreal a,
qreal b,
qreal c )

Definition at line 381 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

Referenced by qt_fetch_radial_gradient_template().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qt_div_255()

static constexpr int qt_div_255 ( int x)

Definition at line 879 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

Referenced by color_burn_op(), color_dodge_op(), darken_op(), difference_op(), QX11PlatformPixmap::fromImage(), hardlight_op(), lighten_op(), mix_alpha(), multiply_op(), multiplyAlpha255(), Argb32OperationsC::multiplyAlpha8bit(), overlay_op(), qt_intersect_spans(), rgbBlend(), and rgbBlend().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qt_div_257()

static constexpr uint qt_div_257 ( uint x)

Definition at line 881 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References qt_div_257_floor().

Referenced by QColor::alpha(), QColor::black(), QColor::blue(), convert_RGBA64_to_gray8(), convertGrayscale16ToRGB32(), QColor::cyan(), fetchGrayscale16ToRGB32(), QColor::getCmyk(), QColor::getHsl(), QColor::getHsv(), QColor::getRgb(), QColor::green(), QColor::hslSaturation(), QColor::hsvSaturation(), QColor::lightness(), QColor::magenta(), QColor::red(), QColor::rgb(), QColor::rgba(), QColor::value(), and QColor::yellow().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qt_div_257_floor()

static constexpr uint qt_div_257_floor ( uint x)

Definition at line 880 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

Referenced by qt_div_257().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qt_div_65535()

static constexpr uint qt_div_65535 ( uint x)

Definition at line 882 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

Referenced by multiplyAlpha65535().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qt_fetch_radial_gradient_template()

template<class RadialFetchFunc , typename BlendType >
static const BlendType *QT_FASTCALL qt_fetch_radial_gradient_template ( BlendType * buffer,
const Operator * op,
const QSpanData * data,
int y,
int x,
int length )

Definition at line 387 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References RadialGradientValues::a, RadialGradientValues::dr, RadialGradientValues::dx, RadialGradientValues::dy, qFuzzyIsNull(), qMax(), qRadialDeterminant(), qSqrt(), Operator::radial, rx(), ry(), and RadialGradientValues::sqrfr.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qt_gradient_clamp()

static uint qt_gradient_clamp ( const QGradientData * data,
int ipos )

Definition at line 342 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References GRADIENT_STOPTABLE_SIZE, Q_ASSERT, QGradient::ReflectSpread, and QGradient::RepeatSpread.

Referenced by qt_gradient_pixel(), and qt_gradient_pixel_fixed().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qt_gradient_pixel()

static uint qt_gradient_pixel ( const QGradientData * data,
qreal pos )

Definition at line 367 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References GRADIENT_STOPTABLE_SIZE, pos, and qt_gradient_clamp().

Referenced by GradientBase32::fetchSingle(), and QRadialFetchSimd< Simd >::fetchSingle().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qt_memfill() [1/6]

void qt_memfill ( quint16 * dest,
quint16 color,
qsizetype count )

Definition at line 924 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References qt_memfill16().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qt_memfill() [2/6]

void qt_memfill ( quint24 * dest,
quint24 color,
qsizetype count )

Definition at line 919 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References qt_memfill24().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qt_memfill() [3/6]

void qt_memfill ( quint32 * dest,
quint32 color,
qsizetype count )

Definition at line 914 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References qt_memfill32().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qt_memfill() [4/6]

void qt_memfill ( quint64 * dest,
quint64 color,
qsizetype count )

Definition at line 909 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References qt_memfill64().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qt_memfill() [5/6]

void qt_memfill ( quint8 * dest,
quint8 color,
qsizetype count )

Definition at line 929 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

◆ qt_memfill() [6/6]

template<class T >
void qt_memfill ( T * dest,
T value,
qsizetype count )

Definition at line 904 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References qt_memfill_template().

Referenced by blend_color_argb(), qt_bitmapblit_template(), qt_rectfill(), and rasterop_solid_NotSource().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qt_memfill16()

void qt_memfill16 ( quint16 * dest,
quint16 value,
qsizetype count )

Definition at line 6352 of file qdrawhelper.cpp.

References qt_memfill32().

Referenced by qt_memfill().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qt_memfill24()

void qt_memfill24 ( quint24 * dest,
quint24 value,
qsizetype count )

Definition at line 6310 of file qdrawhelper.cpp.

References Q_FALLTHROUGH, qCpuHasFeature, and qFromBigEndian().

Referenced by qt_memfill().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qt_memfill32()

void qt_memfill32 ( quint32 * dest,
quint32 value,
qsizetype count )

Definition at line 6371 of file qdrawhelper.cpp.

Referenced by GradientBase32::memfill(), Argb32OperationsC::memfill(), QRadialFetchSimd< Simd >::memfill(), qInitDrawhelperFunctions(), qt_memfill(), and qt_memfill16().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qt_memfill64()

void qt_memfill64 ( quint64 * dest,
quint64 value,
qsizetype count )

Definition at line 6301 of file qdrawhelper.cpp.

Referenced by Rgba64OperationsBase::memfill(), qInitDrawhelperFunctions(), and qt_memfill().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qt_memfill_template()

template<class T >
void qt_memfill_template ( T * dest,
T color,
qsizetype count )

Definition at line 884 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.


Referenced by qt_memfill(), and spanfill_from_first().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qt_rectfill()

template<class T >
static void qt_rectfill ( T * dest,
T value,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
qsizetype stride )

Definition at line 935 of file qdrawhelper_p.h.

References d, j, and qt_memfill().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation


const uint AMASK = 0xff000000


const uint BMASK = 0x000000ff

◆ BufferSize


const uint GMASK = 0x0000ff00

◆ qBlendFunctions

◆ qDrawHelper

DrawHelper qDrawHelper[QImage::NImageFormats]

Definition at line 6021 of file qdrawhelper.cpp.

Referenced by QSpanData::adjustSpanMethods(), and qInitDrawhelperFunctions().

◆ qScaleFunctions

◆ qt_bayer_matrix

◆ qTransformFunctions


const uint RMASK = 0x00ff0000