Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. <b>Note:</b> These are NOT official API docs; those are found <a href='https://doc.qt.io/'>here</a>.
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QVLAStorage< Size, Align, Prealloc > Class Template Reference

#include <qvarlengtharray.h>

Inherited by QVarLengthArray< KeyValuePair, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< void * >, QVarLengthArray< QString, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QQmlSA::Element, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< EGLImageKHR, 3 >, QVarLengthArray< float, LUTSize >, QVarLengthArray< BaseType, 1 >, QVarLengthArray< Interface, 1 >, QVarLengthArray< char, 256 >, QVarLengthArray< PerQuadData, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QMacNotificationObserver, 3 >, QVarLengthArray< QByteArray, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiBufferData, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< QImage, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< ResId, 8 *2+1 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiShaderResourceBinding, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QD3D11ShaderResourceBindings::BoundResourceData, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiBatchedBindings::Batch, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< int, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiPassResourceTracker, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QGles2UniformDescription, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QGles2SamplerDescription, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< quint32 >, QVarLengthArray< QRingBuffer, 2 >, QVarLengthArray< QRingBuffer, 1 >, QVarLengthArray< QMetaObject::Connection, 18 >, QVarLengthArray< QMetalBufferData::BufferUpdate, 16 >, QVarLengthArray< QMetalShaderResourceBindings::BoundResourceData, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QMetalShaderResourceBindingsData::Stage::Buffer, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QMetalShaderResourceBindingsData::Stage::Texture, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QMetalShaderResourceBindingsData::Stage::Sampler, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< std::array< QImage, QRhi::MAX_MIP_LEVELS >, 6 >, QVarLengthArray< GLuint, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QOpenGLFramebufferObjectPrivate::ColorAttachment, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QOpenXREyeCamera *, 2 >, QVarLengthArray< QPainterPrivate *, NDPtrs >, QVarLengthArray< QQmlBindEntry, 1 >, QVarLengthArray< 2 >, QVarLengthArray< QQuick3DShaderUtilsShader *, 2 >, QVarLengthArray< QQuick3DCamera *, 2 >, QVarLengthArray< TouchState, 2 >, QVarLengthArray< QPointF, 16 >, QVarLengthArray< QQuickItem *, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< QQuickParticlePainter *, Prealloc >, QVarLengthArray< QQuickParticleGroupData::ID, Prealloc >, QVarLengthArray< QQuickParticleGroupData *, 32 >, QVarLengthArray< QQuickTextNodeEngine::BinaryTreeNode, 16 >, QVarLengthArray< QReadWriteLockPrivate::Reader, 16 >, QVarLengthArray< quint8, maxRectsSize >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiD3D11::TextureReadback, 2 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiD3D11::BufferReadback, 2 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiGraphicsPipeline::TargetBlend, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiShaderStage, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiResourceUpdateBatch *, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhi::CleanupCallback, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiMetalData::TextureReadback, 2 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiMetalData::BufferReadback, 2 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiResourceUpdateBatchPrivate::BufferOp, BUFFER_OPS_STATIC_ALLOC >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiResourceUpdateBatchPrivate::TextureOp, TEXTURE_OPS_STATIC_ALLOC >, QVarLengthArray< MipLevelUploadList, 6 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiShaderResourceBinding, BINDING_PREALLOC >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiColorAttachment, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiTextureUploadEntry, 16 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiVertexInputBinding, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiVertexInputAttribute, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiVulkan::DescriptorPoolData, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< VkCommandBuffer, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiVulkan::TextureReadback, 2 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiVulkan::BufferReadback, 2 >, QVarLengthArray< QMatrix4x4, 1 >, QVarLengthArray< QSGBatchRenderer::Renderer::PreparedRenderBatch, 64 >, QVarLengthArray< Pipeline, 16 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiShaderStage, 2 >, QVarLengthArray< QSGTexture *, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiSampler *, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< QSSGRenderPass *, 16 >, QVarLengthArray< QSSGRenderCamera *, 2 >, QVarLengthArray< QSSGShaderLight, 16 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiTextureRenderTarget *, 6 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiShaderResourceBindings *, 6 >, QVarLengthArray< QMatrix4x4, 2 >, QVarLengthArray< QRhiShaderResourceBindings *, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< QSSGRenderLight *, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< InputSemantic, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QSSGRhiShaderUniform, 32 >, QVarLengthArray< QSSGRhiShaderUniformArray, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QSSGRhiShadowMapProperties, QSSG_MAX_NUM_SHADOW_MAPS >, QVarLengthArray< QSSGRhiTexture, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QSSGRhiShaderPipeline::CommonUniformIndices::ImageIndices, 16 >, QVarLengthArray< Node * >, QVarLengthArray< int, 56 >, QVarLengthArray< int >, QVarLengthArray< QList< int >, MAX_FACES >, QVarLengthArray< QList< QImage >, MAX_FACES >, QVarLengthArray< QMetaType, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< QQmlType, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< QV4::InternalClassTransition, 1 >, QVarLengthArray< QPainterPath::ElementType >, QVarLengthArray< qreal >, QVarLengthArray< QVkBuffer::DynamicUpdate, 16 >, QVarLengthArray< VkClearValue, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< VkBufferImageCopy, 16 >, QVarLengthArray< uint32_t, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< VkBuffer, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< VkDeviceSize, 4 >, QVarLengthArray< VkImageMemoryBarrier, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< VkBufferMemoryBarrier, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< VkAttachmentDescription, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< VkAttachmentReference, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< VkSubpassDependency, 2 >, QVarLengthArray< QVkShaderResourceBindings::BoundResourceData, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< VkPresentModeKHR, 8 >, QVarLengthArray< QVkSwapChain::ImageResources, EXPECTED_MAX_BUFFER_COUNT >, QVarLengthArray< int, 10 >, and QVarLengthArray< const QtPrivate::QPropertyBindingData *, 8 >.

+ Collaboration diagram for QVLAStorage< Size, Align, Prealloc >:

Protected Member Functions

 ~QVLAStorage ()=default

Protected Attributes

char array [Prealloc *(Align > Size ? Align :Size)]

Detailed Description

template<size_t Size, size_t Align, qsizetype Prealloc>
class QVLAStorage< Size, Align, Prealloc >

Definition at line 30 of file qvarlengtharray.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~QVLAStorage()

template<size_t Size, size_t Align, qsizetype Prealloc>
QVLAStorage< Size, Align, Prealloc >::~QVLAStorage ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ array

template<size_t Size, size_t Align, qsizetype Prealloc>
char QVLAStorage< Size, Align, Prealloc >::array[Prealloc *(Align > Size ? Align :Size)]

Definition at line 36 of file qvarlengtharray.h.


template<size_t Size, size_t Align, qsizetype Prealloc>

Definition at line 41 of file qvarlengtharray.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: