Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. <b>Note:</b> These are NOT official API docs; those are found <a href='https://doc.qt.io/'>here</a>.
No Matches
QFlags< Enum > Member List

This is the complete list of members for QFlags< Enum >, including all inherited members.

enum_type typedefQFlags< Enum >
fromInt(Int i) noexceptQFlags< Enum >inlinestatic
Int typedefQFlags< Enum >
operator Int() const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator!() const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator!=QFlags< Enum >friend
operator!=QFlags< Enum >friend
operator!=QFlags< Enum >friend
operator&(int mask) const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator&(uint mask) const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator&(QFlags other) const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator&(Enum other) const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator&=(int mask) noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator&=(uint mask) noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator&=(QFlags mask) noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator&=(Enum mask) noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator+(QFlags other) const noexcept=deleteQFlags< Enum >inline
operator+(Enum other) const noexcept=deleteQFlags< Enum >inline
operator+(int other) const noexcept=deleteQFlags< Enum >inline
operator-(QFlags other) const noexcept=deleteQFlags< Enum >inline
operator-(Enum other) const noexcept=deleteQFlags< Enum >inline
operator-(int other) const noexcept=deleteQFlags< Enum >inline
operator==QFlags< Enum >friend
operator==QFlags< Enum >friend
operator==QFlags< Enum >friend
operator^(QFlags other) const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator^(Enum other) const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator^=(QFlags other) noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator^=(Enum other) noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator|(QFlags other) const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator|(Enum other) const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator|=(QFlags other) noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator|=(Enum other) noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
operator~() const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
QFlags() noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
QFlags(Enum flags) noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
QFlags(QFlag flag) noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
QFlags(std::initializer_list< Enum > flags) noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
setFlag(Enum flag, bool on=true) noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
testAnyFlag(Enum flag) const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
testAnyFlags(QFlags flags) const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
testFlag(Enum flag) const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
testFlags(QFlags flags) const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline
toInt() const noexceptQFlags< Enum >inline